Re: [uruk] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Beta-1)

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It seems, I didn't wait long enough for the live medium to fully set up the accessibility and start orca. I did this, again, and got the expected talking system, then, went ahead and installed it to my netbook's hard drive. On first run of the new system, I noticed that the login screen does not talk; is it supposed to do this? If so, is there a key combination I forgot? I tried 'alt+super+s' and 'ctrl+s', with no speech in the login dialogue. I entered my password and got logged in; now typing from the new install. Next, I tried an update/upgrade sequence. There was a problem with a public key for the linux-libre repository, so, that will no longer update. More as I use this for a while.


Dave  H.

On 08/31/2017 03:21 PM, hayder majid wrote:
It's working on my machine without any problem!
you can check the audio file that i record from liveCD.

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