[nutyx-annonce] NuTyX 10.1 available |
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The NuTyX team is please to annonce the 10.1 release of NuTyX.
NuTyX 9.0 comes with kernel lts 4.14.26 (4.9.87 in 32bits), glibc 2.27, gcc 7.3.0, binutils 2.30, python 3.6.4, xorg-server 1.19.6, qt 5.10.1, plasma 5.12.3 (in 64bits) , kf5 5.43.0 (in 64bits), gnome 3.26.1 (in 64bits), mate 1.20.0, xfce4 4.12.3, firefox 58.0.2, etc....
Six news ISOs are available in 32 bits and 64 bits. Sizes are respectively 296 MB, 613 MB and 1.6G available on the new download page.
They have been a lot of upstream updates related to security.
NutyX 10.0 user's are strongly invited to upgrade.
It is possible to make an upgrade of your system without problems. It's no need to reinstall your NuTyX. If the automatic upgrade process is activate, it will be done at next shutdown.
Available graphical interfaces are: kde5, gnome, mate, xfce4, lxde, flwm, jwm, ratpoison, blackbox, fluxbox, openbox, bspwm, icewm, twm, etc.
To initiate the upgrade process, just type:
checkIf you did choose automatic upgrade, you just need to reboot your machine othewise do:
sudo cards upgrade
Number of officials collections remains 17:
Thanks to the all team for they support.
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