[Sawfish] Initial _NET(_REQUEST)_FRAME_EXTENTS support

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As promised, initial _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS support for Sawfish (and
REQUEST if as straightforward as it seems). All triggered because
Merlin messages got transparent borders while playing with Compton's
setting for frame transparency (no other part was changing!?). I don't
like the effect (I wanted to confirm it's too distracting and hard to
read for me), but probably others will enjoy it. In any case it means
better EWMH support.

First was figuring what those windows were doing (they have border in
X11 terms) and if frame info was avaliable (if was not), then how it
should be provided (compton checks the property and the border value,
which explains why the setting worked "randomly"), compute the values
(as safety, force them 0 or bigger, or remove when not managed) and
figure when they must be recomputed (hooks, sometimes by reading the c
files to see when they got called).

Initial tests were done with xprop, sawfish-client. This is how it
everything ended looking while testing the functions in the proper

--- wm-spec.jl-20180504	2018-05-04 04:02:12.237475154 +0200
+++ wm-spec.jl-20170711	2017-07-11 05:10:03.203282412 +0200
@@ -80,10 +80,8 @@
@@ -277,35 +275,6 @@
       (set-x-property w '_NET_WM_STATE (apply vector state) 'ATOM 32)))
-;;; setting the frame extents (pixels of frame per edge)
-  (define (update-frame-extents w)
-    (if (window-framed-p w)
-        (let* ((left   (- (car (window-frame-offset w))))
-               (right  (- (- (car (window-frame-dimensions w))
-                             (car (window-dimensions w)))
-                          left))
-               (top    (- (cdr (window-frame-offset w))))
-               (bottom (- (- (cdr (window-frame-dimensions w))
-                             (cdr (window-dimensions w)))
-                          top)))
-        ;;(progn
-        ;;  (format standard-error
-        ;;          "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS %d %d %d %d, dim %s frmd %s offs %s\n"
-        ;;          left right top bottom
-        ;;          (window-dimensions w)
-        ;;          (window-frame-dimensions w)
-        ;;          (window-frame-offset w)
-        ;;          )
-          (set-x-property w '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS
-                          (vector (max 0 left) (max 0 right)
-                                  (max 0 top) (max 0 bottom))
-                          'CARDINAL 32))
-        ;;)
-      ;; frame none/unframed appears as 0 0 0 0
-      ;; this is to stay safe when "->reparented" FALSE/Qnil
-      (delete-x-property w '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS)))
 ;;; honouring the initially set window state hints
   (define (update-icon-geometry w geom)
@@ -513,21 +482,6 @@
              (when (windowp w)
                (delete-window w)))
-             (when (windowp w)
-               (progn
-                 (format standard-error
-                       "_N_R_F_E %s - %s, dim %s fdim %s, f %s\n"
-                       w
-                       (window-name w)
-                       (window-dimensions w)
-                       (window-frame-dimensions w)
-                       (window-framed-p w)
-                       )
-                 (update-frame-extents w))
-               )
-             )
              (if (= (aref data 0) 1)
@@ -683,10 +637,6 @@
     (add-hook 'unmap-notify-hook update-client-list-hints)
     (add-hook 'after-restacking-hook update-client-list-hints)
-    (add-hook 'after-framing-hook update-frame-extents)
-    (add-hook 'after-add-window-hook update-frame-extents)
-    (add-hook 'reparent-notify-hook update-frame-extents)
     (add-hook 'before-add-window-hook honour-client-state)
     (add-hook 'add-window-hook update-client-state)
     (call-after-state-changed '(sticky shaded maximized stacking

The part about _NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS was troublesome at first, as
I had no idea which windows would use it, and if SF would require a
lot of changes to reply at the right moment with a correct reply.
Imagine if it would have to trigger some fake computations to see what
frame would be used. It was worth giving both things a go, anyway.

After leaving a format ("printf debugging") in the code, I started to
see mpv (video player) triggering it (via "tail -f .xsession-errors |
ts"). Sawfish seems to know the window size and frame size (at least
for default theme, and no configured matchers for mpv) when the
request is received, so I hope the reply arrives at the right moment
too. Probably SF even sets the property earlier than the request, by
means of the multiple hooks used, but EWMH spec says an explicit
PropertyNotify must be triggered after.

