[taste-users] Fwd: Call for contributions: ADEPT 2023: AADL by its practitioners

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Sujet : Call for contributions: ADEPT 2023: AADL by its practitioners
Date : Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:13:41 +0200
De : Frank Singhoff <singhoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Répondre à : Frank Singhoff <singhoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Pour : cheddar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                           Call for Contributions
               2nd ADEPT workshop, AADL by its practitioners
 			Co-located with the AEiC conference
                        June 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

We share with you an opportunity for the AADL community to present their experiences about AADL during the ADEPT workshop.

The 2nd ADEPT workshop will be organized in June 2023, at Lisbon, Portugal

The ADEPT workshop aims to present and report on current projects in the field of design, implementation and verification of critical systems where AADL is a first citizen technology.

AADL is an SAE International Standard dedicated to the precise modeling of complex embedded systems, covering both hardware and software concerns. Its definition relies on a precise set of concepts inherited from industry and academic best practice: clear separation of concerns among layers, rich set of properties to document system metrics and support for many kinds of analysis: scheduling, safety and reliability, performance, and also code generation.

The AADL standard is now a mature standard for the modeling of critical embedded real-time systems. AADL defines a language and supporting tools for the precise modeling and analysis of systems. AADL is today employed by numerous stakeholders in the domain of critical embedded real-time systems to address a large set of concerns: performance (latency, schedulability), safety, or security. One key strength of AADL as a language is the set of tools that provide analysis capabilities.

The ADEPT workshop is open to anyone interested in AADL, in the design and the verification of software architecture for critical systems, and especially to AADL users who wish to present how they have used the AADL. It is also an opportunity for AADL beginners to meet experienced AADL practitioners.

Interested authors shall submit a short (one page) abstract, by 30th April 2023, strictly in PDF, following the Ada User Journal style. Contribution and presentations about the utilizations of AADL shall be submitted by e‐mail to Frank Singhoff (frank.singhoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx), with subject line: [ADEPT 2023 presentation proposal]

A post-workshop proceeding in the Ada User Journal will be organized as a joint publication that summarizes the workshop talks and discussions co-authored by all participants.

Further workshop details can be obtained at http://adept.univ-brest.fr/2023


- Jérôme Hugues, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

- Hai Nam Tran, Lab-STICC/Univ. of Brest, France,

- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC/Univ. of Brest, France,

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