[nutyx-annonce] NuTyX 22.04.1 available with cards 2.5.0

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NuTyX 22.04.1 available with cards 2.5.0

The NuTyX team is happy to announce the new version of NuTyX 22.04.1 and cards 2.5.0.

New toolchain gcc 11.2.0, glibc 2.35 and binutils 2.38.

The xorg-server graphics server version 21.1.3, the Mesa 3D library in 22.0.1, Gtk4 4.6.2 and Qt 6.2.4.

The python interpreters are en 3.10.4 et 2.7.18.

The XFCE desktop environment is updated to version 4.16.0.

The MATE desktop environment is a 1.26.0 version .

The GNOME desktop environment is also updated to version 41.5

The KDE desktop environment is available in Plasma 5.24.4, Framework 5.92.0 and applications in 21.12.3.

Available browsers are: Firefox 99.0, Chromium 100.0.4896.60, Epiphany 41.3, etc

Many desktop applications have been updated as well like Telegram-desktop 3.6.1, Thunderbird 91.7.0, Scribus 1.5.8, Libreoffice, Gimp 2.10.30, etc.

Core NuTyX ships with Long Term Support (LTS) kernels: 4.9.309, 4.14.274, 4.19.237, 5.4.188 et 5.10.109 and 5.15.32 and the latest stable version 5.17.1 .

The kernel change logs are available here:

kernel 4.9.309 changelog

kernel 4.14.274 changelog

kernel 4.19.237 changelog

kernel 5.4.188 changelog

kernel 5.10.109 changelog

kernel 5.15.32 changelog

kernel 5.17.1 changelog

15 ISOs are now available in BASE (proposed in command line interface edition only without graphical interface), OPENBOX, LXDE, XFCE4, CDE in 32 and 64 bits. LXQT, ENLIGHTENMENT, MATE, GNOME, KDE5 in 64 bits only.

They are available on the download page.

What's up ?

New cards version

Cards now includes the library in the cards package. The libcards package is removed.

The mybld command

The command includes now a nice sound when the job is done. :)

Bug fixes

Following issues are now fixed:

Known bugs (in progress)

The problems below are still present:

Deprecated features

The runyx init system is not installed as default.

The method of building packages via the 'ports' command is deprecated. The mybld command becomes the central command for building packages.

Upgrade process

A simple:

sudo cards upgrade
will make it.


Thanks to Spiky for his patience and his generosity in upgrading all thoses many packages.

Thanks to all you guys that have giving us positive or negative feedbacks about the distribution.

Thanks to Vinceff for the nice video he did on it's YT channel

Thanks to Skythrew for maintaining the broadcom-wl kernel module for all the available kernels.

Thanks to Jp for all his constructives feedbacks.

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