[vhffs-dev] [GIT] vhffs4/vhffs.git branch, master, updated. 3d6991c85164cd327546a56c6e7e0c1781603a17

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "vhffs4/vhffs.git".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  3d6991c85164cd327546a56c6e7e0c1781603a17 (commit)
      from  7e91678f7f27a3a26c82a7d2fe1434a4f009718b (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 3d6991c85164cd327546a56c6e7e0c1781603a17
Author: Sylvain Rochet <gradator@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Mar 28 17:19:13 2016 +0000

    API: add support for pending moderation notification


Summary of changes:
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Conf.pm                 |   14 +++++++++++
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Group.pm                |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Object.pm               |   35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Bazaar.pm      |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Cron.pm        |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Cvs.pm         |    3 ++-
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/DNS.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Git.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Mail.pm        |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/MailingList.pm |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Mercurial.pm   |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Mysql.pm       |    2 +-
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Pgsql.pm       |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Repository.pm  |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Svn.pm         |    1 +
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/Services/Web.pm         |    2 ++
 vhffs-api/src/Vhffs/User.pm                 |    1 +
 vhffs-backend/conf/vhffs.conf.dist.in       |    5 +++-
 18 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


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