(cooking) - dropbear-pam 0.52, vs dropbear-pam 0.52?

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hey guys, I'm just wondering (i'm new to slitaz, btw. Just checking it
out) what the difference is between the 2 "dropbear-pam"s that I see
in the package manager when I do a search (for 'dropbear'). Is one for
stable, and one for cooking? Then what happens if i install the one
for stable while i'm running cooking? Whatever the case (even if it
makes no difference for now), it would really be good to be able to
highlight this difference in "version" by having a separate column in
the gui to show this?

Another related question - what is the difference between 'dropbear',
and 'dropbear-pam'? From the names, it seems like 'dropbear' is not
using the standard username/password database ("pam") to handle login.
But if that's the case, how do i get to this database, and manage it?
At the very least (even if i dont know, or have no way of managing
this database right now), logging in with tux/root should work. But it
doesnt right now. I've looked at the official dropbear (whatever there
is inside the tarball) documentation as well - no mention of this
"no-pam" mode.


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