[nutyx-annonce] NuTyX 21.10.0 available with cards 2.4.138 |
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The NuTyX team is happy to announce the new version of NuTyX 21.10.0 and cards 2.4.138.
The xorg-server graphics server version 1.20.13, the Mesa 3D library in 21.2.4, Gtk4 4.4.0 and Qt 5.15.2.
The python interpreters are en 3.9.6 et 2.7.18.
The XFCE desktop environment is updated to version 4.16.
The MATE desktop environment is a 1.26 version .
The GNOME desktop environment is also updated to version 40.4.
The KDE desktop environment is available in Plasma 5.23.1, Framework 5.87.0 and applications in 21.08.2.
Available browsers are: Firefox 93.0, Chromium 94.0.4606.81, Epiphany 40.3, etc
Many desktop applications have been updated as well like Thunderbird 91.2.0, Scribus 1.5.7, Libreoffice, Gimp 2.10.28, etc.
Core NuTyX ships with Long Term Support (LTS) kernels: 4.9.287, 4.14.249, 4.19.212, 5.4.154 and 5.10.74 and the latest stable version 5.14.13 .
The kernel change logs are available here:
16 ISOs are now available in LXDE, LXQT, XFCE4, ENLIGHTENMENT, GNOME, MATE, KDE5, BASE and MINI (those last two propose command line interface only without graphical interface).
They are available in 32 and 64 bits on the download page.
We decide to continue development of the 32-bits version of NuTyX.
Even if NuTyX 21.10.0 is a minor release.
sudo cards upgrade
Thanks to Spiky for his patience and his generosity in upgrading all thoses many packages.
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