[xmoto-news] Svg2lvl 0.3.0 is out

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Svg2lvl 0.3.0 is out !

get it on xmoto.tuxfamily.org


Editor 0.3.0 2007-01-05

* add the list of textures, particlesources, ... available from within the inkscape Effect menu. (available in inkscape 0.45)
* use a 'fixed' size. i.e. there's a fixed convertion between inkscape px and xmoto length unit.
* adding a sprite from inkscape wasn't properly handled
* reorganize the way label properties are handled (old svg from 0.2.0 no longer supported)
* add a new entry in the Effect->X-Moto menu which displays informations about the selected objects
* add the possibility to update the available textures, sprites, particlesources, ... from inkscape using an xml file.
* support python 2.3 (for macosx users)

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