[nutyx-annonce] NuTyX 22.02.4 available with cards 2.4.144 |
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The NuTyX team is happy to announce the new version of NuTyX 22.02.4 and cards 2.4.144.
The xorg-server graphics server version 21.1.3, the Mesa 3D library in 21.3.5, Gtk4 4.6.0 and Qt 5.15.2.
The python interpreters are en 3.10.2 et 2.7.18.
The XFCE desktop environment is updated to version 4.16.0.
The MATE desktop environment is a 1.26.0 version .
The GNOME desktop environment is also updated to version 41.3
The KDE desktop environment is available in Plasma 5.23.5, Framework 5.90.0 and applications in 21.12.2.
Available browsers are: Firefox 96.0.3, Chromium 98.0.4758.80, Epiphany 41.3, etc
Many desktop applications have been updated as well like Telegram-desktop 3.5.0, Thunderbird 91.5.1, Scribus 1.5.8, Libreoffice, Gimp 2.10.30, etc.
Core NuTyX ships with Long Term Support (LTS) kernels: 4.9.299, 4.14.264, 4.19.227, 5.4.176 et 5.10.96 and 5.15.19 and the latest stable version 5.16.5 .
The kernel change logs are available here:
13 ISOs are now available in BASE (proposed in command line interface edition only without graphical interface), LXDE, XFCE4, CDE in 32 and 64 bits. LXQT, ENLIGHTENMENT, MATE, GNOME, KDE5 in 64 bits only.
They are available on the download page.
A new LTS 5.15.x kernel is available. The package name is: kernel-515
Installation progress is now calculated accurately. The installer has been rewritten.
With the stabilization of the UEFI installation mode, the links used in the kernel package are deprecated. This drastic change may render your machine unusable if it was more than 6 months ago in uefi mode during experimental times.
After 15 years, I finally decided to get rid of these links which seriously disturb the grub-mkconfig tool (among others).
A new command is available to enter an installed NuTyX. The chroot-nutyx command is now available.
The cards list --sets command displays the list of available packages sets.
The ability to use docker was a recurring request under NuTyX.
mybld is the central command for building packages under NuTyX. Many small bugs have been corrected, further simplified use and new features added. Read the manual :)
The themes under the different desktops are more consistent. Thank you Hakerdefo for the valuable advice.
A new discord channel is available
Following issues are now fixed:
The problems below are still present:
The runyx init system will be removed in the future. It will always be available for launching an initrd via the 'busybox' package in which 'runit' is integrated.
The method of building packages via the 'ports' command will be deprecated. The mybld command becomes the central command for building packages.
The 'sources' group of packages will be removed see below: what's next
Even if NuTyX 22.02.4 is a minor release.
sudo cards upgrade
There will be a new toolchain with glibc 2.35.
Paradigm of cards will be adjusted to the new "git world" as it is now the dominant source code repository method. A new approach for the source code of our packages will be developed.
The runyx init system will be abandoned. Maintaining 2 inits is already a lot of work. The selection of an init system will be done at installation time so that it won't be needed to change your grub anymore. Only 2 init systems will be offered.
More information available on the telegram group.
Thanks to Spiky for his patience and his generosity in upgrading all thoses many packages.
Thanks to all you guys that have giving us positive or negative feedbacks about the distribution
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