[taste-users] Latest ocarina source builds but did not execute correctly??

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I just obtained the new ocarina for linux from http://aadl.enst.fr/ocarina/snapshots/.   I find that the binary seems to work fine with POK examples but when I attempt to use my build of it I get the following exception.


xxxxxxx:/home/reder/src/pok-20111205/examples/partitions-threads$/home/reder/bin/ocarina -aadlv2 -f -g pok_c model.aadl $POK_PATH/misc/aadl-library.aadl


+========================== OCARINA BUG DETECTED =========================+

| Detected exception: SYSTEM.ASSERTIONS.ASSERT_FAILURE                    |

| Error: ocarina-me_aadl-aadl_tree-nodes.adb:2683                         |

| Please refer to the User's Guide for more details.                      |




Message: ocarina-me_aadl-aadl_tree-nodes.adb:2683


I have attached the config.log and config.status files so you can have a look as well.   Please advise since we would like to be able to build and execute the tool from source.






Leonard J. Reder

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Flight Software Applications

Email: reder@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Phone: 818-354-3639



Attachment: config.log
Description: config.log

Attachment: config.status
Description: config.status

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