[vhffs] is Xen really necessary on a single platform?

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I am interested in the VHFFS software and I am considering to use it for non-profit organization hosting in Poland. I would like to try it out first and I have one server for this purpose. In the FAQ I read:


I have a single computer, what is the best way to get a fully-working hosting-system ?

The best solution consist in using Xen. You can create several virtual-computers on your real one. So, you can create one virtual-computer for the VHFFS-database and the panel, and another virtual-computer for the services. ”


Is it really required to use XEN for this purpose?

Could you please briefly explain why this is required/recommended in reference to the VHFFS architecture?

What can I do without Xen and what is not possible to achieve?


Thanks for your time!


Kind regards,

Michał Żochowski

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