[vhffs-dev] [GIT] vhffs4/vhffs.git branch, master, updated. a37c9f33591449da3ab4e2f2bf922afc7d10c9f2

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "vhffs4/vhffs.git".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  a37c9f33591449da3ab4e2f2bf922afc7d10c9f2 (commit)
      from  9c3875978e4241f6a2b1f6c8c86b8c9644c5d821 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a37c9f33591449da3ab4e2f2bf922afc7d10c9f2
Author: Sylvain Rochet <gradator@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Apr 11 20:12:21 2016 +0000

    tree-wide: use "use warnings" instead of perl -w
    Using perl -w flag is discouraged:
     The "use warnings" pragma produces some lovely diagnostics. One can
     also use the -w flag, but its use is normally discouraged, because it
     gets applied to all executed Perl code, including that not under your
    Change all perl scripts and perl modules to use "use warnings"
    instead of perl -w.


Summary of changes:
 vhffs-api/examples/add_acl.pl                |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/add_acl_dns.pl            |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_box.pl             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_cvs.pl             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_cvs_panel.pl       |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_dns.pl             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_forward.pl         |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_group.pl           |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_group_by_panel.pl  |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_list.pl            |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_mail.pl            |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_mysql.pl           |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_mysql_panel.pl     |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_panel_mail.pl      |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_postgres.pl        |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_repository.pl      |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_user.pl            |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_web.pl             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/create_web_panel.pl       |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/delbox.pl                 |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/delete_acl.pl             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/generate_password.pl      |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/get_list.pl               |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/join_group.pl             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/mailuser.pl               |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/mailuser_add_box.pl       |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/modify_acl.pl             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/modify_user.pl            |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/perm_for_user.pl          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/examples/print_domain.pl           |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_acl_per_object.pl    |    1 +
 vhffs-api/examples/show_dns_per_group.pl     |    1 +
 vhffs-api/examples/show_dumper_cvs.pl        |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_dumper_group.pl      |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_dumper_object.pl     |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_dumper_user.pl       |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_groups_per_user.pl   |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_last_users.pl        |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_mail_conf.pl         |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_mail_per_group.pl    |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/show_members_from_list.pl |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/examples/stats.pl                  |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs.pm                       |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Acl.pm                   |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Broadcast.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Conf.pm                  |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Constants.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Functions.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Group.pm                 |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Listengine.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Object.pm                |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/ObjectFactory.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel.pm                 |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Acl.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Admin.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Auth.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Avatar.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Bazaar.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Broadcast.pm       |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Commons.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Contact.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Cron.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Cvs.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/DNS.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Git.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Group.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Mail.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/MailingList.pm     |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Mercurial.pm       |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Moderation.pm      |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Mysql.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Object.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Pgsql.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Public.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Repository.pm      |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Stats.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Subscribe.pm       |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Svn.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Tag.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/User.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Panel/Web.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots.pm                |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Bazaar.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Broadcast.pm      |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Cron.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Cvs.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/DNS.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Git.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Group.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Mail.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/MailingList.pm    |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Mercurial.pm      |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Mysql.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Pgsql.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Repository.pm     |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Svn.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Tls.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/User.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/UserGroup.pm      |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Robots/Web.pm            |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services.pm              |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Bazaar.pm       |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Cron.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Cvs.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/DNS.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Git.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Mail.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/MailGroup.pm    |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/MailUser.pm     |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/MailingList.pm  |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Mercurial.pm    |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Mysql.pm        |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Newsletter.pm   |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Pgsql.pm        |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Repository.pm   |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Svn.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Web.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Stats.pm                 |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Tag.pm                   |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Tag/Category.pm          |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Tag/Request.pm           |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/User.pm                  |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/UserGroup.pm             |    1 +
 vhffs-backend/src/mirror/mx1-mirror.pl       |    1 +
 vhffs-backend/src/mirror/mx2-mirror.pl       |    1 +
 vhffs-backend/src/mirror/mydns-mirror.pl     |    1 +
 vhffs-backend/src/mirror/nss-mirror.pl       |    1 +
 vhffs-compat/updatedb.pl                     |    1 +
 vhffs-intl/extra_strings.pl                  |    1 +
 vhffs-jabber/vhffspipe.pl                    |    3 ++-
 vhffs-listengine/src/listengine.pl           |    1 +
 vhffs-panel/index.pl                         |    3 ++-
 vhffs-public/index.pl                        |    3 ++-
 vhffs-robots/misc/svn_post-commit.pl         |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/bazaar.pl                   |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/broadcast.pl                |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/cron.pl                     |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/cvs.pl                      |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/dns.pl                      |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/git.pl                      |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/group.pl                    |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/group_quota.pl              |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/mail.pl                     |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/mailinglist.pl              |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/mailinglist_mhonarc.pl      |    3 ++-
 vhffs-robots/src/mercurial.pl                |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/mysql.pl                    |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/mysql_dump.pl               |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/object_cleanup.pl           |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/pgsql.pl                    |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/pgsql_dump.pl               |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/repository.pl               |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/repository_quota.pl         |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/repository_stats.pl         |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/svn.pl                      |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/tls.pl                      |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/user.pl                     |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/user_cleanup.pl             |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/user_quota.pl               |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/usergroup.pl                |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/web.pl                      |    1 +
 vhffs-robots/src/web_stats.pl                |    3 ++-
 vhffs-test-dependencies.in                   |    1 +
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-box-add                |    3 ++-
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-dumpmysql              |    1 +
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-groupadd               |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-groupdel               |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-groupinfo              |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-makeadmin              |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-managedns              |    3 ++-
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-managemail             |    3 ++-
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-moderate               |    5 ++++-
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-passwd                 |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-quota                  |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-useradd                |    1 +
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-userdel                |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-userinfo               |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-usermod                |    2 ++
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-webdir                 |    1 +
 vhffs-tools/src/vhffs-webstats               |    1 +
 180 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)


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