And this is the result, without development tricks and standard

--- wm-spec.jl	2018-05-04 04:14:45.528891547 +0200
+++ wm-spec.jl-20170711	2017-07-11 05:10:03.203282412 +0200
@@ -80,10 +80,8 @@
@@ -277,26 +275,6 @@
       (set-x-property w '_NET_WM_STATE (apply vector state) 'ATOM 32)))
-;;; setting the frame extents (pixels of frame per edge)
-  (define (update-frame-extents w)
-    (if (window-framed-p w)
-        (let* ((left   (- (car (window-frame-offset w))))
-               (right  (- (- (car (window-frame-dimensions w))
-                             (car (window-dimensions w)))
-                          left))
-               (top    (- (cdr (window-frame-offset w))))
-               (bottom (- (- (cdr (window-frame-dimensions w))
-                             (cdr (window-dimensions w)))
-                          top)))
-          (set-x-property w '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS
-                          (vector (max 0 left) (max 0 right)
-                                  (max 0 top) (max 0 bottom))
-                          'CARDINAL 32))
-      ;; frame none/unframed appears as 0 0 0 0
-      ;; this is to stay safe when "->reparented" FALSE/Qnil
-      (delete-x-property w '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS)))
 ;;; honouring the initially set window state hints
   (define (update-icon-geometry w geom)
@@ -504,10 +482,6 @@
              (when (windowp w)
                (delete-window w)))
-             (when (windowp w)
-                 (update-frame-extents w)))
              (if (= (aref data 0) 1)
@@ -663,10 +637,6 @@
     (add-hook 'unmap-notify-hook update-client-list-hints)
     (add-hook 'after-restacking-hook update-client-list-hints)
-    (add-hook 'after-framing-hook update-frame-extents)
-    (add-hook 'after-add-window-hook update-frame-extents)
-    (add-hook 'reparent-notify-hook update-frame-extents)
     (add-hook 'before-add-window-hook honour-client-state)
     (add-hook 'add-window-hook update-client-state)
     (call-after-state-changed '(sticky shaded maximized stacking

Maybe this is all, maybe we will have to tweak which hooks must be
called so everything goes smooth. I hope the REQUEST part really is as
simple as it looks.

The full file is attached too, so anybody can start using it by saving
as ~/.sawfish/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-state.jl (white space has
changed, use diff -u --ignore-all-space to compare to other versions,
like those from tarball or git).

;; wm-spec.jl -- implement the new (GNOME/KDE) wm hints spec

;; $Id: wm-spec.jl,v 1.49 2005/07/01 16:04:50 jsh Exp $

;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 John Harper <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

;; This file is part of sawfish.

;; sawfish is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; sawfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with sawfish; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

(define-structure sawfish.wm.state.wm-spec

    (export define-wm-spec-window-type

    (open rep

  ;; todo:

  ;; - _NET_WM_ICON

  ;; 1.1 additions:
  ;;  - _STATE_HIDDEN?
  ;;  - _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE changes

  ;; maybe add some state extensions for things the spec doesn't
  ;; cover but existed in the old GNOME spec; e.g. _GNOME_WM_STATE_FOO
  ;; for FOO being DO_NOT_COVER, SKIP_FOCUS, ..?

;;; constants

  (defconst _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_MOVE 8)

  (defconst _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE 0)
  (defconst _NET_WM_STATE_ADD 1)
  (defconst _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE 2)

  (define wm-spec-window-id nil)

  (define supported-atoms
  (defvar wm-spec-below-depth -2)
  (defvar wm-spec-above-depth +2)

  (define supported-states '())

;;; setting the client list hints

  (define (update-client-list-hints #!key only-stacking-list)
    (define (set-prop lst prop)
      (let loop ((rest lst)
                 (collected '()))
           (cond ((null rest)
                  (set-x-property 'root prop
                                  (apply vector (nreverse collected))
                                  'WINDOW 32))
                 ((window-mapped-p (car rest))
                  (loop (cdr rest) (cons (window-id (car rest)) collected)))
                 (t (loop (cdr rest) collected)))))
    (unless only-stacking-list
      (set-prop (managed-windows) '_NET_CLIENT_LIST))
    (set-prop (nreverse (stacking-order)) '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING))

  ;; setting the desktop / viewport hints

  (define last-workspace nil)
  (define last-workspace-count 0)
  (define last-workspace-names nil)
  (define last-area nil)
  (define last-area-count nil)
  (define last-workarea nil)
  (define last-showing-desktop nil)

  (define (update-window-workspace-hints w #!key (limits (workspace-limits)))
    (let ((vec (if (window-sticky-p/workspace w)
                   (vector #xffffffff)
                 (let ((space (or (window-get w 'swapped-in)
                                  (car (window-workspaces w)))))
                   (and space (vector (- space (car limits))))))))
      (unless (equal vec (window-get w 'wm-spec/last-workspace))
        (if vec
            (set-x-property w '_NET_WM_DESKTOP vec 'CARDINAL 32)
          (delete-x-property w '_NET_WM_DESTOP))
        (window-put w 'wm-spec/last-workspace vec))))

