Re: Missing GConf Dependency in emacs

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> Please note that emacs can works without gconf, in fact as many other
> packages it compiles with uneeded dependencies because the chroot
> where we compile have all packages installed. So at contigure time
> applications automatically link them to all other apps they can find
> and support. i.e. : sylpheed now depends on libassuan ; transmission
> on gconf, etc...

Exactly, the goal is to reduce dependencies not just add them to
DEPENDS. It's the price to keep SliTaz small and fast. In some case we
can also split packages.
> As you know this behavior is exactly what we don't want as we want
> light packages and depends. There's two solution : 1 - Add right
> compile rules in the receipt to avoid linking with unwanted
> libraries/apps (in this case --without-gconf) 2 - Cook in a minimal
> chroot
> The first is a good solution for now, but the second seems me better
> in the long run. The second solution have two important advantage : 1
> - It doesn't need to ad right compiles rules in all receipts (I think
> there's a lot !), just set depends/build_depends correctly 2 - in
> minimal chroot the package only brings requested depends, but if you
> cook it in you're own system it link to additionnal libraries/apps
> you have already installed, which is not bad I think. 

Second solution is a good idea but cost at lot of space for each chroot
and we dont have too much place on tank. It also mean a new variable or
mechanism to know in wich chroot we must cook the package. First one is
also a lot of work but easier to do and mybe the reason why we should
stop commiting new packages for a while and track unneeded dependencies.

That said, I'm open to any solution and discussion!

> -- 
> GoKhlaYeh <gokhlayeh@xxxxxxxxxx>

- Christophe

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