Re: [SliTaz]

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Eric got me interested in playing with Buildroot again. I have built a
few linux systems with it, but I've only learned recently how to test
them properly in QEMU by using grub to boot them. I'm also going to
experiment with a script to convert Buildroot compiled packages into
something SliTaz can use. I just want to see if it can be done and it
would be a pretty cool thing since I could then generate cross-platform
packages as quickly as I can compile them with Buildroot - including a
Linux kernels for 64bit and ARM systems.

1.) Seems the simplest approach. Xvesa has been integrated into Xorg
btw (not vesa, but something called kdrive), so maybe that's worth
looking into. As a more fully featured SliTaz, maybe it would be a good
idea to go the Qt route for that version. It will look way better than
the GTK version would and we get pcmanfm-qt for free with RazorQt.

Group management to handle mounting of drives seems needlessly
complicated, but udev already does something similar if memory serves,
so maybe it's the way to go if it can be done seamlessly.

2.) I prefer xz over 7zip these days. It's based on LZMA2 like later
7zip, but compresses way faster and smaller. The only downside of it is
that it needs a tar container like gzip and bzip2. Still unrar has
certain limits, which is why most people make the non-free rar an

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