[Dev OpenGP] [75] Plugin implementation almost finished.

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Revision: 75
Author:   alband85
Date:     2009-03-23 14:53:13 +0100 (Mon, 23 Mar 2009)

Log Message:
Plugin implementation almost finished. Added XML consts for plugins. Dirty hack in Core to get plugin as XML root element. And test script...

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/src/lib/ogp/core/ogpcore.py
--- trunk/src/lib/ogp/core/ogpcore.py	2009-03-22 17:11:40 UTC (rev 74)
+++ trunk/src/lib/ogp/core/ogpcore.py	2009-03-23 13:53:13 UTC (rev 75)
@@ -155,15 +155,13 @@
-					conf=self.__pullConf(dn)
+					xpath_arg = "/" + OgpXmlConsts.TAG_OGP + "/" + OgpXmlConsts.TAG_PLUGIN + "[@" + OgpXmlConsts.ATTR_PLUGIN_NAME  + "='" + pluginName +"']"
+					pConf = self.__pullConf(dn).xpath(xpath_arg)[0]
 					return None
-				for plugin in conf:
-					if plugin.get(OgpXmlConsts.ATTR_PLUGIN_NAME) == pluginName:
-						pConf = plugin
-						break
-			return pConf
+			#DIRTY HACK: set <plugin name="..."> as root element
+			return fromstring(pConf.toString(), OGP_PARSER)
 		def pushPluginConf(self, dn, pluginConf):

Modified: trunk/src/lib/ogp/etree/ogpxmlconsts.py
--- trunk/src/lib/ogp/etree/ogpxmlconsts.py	2009-03-22 17:11:40 UTC (rev 74)
+++ trunk/src/lib/ogp/etree/ogpxmlconsts.py	2009-03-23 13:53:13 UTC (rev 75)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+class M_OgpXmlConsts(type):
+	def __setattr__(self, item, value):
+		"""
+			Plugin class and metaclass __setattr__ method
+			Throws an exception when attempting to modify any class
+			attribute.
+		"""
+		raise OgpPluginError('__setattr__: ' + item  + ' is readonly.')
 class OgpXmlConsts:
 		Provides XML tags and attributes names
@@ -2,4 +11,17 @@
+	__metaclass__ = M_OgpXmlConsts
 	ATTR_BLOCK = "block"
 	ATTR_ID = "id"
+	ATTR_FILE_NAME = "name"
+	TAG_OGP = "ogp"
+	TAG_UID = "uid"
+	TAG_GID = "gid"
+	TAG_SECURITY = "security"
+	TAG_FILE = "file"
+	TAG_FILES = "files"
+	TAG_PLUGIN = "plugin"
+	TAGS_SECURITY = ['ux', 'ur', 'uw', 'us', 'gx', 'gr', 'gw', 'gs', 'ox', 'or', 'ow', 't']

Modified: trunk/src/lib/ogp/plugins/plugin.py
--- trunk/src/lib/ogp/plugins/plugin.py	2009-03-22 17:11:40 UTC (rev 74)
+++ trunk/src/lib/ogp/plugins/plugin.py	2009-03-23 13:53:13 UTC (rev 75)
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*
+from ldap.dn import str2dn, dn2str
+from lxml.etree import *
+from ogp.core import *
+class omitted(object):
+	pass
 def setattr(self, item, value):
 		Plugin class and metaclass __setattr__ method
@@ -22,9 +30,17 @@
 	__metaclass__ = M_Plugin
+	__parentDn = None
+	__dn = None
+	__core = None
 	def __init__(self, dn):
+		self.__core = OgpCore.getInstance()
 		self.__dn = dn
+		self.__currentConf = self.__core.pullPluginConf(self.__dn, self.name)
+		self.__parentDn = str2dn(dn)
+		del self.__parentDn[0]
+		self.__parentDn = dn2str(self.__parentDn)
 	__setattr__ = setattr # Plugin name protection
@@ -62,28 +78,94 @@
 			Commit changes to LDAP
-		pass
+		self.__core.pushPluginConf(self.__dn, self.__currentConf)
 	def cancel(self):
 			Do not commit and discard changes.
-		pass
+		print "--- CANCEL ---"
+		print self.__currentConf.toString()
+		self.__currentConf = self.__core.pullPluginConf(self.__dn, self.name)
+		print self.__currentConf.toString()
-	def chown(self, filename, uid=None, gid=None):
+	def chown(self, fileName, uid=omitted, gid=omitted, blocking=False):
 			Changes owner, changes the user and/or group ownership of 
 			the given file
-		#TODO
-		pass
+		#print self.__currentConf.toString()
+		file_e = self.__getFile(fileName)
+		sec_e = file_e.xpath(OgpXmlConsts.TAG_SECURITY)[0]
-	def chmod(self, filename, uw, ux, us, gs, t):
+		if uid is not omitted:
+			uid_e = sec_e.xpath(OgpXmlConsts.TAG_UID)
+			if len(uid_e) != 0:
+				uid_e = uid_e[0]
+			else:
+				uid_e = None
+			if uid is None:
+				if uid_e is not None:
+					sec_e.remove(uid_e)
+			else:
+				if uid_e is None:
+					uid_e = Element(OgpXmlConsts.TAG_UID)
+					sec_e.append(uid_e)
+				uid_e.text = str(uid)
+				uid_e.blocking = blocking
+		if gid is not omitted:
+			gid_e = sec_e.xpath(OgpXmlConsts.TAG_GID)
+			if len(gid_e) != 0:
+				gid_e = gid_e[0]
+			else:
+				gid_e = None
+			if gid is None:
+				if gid_e is not None:
+					sec_e.remove(gid_e)
+			else:
+				if gid_e is None:
+					gid_e = Element(OgpXmlConsts.TAG_GID)
+					sec_e.append(gid_e)
+				gid_e.text = str(gid)
+				gid_e.blocking = blocking
+		#print self.__currentConf.toString()
+	def __getFile(self, fileName):
+		arg = '/' + OgpXmlConsts.TAG_PLUGIN + '/' + OgpXmlConsts.TAG_FILES + '/' + OgpXmlConsts.TAG_FILE + '[@' + OgpXmlConsts.ATTR_FILE_NAME + "='" + fileName + "']"
+		try:
+			return self.__currentConf.xpath(arg)[0]
+		except:
+			raise OgpPluginError("__getFile: file '" + fileName + "' does not exist")
+	def chmod(self, fileName, rights, blocking=False):
 			Changes the permissions of the given file according to mode
-		#TODO
-		pass
+		print self.__currentConf.toString()
+		file_e = self.__getFile(fileName)
+		sec_e = file_e.xpath(OgpXmlConsts.TAG_SECURITY)[0]
+		for tag in rights:
+			if tag in OgpXmlConsts.TAGS_SECURITY:
+				tag_e = sec_e.xpath(tag)
+				if len(tag_e) != 0:
+					tag_e = tag_e[0]
+				else:
+					tag_e = None
+				if rights[tag] is None:
+					if tag_e is not None:
+						sec_e.remove(tag_e)
+				else:
+					if tag_e is None:
+						tag_e = Element(tag)
+						sec_e.append(tag_e)
+					tag_e.text = str(rights[tag])
+			else:
+				#TODO: log!
+				pass
+		print self.__currentConf.toString()
 	# Abstract methods
 	def installConf(self):

Modified: trunk/src/lib/ogp/plugins/test/__init__.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/src/lib/ogp/plugins/test/test.pyc
(Binary files differ)

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