Re: SliTaz 4.0-RC2 is out!

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I guess we can just stick with pt_BR... There was a pt contributor there on 2.0, but he "disappeared"... And Brazil is the fourth country on mirror requests, according to :)

2012/3/3 Christophe Lincoln <pankso@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi all,

So here is SliTaz 4.0-RC2:

Annoucement on website:

Feedback here or on the forum:

As I already said once, I'm quiet happy with this version, it's close
to a stable version but I already found small issue like wrong path and
duplicated .mo file in /usr/share/locale/fr and pt_BR also why do we
have pt locale, I guess pt_BR is fine for portuguese guys and it not in
the official supported language since we dont have any website
maintainer, forum or anything in pt.

Best regards,
- Christophe

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