  (define (update-workspace-hints)
    (let* ((limits (workspace-limits))
           (port (screen-viewport))
           (port-size viewport-dimensions)
           (total-workspaces (1+ (- (cdr limits) (car limits))))
           (workarea (make-vector (* 4 total-workspaces)))
           (showing-desktop (showing-desktop-p)))

      (define (set-ws-hints)
        (unless (equal last-workspace-count total-workspaces)
          (setq last-workspace-count total-workspaces)
          (set-x-property 'root '_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS
                          (vector total-workspaces) 'CARDINAL 32))

        (unless (equal last-workspace-names workspace-names)
          (setq last-workspace-names workspace-names)
          (set-x-text-property 'root '_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES
                               (apply vector workspace-names)

        (unless (equal last-workspace
                       (- current-workspace (car limits)))
          (setq last-workspace (- current-workspace (car limits)))
          (set-x-property 'root '_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP
                          (vector last-workspace) 'CARDINAL 32))

        (unless (equal last-area-count port-size)
          (setq last-area-count port-size)
          (set-x-property 'root '_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY
                          (vector (* (car port-size) (screen-width))
                                  (* (cdr port-size) (screen-height)))
                          'CARDINAL 32))

        (unless (equal last-area port)
          (let ((view (make-vector (* total-workspaces 2))))
            (let loop ((i 0))
                 (if (= i total-workspaces)
                     (set-x-property 'root '_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT
                                     view 'CARDINAL 32)
                   (aset view (* i 2) (* (car port) (screen-width)))
                   (aset view (1+ (* i 2)) (* (cdr port) (screen-height)))
                   (loop (1+ i))))))

        ;; _NET_WORKAREA
        (unless (equal last-workarea workarea)
          (set-x-property 'root '_NET_WORKAREA workarea 'CARDINAL 32)
          (setq last-workarea workarea))

        (unless (equal showing-desktop last-showing-desktop)
          (set-x-property 'root '_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP
                          (vector (if showing-desktop 1 0)) 'CARDINAL 32)
          (setq last-showing-desktop showing-desktop)))

      (define (set-window-hints w)
        (update-window-workspace-hints w #:limits limits))

      ;; calculate workareas
      (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
          ((= i total-workspaces))
          (let ((area (calculate-workarea-from-struts
                       #:workspace (+ i (car limits)))))
            (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 0) (nth 0 area))
            (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 1) (nth 1 area))
            (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 2) (- (nth 2 area) (nth 0 area)))
            (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 3) (- (nth 3 area) (nth 1 area)))))
      ;; apparently some pagers don't like it if we place windows
      ;; on (temporarily) non-existent workspaces
      (when (< last-workspace-count total-workspaces)

      (map-windows set-window-hints)

      (when (>= last-workspace-count total-workspaces)

;;; setting the focus hints

  (define last-focus nil)

  (define (update-focus-state)
    (let ((focus (input-focus)))
      (unless (eq last-focus focus)
        (setq last-focus focus)
        (set-x-property 'root '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
                        (vector (if focus (window-id focus) 0)) 'WINDOW 32))))

;;; setting the window state hints

  (define (update-client-state w)
    (let ((state '()))
      (mapc (lambda (x)
              (when (and (not (pseudo-state-p x))
                         (call-state-fun w x 'get))
                (setq state (cons x state))))
      (set-x-property w '_NET_WM_STATE (apply vector state) 'ATOM 32)))

;;; setting the frame extents (pixels of frame per edge)

  (define (update-frame-extents w)
    (if (window-framed-p w)
        (let* ((left   (- (car (window-frame-offset w))))
               (right  (- (- (car (window-frame-dimensions w))
                             (car (window-dimensions w)))
               (top    (- (cdr (window-frame-offset w))))
               (bottom (- (- (cdr (window-frame-dimensions w))
                             (cdr (window-dimensions w)))
          (set-x-property w '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS
                          (vector (max 0 left) (max 0 right)
                                  (max 0 top) (max 0 bottom))
                          'CARDINAL 32))
      ;; frame none/unframed appears as 0 0 0 0
      ;; this is to stay safe when "->reparented" FALSE/Qnil
      (delete-x-property w '_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS)))

;;; honouring the initially set window state hints

  (define (update-icon-geometry w geom)
    (when (>= (length geom) 2)
      (window-put w 'icon-position (cons (aref geom 0) (aref geom 1)))))

  (define (update-strut w)
    (let ((strut (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_STRUT)))
      (when (and strut (eq (nth 0 strut) 'CARDINAL))
        (let ((data (nth 2 strut)))
          (define-window-strut w (aref data 0) (aref data 2)
            (aref data 1) (aref data 3))))))

