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- To: <slitaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: Server Down?
- From: Gmail <antoniusmisfit@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 20:39:22 -0400 (EDT)
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:mime-version:from:to:subject:date:user-agent:content-type:message-id; bh=gnQSfs7yo1Zz8pzQwtUx9qkMn5XnpxuRiRaT/vPPMFM=; b=iNRXP4pNmJU8I2vrYiHv19JPg4oXmSHd935FUYfyiK3kN4ox43fVKTvhUJ4644/sRh6sDQsDZC5v4HUZoZJXZFhUuXRVuriBHu6yozxI8gTbzLO9npVOyqe8Yc00WGMx1uuFJwXWPhQ0O6Jf2nj0FAMjd0sTwhg3ISqdhbRHYGQ=
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Thu, 29 May 2008 13:39:06 -0400 (EDT), Paul Issott <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
One of the reasons may be SliTaz
was featured in latest issue of Linux
Format magazine. As well as the UK I think this mag goes out to Greece,
Russia and Italy and possibly USA.
Any contingency plans? (Christophe's on holiday).
I've got a copy of the website if that's any help to anyone.
SliTaz GNU/Linux Mailing list.
Web site : http://www.slitaz.org/
Yeah, we could certainly use a mirror in this sort of
situation, at least until Chistophe gets back.
BTW, was SliTaz featured in the "DistroWatch" section of Linux Format
magazine or did they do a full review? If they reviewed it then they must
have obviously liked it, otherwise the website would still be up