[vhffs-dev] Re: Mail::Header, sub _tag_case replaces List-Id to List-ID

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* Sylvain Rochet (gradator@xxxxxxxxxxxx) [080330 21:27]:
> In the Mail::Header perl module, the sub function _tag_case is 
> replacing List-Id to List-ID.
> The RFC #2919 define the tag List-Id to be List-Id and not List-ID.

In the document, I read

   The syntax of the List-Id header follows:
   list-id-header = "List-ID:" [phrase] "<" list-id ">" CRLF

So... my spelling seems correct.  And on one other spot, it is also
written with capitals.  In the examples, it is "List-Id".  Well...
actually it doesn't matter, because the field is case-insensitive.
Do you really care?

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx                          solutions@xxxxxxxxxxxx
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net


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