[anemon-devs] s of receipt

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Northey were brothers, and from childhood their lives had been marked
by the strongest brotherly affection. Hart and George Northey had never
been separated from their birth until George became a sailor, Hart
meantime joining his father in business. On the 8th of February, 1840,
while George Northey's ship was lying in port at St. Helena, he had the
following strange dream: "Last night I dreamt that my brother was at
Trebodwina Market, and that I was with him, quite close by his side,
during the whole of the market transactions. Although I could see and
hear which passed around me, I felt sure that it was not my bodily
presence which thus accompanied him, but my shadow or rather my
spiritual presence, for he seemed quite unconscious that I was near him.
I felt that my being thus present in this strange way betokened some
hidden danger which he was destined to meet, and which I know my
presence could not aver

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