[qet] Re: change text size elements

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Joshua or Laurent

am I correct to assume this is about element sequentialNumbers
<element freezeLabel="false" z="10" y="560" x="410" prefix="X" type="embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/140_connectors&amp;plugs/20_socket_outlets/pc_mono_armoire.elmt" orientation="0" uuid="{bbfe65a6-22dc-4d2a-8372-5758df69101d}">
or is it dynamic_texts that is causing it?
                    <dynamic_elmt_text rotation="270" y="-20" x="-40" Halignment="AlignLeft" font="Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Condensed" text_width="-1" keep_visual_rotation="true" uuid="{839b953e-db13-4f8d-86bf-4dac62d2ad0e}" text_from="ElementInfo" Valignment="AlignTop" frame="false">

From: Roeland Dekkers <Roeland.Dekkers@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2022 10:13 AM
To: 'qet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <qet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'debacker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <debacker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: change text size elements


Do I have the option in Q Elektro Tech to change the size of the letters and numbers of the elements without having to adjust this for each element separately?

eg : feedthrough terminals numbering text large 6 instead of 10 , label at switch from 9 to 7 .

Tried this via configure Q electro tech => texts => element texts, but when I automatically number everything it goes back to the default size and not the size I set.

Can you let me know how I can change this.


Met vriendelijke groeten, Kind regards


Roeland Dekkers


Rymoplast  nv | Maatheide 94 | B-3920 LOMMEL

T: +32 (0)11 55 14 64 |M: +32 (0) 483 89 10 63 |E: Roeland.Dekkers@xxxxxxxxxxxx





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