[vhffs] VHFFS 4.5.0 released

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VHFFS 4.5.0 was released today, featuring a major change about mail
management as well as some fixes and updated patches for Debian Wheezy.

VHFFS 4.5.0
  - new VHFFS mail management, with a new, clear, almost perfect database
  - Now using Data Source Name (DSN) instead of separate fields for host,
    port, and database for MySQL and PostgreSQL configuration
  - all password field changed from crypted-md5 or DES to crypted-SHA-512
  - updated MySQL patch for Mysql 5.1.73 and MySQL 5.5.40 (Debian Wheezy)
  - added a patch to add support for dynamic document_root per request in
    mod-vhost-hash-alias which is now possible in Apache 2.4
  - ported TuxFamily kernel patch to Linux 3.2.45
  - bugfix: don't delete users which are not yet free of groups
  - API: added get_config() method to easily fetch related object
  - updated awstats patches against awstats 6.95 and 7.1
  - added VHFFS syslogger!, a tool to redirect standard input to syslog
  - new pure-ftpd patch, altlog to syslog feature added
  - log_apachectl and log_apachelocal configuration directives are now
    replaced to log_postrotate
  - user hashed passwords and mail hashed passwords are now using the
    same hash algorithm, don't ask anymore the user password when
    creating the user mailbox and just copy the hash
  - reload vhffs configuration file if changed while using FastCGI
  - added a patch to fix a memory leak in suPHP
  - Improved the way we managed users created by robots. User who succeed
    having a validated group or being adding added to an active group are
    switched to a validated state which prevent them to be automatically
  - sanitize mercurial description data to match .hgrc requirements
  - bugfix: fixed duplicate backups of group data for group that were not
    empty when asked to be deleted
  - now sending mail to users when objects are successfully created
  - web and repositories stats (awstats) are now using geoip module
    instead of reverse DNS, which is faster and gives better results
  - now allowing dot '.' char in mailinglist local part.
  - fixed MediaWiki VHFFS auth plugin, call-time pass-by-reference
    has been removed in PHP 4.4
  - updated patches for pure-ftpd 1.0.36
  - fixed exim4 example config for PostgreSQL 9.x,
    standard_conforming_strings compliance
  - force scalar context on $cgi->param() where it is necessary to
    prevent list context abuse
  - fixed bug #276, XSS issue with "msg" param
  - updated apache and courier configurations for Debian Wheezy

As usual, everything is available on the VHFFS website: http://www.vhffs.org/


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