Re: SliTaz and Linux Libre

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Hello Marcus. I understand your point about "libre" concept. If you want to ask further questions like this, please send an email to pascal bellard which is responsible for linux kernel receipt. I am sure he will be glad to answer your questions.



On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Marcus César <caim_de_nod@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi stefanos,

Yes, I know SliTaz includes non-free softwares in the repositories. But my few readings about the "linux libre project" say that the main problem is the non-free software/code (mainly drivers) include in the kernel. I wanna know about this thing in the SliTaz, that is, SliTaz have excluded this non-free things of the kernel? If not, it pretends?

Thanks for the attention and pacience with my english.

Olá stefanos,

Sim, eu sei que o SliTaz inclui softwares não-livres nos repositórios. Mas minhas poucas leituras sobre o projeto "linux libre" me dizem que o principal problema são os softwares/códigos não-livres (principalmente drivers) inclusos no kernel. Eu quero saber sobre isso no SliTaz, ou seja, o SliTaz excluiu essas coisas não-livres do kernel? Se não, prentende?

- Marcus


Em 22/07/2009 02:43, stefanos sofroniou < stefanossofroniou542@xxxxxxxxx > escreveu:

Marcus, I am not the right person to answer your question; Pankso is, the creator of this amazing project.

But the way I see it, even though SliTaz's target is to be 100% free, it includes non-free software packages because end-users need these non-free tools.

These packages are available as a non-free link either through repositories, or through get-* packages. E.g.: get-flash-plugin

Here is the link to see yourself of what I'm talking about.

Let's not forget that SliTaz tries to satisfy the needs of various categories of people, either that is end-users, system administrat ors, software engineers, programmers, and such.

If my answer haven't satisfied your question, please do not hesitate to come in contact with pankso through email, or even better join us to a live discussion at / #slitaz.



2009/7/22 Marcus César <caim_de_nod@xxxxxxxxxx>

Somebody know if SliTaz adjusts or intends to adjust to the "linux libre" project?
P.S.: sorry my bad english

Alguém saberia me dizer se o SliTaz se adequa ou pretende se adequar ao projeto "linux libre"?

- Marcus

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