EDE is a lightweight desktop enivronemnt - could it be on see slitaz package list?

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i 've seen that slitaz is an extremly  leightweight distro
 and nearly as easy to modify or use as ubuntu.
EDE is a desktop environment based on fltk,
and the compiled uses not much  ram ( 30 MB
Ram usage on ubuntu)  and starts relatively fast
( as fast as cinnamon or unity) on my PC .

If someone send me a list with links
how to create a  slitaz receipe, i think that
 i could even  create a slitaz archive.

 A little problem is that the source *.tar.gz
is not on an internet server but on my PC
(due to some litlle fixes in the compiler
configuration script)  , and that EDE uses
its own "make" jam  ( but i know how to configure this).

Otherwise i could compile it on
siltaz then create an deb archive with alien
and then reconvert it with an little deb2tazpkg script.

( i had to sened the e- mail three times 'cause i hadn't read
the instrutions on the slitaz website .)= )

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