[nutyx-annonce] NuTyX 12-rc1 available |
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I'm very please to annonce the new NuTyX 12-rc1 testing release. The 64-bit version is a complete new project. They are no plan to release a version 12 of NuTyX in 32 bits.
We make a couple of ISO:
ISO | Description | Size |
The ISO contains a complete installation with a customised KDE as graphical interface as default. Install packages: lxdm flcards make-ca kde5 zip unzip pciutils usbutils cups openssh gvfs dejavu-ttf chromium thunderbird hplip gimp transmission hardinfo inxi gawk htop rsync tar pigz lbzip2 xdg-user-dirs sound-theme-freedesktop nano network-manager-applet alsa-utils alsa-plugins ntfs-3g vlc fuse xorg-xdpyinfo lm-sensors gparted xorg-setxkbmap ntp ntp.service. |
Approx. 1.8 GB |
The ISO contains a complete installation with a very customised MATE as graphical interface as default. Install packages: lxdm flcards make-ca mate zip unzip pciutils usbutils cups openssh gvfs dejavu-ttf firefox thunderbird gnome-disk-utility hplip gimp transmission cheese cherrytree deadbeef aisleriot hardinfo gnome-mahjongg inxi gawk htop rsync tar pigz lbzip2 xdg-user-dirs sound-theme-freedesktop nano network-manager-applet alsa-utils alsa-plugins ntfs-3g vlc fuse xorg-xdpyinfo lm-sensors gparted xorg-setxkbmap ntp ntp.service. |
Approx. 1.5 GB |
This ISO is optimise for NuTyX.
It contains the minimum for a good start on NuTyX, means a minimum set of packages so you can personalise your packages choice to install. Install packages: xfce4 flcards make-ca mousepad orage ristretto xfburn parole xfce4-terminal lxdm networkmanager gparted thunar firefox gvfs xdg-user-dirs network-manager-applet. |
Approx. 1.1 GB |
The ISO contains a basic system WITHOUT graphical installation. Make sure to remove dhcpcd package one you install networkmanager to avoid them to enter in conflict with each other. |
Approx. 600 MB |
With the up and coming release of the new NuTyX version. There has been a major development in the init system.
NuTyX now comes with 3 init systems rolled into 1. So what that means is, the user can choose which init they wish to use, SysV, SystemD, or RuNyX (runit fork).
This makes for a wider User choice. The main base init will always be SysV. This means that RuNyX and SystemD packages can always be removed. This also means that the Sysinit package must remain install in all cases, as it is used by all 3 inits modes.
you have a choice at boot time on the conventional GRUB menu.
In the newest release, base NuTyX comes with the Long-Term Support (LTS) kernel 4.19.151 and the latest stable 5.9. Changelogs for the kernels are available here:
NuTyX propose now it's own init system call RuNyX. RuNyX is a fork of the Gerrit Pape runit project. We mainly added the missing components to make this init system working properly in all situations.
We also decide to use our own directory schema to be more consistant with the other init system. You should consult the documentation for more info.
sudo cards install runyx.man man runit
Busybox is part of the core NuTyX system. This makes it possible to reduce the size of a basic NuTyX. The initrd is also considerably reduced.
At first we want to take profit of systemd init and use systemd for the logind daemon, this was not working. After several tests, we could successfully make elogind working and replace completly the obsolet consolekit2 package.
Eudev package is now the eudev part of systemd project. It's working on all 3 inits and on the ISOs without problems.
Systemd comes by default with many modules. To make NuTyX still working and compatible as much as possible with todays rolling NuTyX version, some main modules have been disable:
Thank you to all my team for the feedback from the tests carried out on this new version.
A special thank you to Spiky for his great patience and attention to detail.
You are welcome on the new Telegram channel to ask for support on this procedure.
Add following line:
version testingin /etc/cards.conf file
Start the upgrade process:
sudo cards upgrade
To make systemd and runyx init system working properly, dhcpcd cannot be installed together with networkmanager. If your network is setup by networkmanager, do
sudo cards remove -a dhcpcd
Install the systemd and/or runyx packages depending what you like to test:
sudo cards install systemd runyx
To adjust a grub entries for example your 'NuTyX LTS Quiet' entry: Replace:
ro quiet verbose=noWith:
init=/sbin/runit-init ro quiet verbose=nofor RuNyX OR
init=/sbin/systemd-init ro quiet verbose=nofor Systemd init.
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