[anemon-devs] urn by a sailor as Darr |
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Effort to find me. Ah, I knew it!" For now the ray of the searchlight
streamed out, trying to pierce the murkiness of the night.
[Illustration: "Commanding officer overboard!"] By the shifting of the
ray, too, he saw that the "Grigsby" was putting about. "They'll pick me
up soon with that light," he told himself. He did not permit himself to
reflect that, if the startled officers and men on the destroyer located
him it would be by the sheerest good luck. A human head rolling among
waves on a black night is a difficult object to pick up with the
searchlight. Dave now struck out enough to keep his face turned toward
the light. He did not attempt to swim toward the destroyer. That long,
narrow craft circled about, bringing a second searchlight to bear. Then
Dave saw the blinkers at the foremast head gleam out dully. He even read
the signal: "Lieutenant Commander Darrin overboard. Not yet located."
"That's for Dalzell's benefit," Dave told himself. "Poor old Danny-boy
will be wild, and will come steaming over here at full speed.
But--confound it! The 'Grigsby' is circling farther south. Evidently
Fernald thinks he