Re: Tank hosting

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The Oregon State University Open Source Lab happens to be located in
the town where I live - Corvallis, Oregon, USA... and I have a friend
who works in infrastructure there, overseeing telecommunications.
There are a number of benefits to using their service (despite the
fact that it's funded by Google), one benefit being that there is a
new data center being designed with plans to be built next year.  When
I used Debian exclusively, I used their mirror here at the OSUOSL, and
also used to use it for access to Freenode.  I can attest to the fact
that their servers are solid and I never had a problem with the
network going down, myself.  As well, more redundant loops are being
planned for the improvements that are upcoming.  The only downside may
be the location, as the majority of developers are European.  A
traceroute would be worthwhile if this is a concern, but basically
packets from here bounce south to Sacramento, then San Jose,
California, a couple of hops in the middle of the country, and
ultimately are routed through Virginia/Washington D.C., before making
their way to the U.K.  If lag time or international politics are not
an issue, this may be the best choice, anyway.  One other alternative
I can think of is that a network like SDF - -
could be better because they have servers worldwide and all 64-bit,
though the levels of access are granted by amount of donation (it's
not really free)... it's something like $35 a year for the highest

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 10:25 AM, GoKhlaYeh <gokhlayeh@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Dec 2010 17:22:07 -0500
> guilbault frederic <fredericguilbault@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> hi,
>>  If you got an official hosting request with requirement. I can ask to a autonomus (fr:auto-gerer), non-profit webhost and drupal devloper group.
>>  they are realy nice people.
>> Let see what they have to offer
>> xfred
> Hi all,
> I sended a mail yesterday to the team - I copy it at the end of this one. It's a server colocation service for activists group (it includes free software providers) and it's a non-profit one provided by the riseup team. I asked them two things : how much will cost something like tank with this service ? can they redirect me to other good non-profit solution ?
> Here's the answer :
>> Hi,
>> You would be a good fit for SeaCCP and I can answer your questions, but you
>> might also consider contacting the Oregon State University Open Source Lab
>> because yours is the type of project that they might be willing to host for
>> free. If they aren't let me know and I can answer your questions.
>> Good luck,
> I'm looking to communities who use the OSUOSL services and I must admit that it's pretty impressive :
> So we can ask them for a virtual machine for free. Here's the mail I originally sended to SeaCPP; It contains the current tank specifications, so I suppose it's at least what we need. As we plan to add ARM-architecture support to SliTaz and as the project seems growing in audience, we will probably need more in the future but I'm not able to speculate on this point. So if someone can say/confirm what we really need, please do it.
> Original mail to SeaCPP :
>> Hi,
>> The SliTaz ( team look for a new hosting for one of his server (for 31/01/2011). We are a non-profit association who provide an extra-light GNU/Linux distribution.
>> I try to help to find one but doesn't know a lot of things about server hosting, so I've few questions. Please answer if you have the time to.
>> I'm not sure to understand well what you propose : are you renting the cabinet+bandwitdh - so we must buy & put our own machine in it - or is it possible to rent an already installed machine ?
>> In both cases, are you able to estimate the initial cost + monthly cost ?
>> Our actual server specifications are - we need at least that and it can grow with time - : CPU quad-core AMD 2.2GHz; 4GB RAM; 200GB HDD. The bandwitdh usage is around 1Mbp/s, with very ponctual peaks up to 15Mbp/s.
>> More information about the server can be found here :
>> Usage statistics are here :
>> And statistics about bandwidth are here :
>> While peoples in the team have different point of vue about which kind of hosting choose, I look for something proach to the free ethic more than a big-money multinationnal. I'm pretty sure that you have enough experience in webservices to propose me some ways to look. So if you can, please send me some advices.
>> Many thanks,
> --
> GoKhlaYeh <gokhlayeh@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
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