[taste-users] New TASTE VM |
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The TASTE team is pleased to announce the
availability of a new TASTE VM, using the latest versions of Debian and
all the tools we use (compilers, code generators, etc). Available as always,
from the TASTE site on Tuxfamily (direct link: http://download.tuxfamily.org/taste/TASTE-VM-8.0-32bit.ova
The new VM can be directly imported
in VirtualBox - which doesn't suffer from enterprise licensing issues the
way VMPlayer did - and it is setup to...
(a) resize automatically when you resize
the guest machine window
(b) provide direct access to the C:\
drive for Windows users, thus allowing easy file transfers between host
and guest
(c) the clipboard between host and guest
are completely integrated, so you can copy/paste to and fro without issues
(d) many other fixes.

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