how/can i become a slitaz 3.0 miror ?

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if i got the possibility to mirror slitaz 3.0 i will be happy to do it

but i will need a teatcher to see if its possible with my webhoster and how do it 

my host is prepaid for the next 20 month 
with un mesured bandwith and disk space
the web site is (all in french)

minimal bad english traduction of what the site is about

 the CESA center of solidarity and applicated ecology (ca be said as "its that" in french) is a autonomist collective in the Bay-des-Chaleurs (qc,ca) near St-Omer .the value how unite the people or feed ther reflection hang around the emergence of an non-autoritairy culture.
ecological/lowtech bulding experimentation
substanable gardening
fryoil for cars and heating

i prefer to write in french if its possible otherwise english is ok too


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