[nutyx-annonce] NuTyX 11.1 available |
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NuTyX 11.1 available with cards 2.4.98I'm very please to announce the new NuTyX 11.1 release. This new version contains more then 1000 packages upgrade. A 32 bits version of NuTyX 11.1 is now available as well. The base of NuTyX comes with the new kernel LTS 4.19.56 (4.9.183 for the 32 bits version) and the very new kernel 5.1.15 (in 64 bits only). The gnu compiler is now the gcc 9.1.0. The graphical server is now in xorg-server 1.20.5, the mesa lib in 18.3.6, gtk3 3.24.9, qt 5.12.4. The python 3.7.3 and 2.7.16 are updated as well The MATE Desktop Environment comes in 1.22.1 the very last version as well. The KDE Desktop plasma in 5.16.2, Framework in 5.59.0 and applications in 19.04.2 Browsers firefox in 67.0.4 and chromium in 74.0.3729.169 (build by the archlinux team and only in 64 bits) Many desktop applications have been updated as well like thunderbird 60.7.2, Scribus 1.5.5, libreoffice, gimp 2.10.12, etc. 4 news ISOs are available.
ISOs are available on the download page. CARDSCARDS is now able to track obsolets packages. A package is obsolet when it's not available anymore on the remote server. Such a package is delete automaticaly from your local installation if installed. Upgrade processSince this is a minor release, an upgrade is possible. For a successfull upgrade, the 'cards' package need to be update first. Please use following commands to proceed: checkWe then update cards first: up cardsWe can now finish the upgrade process: sudo cards upgrade --
Thierry Nuttens |
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