[tng-users] Time to release something

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Dear TNG-Fans,

we decided that we finally have to release something. A scientific software will never be perfect and in final shape. And so isn't ours.

The current version already offers great, stable and simple to use features. It is regularly used here at Vienna Technical University.

There has been some changes to the website:
- The download section provides compiled snapshots for MacOSX and Linux. Hopefully they work on other computers than ours. - The download section now provides tarballs of used third-party libs. - The list of examples in 'Getting Started' was updated.

There you can find the announcements:
- http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=134870
- Lua mailing list: http://vlists.pepperfish.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lua-l-lists.lua.org

Best regards

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