[taste-users] New TASTE release |
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Dear TASTE users, I am pleased to announce the availability of a new major release of TASTE. As usual you can obtain it by running the Update-TASTE.sh script (or clicking on the icon in the TASTE VM). The TASTE Reference Card (that is on the desktop) has been updated to reflect the changes. Have a look! There are many important changes, in particular a new version of the GUIs for editing the interface and deployment views. Thanks to Ellidiss for providing this update. For example the tool contains a context-dependent menu that allows to perform most of the work from within the tool - replacing the command line for almost everything. The SDL editor and code generator are built-in, as well as text editors for C/Ada functions. ![]() The deployment view has also improved: ![]() You can drag and drop components (processors, bus, drivers) from the left menu, and the binding of functions is much easier. Also, in distributed systems it is now possible to specify what messages are carried through what bus: in addition to binding functions to processors, you also have to bind messages to busses. The Concurrency view editor (that you can launch from the Tools menu of the Deployment view editor) introduces a major new feature: ![]() Before building the system you can view all the threads and change their priority, stack size and phase (offset), giving you a finer control over the real-time application you are building. You can also run Cheddar and Marzhin, our two built-in tools for analyzing schedulability. The next major feature is the introduction of timers. This wiki entry explains the feature and how to use it. There is a new runtime traceability functionality, that allows to record all internal message exchanges and create sequence diagrams for post analysis (also explained in the wiki entry). Other consolidated features include the ASN.1/SQL mapping ; we have also published a detailed article on ASN.1 here. The internal SDL editor (opengeode) has several improvements and bugfixes too. Check it out ! ![]() I hope your enjoy this new release. Please send us feedback! Best regards, Maxime This message and any attachments are intended for the use of the addressee or addressees only. The unauthorised disclosure, use, dissemination or copying (either in whole or in part) of its content is not permitted. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Emails can be altered and their integrity cannot be guaranteed by the sender. Please consider the environment before printing this email. |
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