slitaz-base hangs during boot

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I'm trying to install slitaz-base on an old laptop I have. It is a NEC
Versa 4050h with 40MB ram and (I think) 90MHz processor.

It doesn't have a CD drive or usb ports, so I pulled the hard disk out
and stuck it in my desktop (which has a CD drive) and installed
slitaz-base. The install was successful and slitaz boots fine using
the laptop hard disk in the desktop.

However when I put the hard disk back in the laptop it won't boot. I
select slitaz in grub and it begins to boot but hangs at

root (hd0,0)
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda1
 [linux-bzImage, setup=0x2800, size=0x1e5c4c]

I've successfully used Damn Small Linux on this laptop in the past so
I'm thinking it should be possible to get slitaz to boot.

Any ideas what might be causing the problem and what I could do about it?


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