[Dev OpenGP] [48] Let's clean some stuff!

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Revision: 48
Author:   alband85
Date:     2009-03-18 13:06:58 +0100 (Wed, 18 Mar 2009)

Log Message:
Let's clean some stuff!

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/src/AbstractMethod.py
--- trunk/src/AbstractMethod.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/AbstractMethod.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# See http://code.activestate.com/recipes/266468/ for further details
-# Note for further versions: http://docs.python.org/library/abc.html
-# Abstract base classes will be supported in Python 2.6
-class AbstractMethod (object):
-	"""Defines a class to create abstract methods
-	@example:
-		class Foo:
-			foo = AbstractMethod('foo')
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, func):
-		"""Constructor
-		@params func: name of the function (used when raising an
-			exception).
-		@type func: str
-		"""
-		self._function = func
-	def __get__(self, obj, type):
-		"""Get callable object
-		@returns An instance of AbstractMethodHelper.
-		This trickery is needed to get the name of the class for which
-		an abstract method was requested, otherwise it would be
-		sufficient to include a __call__ method in the AbstractMethod
-		class itself.
-		"""
-		return self.AbstractMethodHelper(self._function, type)
-class AbstractMethodHelper (object):
-	"""Abstract method helper class
-	An AbstractMethodHelper instance is a callable object that
-	represents an abstract method.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, func, cls):
-		self._function = func
-		self._class = cls
-	def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-		"""Call abstract method
-		Raises a TypeError, because abstract methods can not be
-		called.
-		"""
-		raise TypeError('Abstract method `' + self._class.__name__ + '.' + self._function + '\' called')

Deleted: trunk/src/DomElementMethods-test.py
--- trunk/src/DomElementMethods-test.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/DomElementMethods-test.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
-from lxml.etree import *
-from DomElementMethods import *
-obj = Element("rootelement")
-obj2 = Element("rootelement")
-print "------ BLOCKING ------"
-print obj.toString()
-obj.blocking = True
-print obj.toString()
-obj.blocking = False
-print obj.toString()
-print "------- ADD --------"
-elt = Element("inserted")
-elt2 = Element("inserted")
-	obj.append(elt2)
-except OgpXmlError:
-	print "crash"
-print obj.toString()
-print "------ DEL -------"
-print obj.toString()
-print obj.toString()
-print "------ EXTEND -------"
-print obj.toString()
-	obj.extend([elt, elt2])
-	print "crash"
-print obj.toString()
-elt3 = Element("pouet3")
-obj.extend([elt, elt3])
-print obj.toString()
-print "--------- MERGE ----------"
-print (obj.text is None)
-print (obj2.text is None)
-print obj.toString()
-print obj2.toString()
-print tostring(obj2)
-print "   Avec du texte maintenant"
-obj3 = Element("AAA")
-obj4 = Element("AAA")
-obj3.text = "pouet"
-obj4.text = "I'm not dead"
-print tostring(obj3)
-print tostring(obj4)
-print tostring(obj3)
-print tostring(obj4)
-print " -------SETTEXT----------"
-print obj.toString()
-obj.text = "toto"
-print obj.text
-print obj.toString()

Deleted: trunk/src/Metaclass.py
--- trunk/src/Metaclass.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/Metaclass.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# For more informations, see http://code.activestate.com/recipes/266468/
-from AbstractMethod import AbstractMethod
-class Metaclass (type):
-	def __init__(cls, name, bases, *args, **kwargs):
-		"""Configure a new class
-		@param cls: Class object
-		@param name: Name of the class
-		@param bases: All base classes for cls
-		"""
-		super(Metaclass, cls).__init__(cls, name, bases, *args, **kwargs)
-		# Detach cls.new() from class Metaclass, and make it a method
-		# of cls.
-		cls.__new__ = staticmethod(cls.new)
-		# Find all abstract methods, and assign the resulting list to
-		# cls.__abstractmethods__, so we can read that variable when a
-		# request for allocation (__new__) is done.
-		abstractmethods = []
-		ancestors = list(cls.__mro__)
-		ancestors.reverse()  # Start with __builtin__.object
-		for ancestor in ancestors:
-			for clsname, clst in ancestor.__dict__.items():
-				if isinstance(clst, AbstractMethod):
-					abstractmethods.append(clsname)
-				else:
-					if clsname in abstractmethods:
-						abstractmethods.remove(clsname)
-		abstractmethods.sort()
-		setattr(cls, '__abstractmethods__', abstractmethods)
-	def new(self, cls, *args, **kwargs):
-		"""Allocator for class cls
-		@param self: Class object for which an instance should be
-			created.
-		@param cls: Same as self.
-		"""
-		if len(cls.__abstractmethods__):
-			raise NotImplementedError('Can\'t instantiate class `' + \
-									  cls.__name__ + '\';\n' + \
-									  'Abstract methods: ' + \
-									  ", ".join(cls.__abstractmethods__))
-		return object.__new__(self)

