Re: [taste-users] [TASTE] Errors with the new GUI

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Hi Francisco,

My bad. Your datamodel contained a case that was not properly handled by the new GUIs. 

Please update TASTE, it is fixed.

Best regards,

On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 20:27:38 +0200, Francisco Ferrero Mateos <fferrero@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Taste Users:


Find attached the AADL files, ASN files Makefile and building script that provokes errors when sending TC with the new GUI. I have checked with the old version and works correctly. The new version of the GUI seems not to send the TC.


For the sake of simplicity, I have not included the source code of platform services. But you can reproduce the error without them by typing make compile in the â??transformationsâ?? directory. Then, execute the three binaries in the following order: (rasta_1_primary_partition, groundsegment1_ground_partition, GUI-groundgui). Finally, send any TC and you will receive an error similar to:


File "/home/assert/tool-inst/share/asn1-editor/", line 471, in sendTC

    asnVal = self.backend.fromPysideToASN1(data)

  File "./", line 544, in fromPysideToASN1


AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tc91_PRESENT


Any suggestions are highly appreciatedâ?¦.


Kind regards,



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Francisco Ferrero Mateos
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Project Manager

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