Admins! Need your help with i18n info

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How long have you looked at the page ?
There is a table showing current state of i18n in SliTaz. It looks not
bad, but ... slightly out of date. I do not wish to do frequent
commits at each translation addition. I'm lazy ;)
I want to automate it.

To do this, the script was written. It works on my system SliTaz 4.0.
It was also written wrapper in PHP to put the generated file on the
page. The script works, but what about PHP wrapper I'm not sure. I
have a little experience in PHP.

The time of the script work — about 5 minutes. This is not because it
does some complicated things. That's because it loads multiple pages
from Hg for each project, as well as all po files. I have a slow
Internet connection (gprs/edge).

I ask to help me out someone of the administrators who have access to
the SliTaz server (server containing website — Tank?). First, please
manually run the script "/lib/" (path related to the
website's root). Wait a while and check the file
"/var/cache/slitaz/website/i18n.html" (here absolute path). It should
be the size of 12-13 KB, and must contain the line "<p>Updated: ..."
at the end.

If all is well, please add this script to the Chron jobs. Let it runs
once or twice times a day.

Final step — to uncomment PHP line that invoke wrapper in the i18n.php
(above table) and delete entire table ibidem. This step I can handle
myself. The main thing that was generated file, which will be inserted
into the page, otherwise visitors will not see anything.

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