Re: [pok-devel] Porting POK to ARM Cortex A9 processor

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On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Elvis Dowson <elvis.dowson@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Julien,

On Nov 5, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Julien Delange <julien@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> As far as I know, there is no plan to port POK on other architecture
> than the existing one. If you would like to port the project on
> another architecture, I would recommend you have a look at the arch/
> directory of both kernel and libpok subdirectories. They contain the
> arch-dependent code and thus, would give you an idea of the necessary
> effort to adapt POK for another target.

Thanks for the reply. I've taken a look at the arch folder, and it gives me
an initial indication of the effort required to port to the ARM Cortex A9

Im not sure if I want to attempt this, because I feel the return on investment
would be low, since there is no supporting eco-system, in terms of driver
support for various peripherals (graphics, lcd display, hdmi display, etc).

I can just see support for a console output using a COM port, and a
realtek ethernet driver.

It's going to be more work than just the processor architecture support,
one has to also invest time in building the eco-system around it, for
specific platforms in terms of bsp support.

Speaking from an RTEMS perspective, the various *BSD trees are great
sources for driver code that should be licensed appropriately for Pok.

It is also possible that the RTEMS source tree would be able to offer some
help here. 

Just depends on what ARM SoC you are looking at. Getting even the 
basics in with a COM port would be a great addition.

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

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