Deleted: trunk/src/OgpCore.py
--- trunk/src/OgpCore.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/OgpCore.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
-import ldap
-import ldap.modlist as modlist
-from OgpLDAPConsts import *
-class OgpCore(object):
-	__instance = None
-	def __init__(self, uri, dn=None, passwd=None, certs=None):
-		""" Create singleton instance """
-		# Check whether we already have an instance
-		if OgpCore.__instance is None:
-			# Create and remember instance
-			OgpCore.__instance = OgpCore.__ogpcore(uri, dn, passwd, certs)
-		# Store instance reference as the only member in the handle
-		self.__dict__['OgpCore__instance'] = OgpCore.__instance
-	def __getattr__(self, attr):
-		""" Delegate access to implementation """
-		return getattr(self.__instance, attr)
-	def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
-		""" Delegate access to implementation """
-		return setattr(self.__instance, attr, value)
-	def getInstance():
-		return OgpCore.__instance
-	getInstance = staticmethod(getInstance)
-	class __ogpcore:
-		def	__init__(self, uri, dn=None, passwd=None, certs=None):
-			"""
-				Initlialize connection to LDAP server. 
-				uri: ldap://host:port
-				dn: usdr dn
-				passwd: user password
-				certs: path to cert file (.pem)
-			"""
-			self.l = ldap.initialize(uri)
-			self.l.simple_bind_s(dn, passwd)
-		def __del__(self):
-			self.l.unbind_s()
-		def createOU(self, dn, description=None):
-			attrs = {}
-			attrs['objectclass'] = OgpLDAPConsts.OBJECTCLASS_OU
-			attrs[OgpLDAPConsts.ATTR_DESCRIPTION] = description
-			self.__add(dn, attrs) 
-		def deleteDN(self, dn):
-			#self.__delete(dn)
-			pass
-		def __add(self, dn, attrs):
-			ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs)
-			self.l.add_s(dn,ldif)
-		def __delete(self, dn):
-			self.l.delete_s(dn)
-		def createMachine(self, dn, others={}):
-			attrs = others
-			attrs['objectClass'] = OgpLDAPConsts.OBJECTCLASS_MACHINE
-			try:
-			except:
-			try:
-				attrs[OgpLDAPConsts.ATTR_OBJECTSID]
-			except:
-			self.__add(dn, attrs)
-		def merge(self, parent, child):
-			pass
-		def xml2conf(self, xml, xslt):
-			return # TODO
-		def pullPluginConf(self, dn, pluginName, fullTree=False):
-			pass
-		def pushPluginConf(self, dn, conf):
-			pass

Deleted: trunk/src/OgpLDAPConsts.py
--- trunk/src/OgpLDAPConsts.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/OgpLDAPConsts.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
-class OgpLDAPConsts:
-	OBJECTCLASS_OU 			= "oGPOrganizationalUnit"
-	ATTR_DESCRIPTION 		= "description"
-	ATTR_CONFIG 			= "oGPXMLConfig"
-	ATTR_OBJECTSID			= "objectSid"
-	VALUE_CONFIG			= "<conf></conf>"
-	VALUE_OGPSOA			= "0"

Deleted: trunk/src/Plugin.py
--- trunk/src/Plugin.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/Plugin.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
-from Metaclass import Metaclass
-from AbstractMethod import AbstractMethod
-class Plugin (object):
-	__metaclass__ = Metaclass
-	def __init__(self, dn):
-		self.__dn = dn
-	def getPluginFromName(plugin):
-		return
-	getPluginFromName = staticmethod('getPluginFromName')
-	# Abstract methods
-	#mergeDescription = AbstractMethod('mergeDescription')
-	def getName():
-		return ""
-	def installConf(self):
-		pass
-	def help(self, cmd):
-		pass
-	def runCommand(self, argv):
-		pass
-	def update(self):
-		"""
-			Commit changes
-		"""
-		pass
-	def cancel(self):
-		"""
-			Do not commit and delete changes.
-		"""
-		pass
-	def pullFile(self, file, fullTree=False):
-		pass
-	def pushFile(self, file, content):
-		pass

Deleted: trunk/src/merge-test.py
--- trunk/src/merge-test.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/merge-test.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
-from lxml.etree import *
-from DomElementMethods import *
-import StringIO
-parent=fromstring('<ogp><a>parent</a><b block="True">parent</b><c><parent/></c></ogp>', OGP_PARSER)
-child=fromstring('<ogp><a>child</a><b>child</b><c><child/></c></ogp>', OGP_PARSER)
-print "parent :\n" + parent.toString()
-print "child :\n" + child.toString()
-print "merge :\n" + parent.toString()

Deleted: trunk/src/ogpconsole
--- trunk/src/ogpconsole	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/ogpconsole	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*

Deleted: trunk/src/text.py
--- trunk/src/text.py	2009-03-18 09:55:12 UTC (rev 47)
+++ trunk/src/text.py	2009-03-18 12:06:58 UTC (rev 48)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
-from DomElementMethods import *
-obj = Element("AAA")
-obj.text = "pouet"
-print obj.text
-obj.tail = "test"
-print tostring(obj)

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