Re: unsubscribe

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> Pankso might not always appreciate it. He sure as hell doesn't do it
> with me or Indigo, but every little bit helps. With the day I've been
> having... Well, let's just say Pankso is lucky that I'm loyal like I
> am. And hey, I know I'm an asshole and I like to argue, but even I can
> see when something is worth sticking to or worth fighting for.

You frustrate because I said you did not use our wiki, etc ? Man you
always talk a lot and say I'm not well organized. It was to show you
ther is an infrastructure, if you dont use it I cant do anything. And
you free to skip wiki/bts but dont tell me we missing organization.
That said I appreciate you presence on the forum/IRC, but I hope you do
it for YOU without waiting me or anyone to thanks you all time!

- Christophe

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