[dev] RE : RE : RE : [dev] [Report]Waiting your answer

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Bonjour, j'étudie actuellement les différents tutoriaux concernant ode, mais j'aurai quand meme besoin d'une guideline, qu'on me dise ce que je suis supposé faire exactement. Je comprends le tutorial sur ode, initialisation des elements , du monde , etc. , mais je ne vois pas comment cela va etre intégré au reste , alors si tu pouvais me donner quelque chose de précis à coder , ca m'aiderait beaucoup , parce que je suis toujours un peu perdu la :-/ .
Merci d'avance. Salut.


De: CABROL PERALES Alexandre [mailto:alexandre.cabrolperales@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Date: lun. 16/04/2007 22:13
À: dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Re: RE : RE : [dev] [Report]Waiting your answer

I'm waiting monthly personnal report for April from:

- Apocalypse (Hadrien ADAMO)
- hades (Antoine CARON)
- Sufolken (Thomas CRAVOISIER-AUGE)
- bL3h (Remi CHAUVIN)
- Anael (Anael NAVARRO)
- gaetand  (Gaetan DELAUNAY)
- Rucht (Cedric ARMENGAUD)
- talius31  (Olivier QUEROL)
- Slade (Guillaume SECHER)

Please send your report by responding to this e-mail thanks.

At the end of school year an array with summary of work of each students
will be sended to this list.

If you have any problem, need help, say it in your report it's time to
ask help!


CHAN Johan a écrit :
> Well this year I start programmation with C.
> Other than that I have only heard of, and actually I don't know what is really about.
> -------- Message d'origine--------
> De: CABROL PERALES Alexandre [mailto:alexandre.cabrolperales@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Date: jeu. 05/04/2007 00:07
> À: dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Objet : Re: RE : [dev] [Report]Waiting your answer
> Well, it's not a problem i'm your new project manager and i'll help you.
> Before start i will ask to you to present your experiences.
> For each question please respond with a sentence explain if you eard
> about that, if you have a basic knowledgement, if you practice.
> What dev language do you know?
> Do you know Programmation Oriented Object?
> Do you know Unified Modelling Language?
> Do you know Design Patterns?
> Can you add me to your instant messaging client software?
> you can find my contact at http://timebreach.org/userinfo.php?uid=1 .
> I'll help you, teach you if needed, and we will start development
> together of game engine. Dev Projects are made for learn during development.
> Thanks for your answere.
> Regards, Alexandre CABROL PERALES
> CHAN Johan a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> Actually, I don't know what to do and also I don't have any coding experiences...
>> -------- Message d'origine--------
>> De: CABROL PERALES Alexandre [mailto:alexandre.cabrolperales@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Date: mer. 04/04/2007 13:41
>> À: dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Objet : [dev] [Report]Waiting your answer
>> I'm waiting a report by persons who receive this message.
>> In this report, you will have to:
>> - send it to dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailing list
>> - give your actual state of work
>> - goals you have to complete
>> - what help you need
>> - what depend your work
>> This report will be used for your Supinfo Linux Lab evaluation.
>> Regards,

Alexandre   Cabrol Perales
President of
Open-Source Game-Development Association
web site: http://wizzart.org <http://wizzart.org/> 


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