[uruk] norah want to join Urukproject

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Howdy there, fellow cyber denizens; 'tis I, Norah, your friendly local
biological life form! I'm a certified goofball, licensed to be silly
under the GPLv3, but more importantly, I'm passionate about free
software's role in society.
My original name is Christina.
But I renamed myself 12 years ago.
You can call me whatever you like.
Now i'm useing arch.

for me The best DE is  I3
Since I tweaked i3 and mastered its usage, I dont want anything else
anymore. It's the same with emacs.
At first you might think "wtf, who would ever want to use that?" but
then you realize that there is nothing better out there.
I've been sitting here a long time.
Look up and down.
Right and left.
helping the project
But now I'm want to join Urukproject

 I didn't come to replace Rosa or anyone In this project.
No one -- and no zero -- has claimed my road ahead is easy.
 But little by little, together we can code away at the proprietary
monopoly, in the name of freer codes

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