[SliTaz] Unable to connect to wifi - Slitaz-next 64

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I have recently started using Slitaz. I am using the slitaz-next64-20191127.iso available on https://forum.slitaz.org/topic/update-kernel-1/page/3#post-48140 on a UEFI only laptop. 

I have installed firmware-rtl8xxxu.tazpkg. After this, wifi networks are detected. I tried connecting to the wifi networks after configuring them using wifi-box GUI. But I am unable to connect to them even after running /etc/init.d/network.sh restart. I am getting the following error.

tux@slitaz:~$ su
root@slitaz:/home/tux# /etc/init.d/network.sh restart
Loading network settings from /etc/network.conf
Stopping all interfaces
Killing all daemons
Shutting down Wi-Fi card
Configuring Wi-Fi interface wlan0...                                 [ Done ]
Change network settings in /etc/wpa/wpa.conf
Starting wpa_supplicant for WPA/WPA2-PSK...
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Connecting to AndroidAP... .....Selected interface 'wlan0'
Invalid SELECT_NETWORK command - at least 1 argument is required.  [ Failed ]
I am attaching my network.conf file.

Request for suggestions as to what I need to do for connecting to wifi.


Attachment: network.conf
Description: Binary data

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