[i18n] Translating the 1.18 Release Announcement

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Hi there,

As you are probably already aware, Wesnoth 1.18.0 is slated for release on March 17 (exact time TBD) per the 1.17 Development Roadmap:


There is going to be a proper translatable release announcement on Wesnoth.org just like on previous occasions. The announcement's translation catalogues are already up at the wesnoth/website GitHub repository for you to download:


In order to submit your announcement translations, make sure to send them to me at this email address. You *can* probably send them to Ivanovic instead, but then there's no guarantee that they will be merged in time before the announcement.

Also, given this is more of a marketing thing and not as important as the translations for the game itself don't feel too pressured to get it done before/during March 17.

As for the technical aspect of translating the announcement, generally speaking there's not much you need to be aware of other than:

1. All strings are HTML
2. The HTML tags and their attributes in the msgids should be left alone, except for any applicable alt=, aria-label=, or title= attributes.

If you have any specific technical questions, your best options are either asking in #development on Discord/#wesnoth-dev on Libera, or sending a follow-up to this email.

Thanks for your contributions to Wesnoth!

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