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E was always kind and polite, even to her Uncle James and to other
people whom she did not like very much; and though she was not very
clever, for a Princess, she always tried to do her lessons. Even if you
know perfectly well that you can't do your lessons, you may as well try,
and sometimes you find that by some fortunate accident they really _are_
done. Then the Princess had a truly good heart: She was always kind to
her pets. She never slapped her hippopotamus when it broke her dolls in
its playful gambols, and she never forgot to feed her rhinoceroses in
their little hutch in the backyard. Her elephant was devoted to her, and
sometimes Mary Ann made her nurse quite cross by smuggling the dear
little thing up to bed with her and letting it go to sleep with its long
trunk laid lovingly across her throat, and its pretty head cuddled under
the Royal right ear. When the Princess had been good all through the
week--for, like all real, live, nice children, she was sometimes
naughty, but never bad--Nurse would allow her to ask her little friends
to come on Wednesday morning early and spend the day, because Wednesday
is the end of the week in that country. Then, in the afternoon, when all
the little dukes and duchesses and marquises and countesses had finished
their rice pudding and had had their hands and faces washed after it,
Nurse would say: "Now, my dears, what would you like to do this