how to add new language support to SliTaz

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Hi Claudinei and others,

As SliTaz 3.0 has full UTF-8 support, I am also interested in seeing
some more Asian languages support (Hindi, indonesian etc) in SliTaz.
Is someone interested?
Do we have a wiki page on how to add a new language support to SliTaz?

Since you guys are quite experienced in this, please help to document
steps so that community can support some more languages.

Here are some of the steps I think that need to be taken in SliTaz:

=== Slitaz Messages ===
* Openbox: slitaz-configs-$VERSION/rootfs/etc/xdg/openbox/menu.${LOCALE}.xml
* Slitaz Docs (Index.html): slitaz-doc-$VERSION/slitaz/index.${LOCALE}.html
* Slitaz-tools: slitaz-tools-$VERSION/messages/$LOCALE
* SliTaz Software Manuals (tazpkg tazlito tazusb tazwok): add
$pkg.$LANGUAGE.html to each individual wok

=== Fonts ===
* Create a fonts package
 - add your language fonts to /usr/share/fonts
 - if ${LOCALE}.conf, cp it /etc/fonts/conf.avail and \
   ln -s /etc/fonts/conf.avail/${LOCALE}.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d
 - fc-cache -v

=== Keyboard ===
* Improve kbd-base package receipt or copy new Keymap file (if
available) to  /usr/share/kmaps or /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
* Change keyboard: tazkeymap or manually edit /etc/keymap.conf

=== Locales in Core Packages ===
* Automatic addition of Locales if core pkgs translation is available upstream

=== Locales in Other Packages ===
* Can be supported automatically but I feel its not supported yet



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