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as if he were shaking it. "That's one point of view, of course," he
said slowly; "but how do you know I want to have her more with me? She's
very young and strong. I expect she'd be exciting, and it wouldn't be at
all good for me to be excited. "Besides, she has no sense of humor. I
wouldn't dream of asking her to laugh at my jokes as I do you. She
wouldn't see them, and then I shouldn't like to show her the improper
ones. They're not suitable for ladies, and the improper ones are the
best. I sometimes think you can't have a really good joke unless it's
improper." Winn did not say anything; but he thought that however
limited Mrs. Bouncing's sense of humor might be, she would have enjoyed
the improper ones. Mr. Bouncing took out his thermometer. "It is five
minutes," he said, "since I've had the glass of milk, and I think my
tongue must have cooled down by now. So I shall take my temperature, and
after that I shall try to go to sleep. But I don't believe you are