  (define (honour-client-state w)
    (let ((space (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_DESKTOP)))
      (when space
        (setq space (aref (nth 2 space) 0))
        (cond ((equal space #xffffffff)
               (window-put w 'sticky t))
              ((and (integerp space) (null (window-workspaces w)))
               (set-window-workspaces w (list space))))))

    (let ((type (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)))
      (when type
        (setq type (nth 2 type))
        ;; _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE is a vector of atoms, the first atom
        ;; about which we know something is the type we'll use
        (let loop ((i 0))
             (cond ((= i (length type)))
                   ((get (aref type i) 'wm-spec-type)
                    ((get (aref type i) 'wm-spec-type) w))
                   (t (loop (1+ i)))))))

    (let ((state (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_STATE)))
      (when state
        (setq state (nth 2 state))
        (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
            ((= i (length state)))
            (call-state-fun w (aref state i) 'init))))

    (update-strut w)

    (let ((geom (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY)))
      (when geom
        (update-icon-geometry w (nth 2 geom))))
    (when (equal (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_USER_TIME)
                 '(CARDINAL 32 #(0)))
      (window-put w 'inhibit-focus-when-mapped t)))

;;; helper functions

  (define (define-wm-spec-window-type x fun)
    (if (listp x)
        (mapc (lambda (y) (define-wm-spec-window-type y fun)) x)
      (put x 'wm-spec-type fun)))

  (define (define-wm-spec-window-state x fun #!key pseudo)
    (put x 'wm-spec-state fun)
    (unless (memq x supported-states)
      (setq supported-states (cons x supported-states)))
    (when pseudo
      (put x 'wm-spec-pseudo-state t)))

  (define (supported-state-p x) (and (symbolp x) (get x 'wm-spec-state)))
  (define (pseudo-state-p x) (and (symbolp x) (get x 'wm-spec-pseudo-state)))

  (define (call-state-fun w state mode)
    (let ((fun (and (symbolp state) (get state 'wm-spec-state))))
      (when fun
        (fun w mode))))

  (define-wm-spec-window-type '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP
    (lambda (w)
      (mark-window-as-desktop w)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-type '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK
    (lambda (w)
      (mark-window-as-dock w)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-type '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG
    (lambda (w)
      (mark-window-as-transient w)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-type '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY
    (lambda (w)
      (require 'sawfish.wm.frames)
      (set-window-type w 'utility)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-type '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR
    (lambda (w)
      (require 'sawfish.wm.frames)
      (set-window-type w 'toolbar)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-type '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU
    (lambda (w)
      (require 'sawfish.wm.frames)
      (set-window-type w 'menu)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-type '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH
    (lambda (w)
      (require 'sawfish.wm.frames)
      (set-window-type w 'splash)
      (window-put w 'place-mode 'centered)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY
    (lambda (w mode)
      (case mode
            ((init)   (window-put w 'sticky-viewport t))
            ((remove) (make-window-unsticky/viewport w))
            ((add)    (make-window-sticky/viewport w))
            ((toggle) (if (window-sticky-p/viewport w)
                          (make-window-unsticky/viewport w)
                        (make-window-sticky/viewport w)))
            ((get)    (window-sticky-p/viewport w)))))

  (define (wm-spec-maximize-handler direction)
    (lambda (w mode)
      (require 'sawfish.wm.state.maximize)
      (case mode
             (window-put w (if (eq direction 'vertical)
                             'queued-horizontal-maximize) t))
            ((remove) (unmaximize-window w direction))
            ((add)    (maximize-window w direction))
            ((toggle) (maximize-window-toggle w direction))
            ((get)    (if (window-maximized-fullscreen-p w)
                        (case direction
                              ((vertical) (window-maximized-vertically-p w))
                              ((horizontal) (window-maximized-horizontally-p w))
                              (t (window-maximized-p w))))))))

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT
    (wm-spec-maximize-handler 'vertical))
  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ
    (wm-spec-maximize-handler 'horizontal))
  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED
    (wm-spec-maximize-handler nil)
    #:pseudo t)

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED
    (lambda (w mode)
      (require 'sawfish.wm.state.shading)
      (case mode
            ((init)   (window-put w 'shaded t))
            ((add)    (shade-window w))
            ((remove) (unshade-window w))
            ((toggle) (toggle-window-shaded w))
            ((get)    (window-get w 'shaded)))))

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER
    (lambda (w mode)
      (case mode
            ((init add) (window-put w 'window-list-skip t))
            ((remove)   (window-put w 'window-list-skip nil))
            ((toggle)   (window-put w 'window-list-skip
                                    (not (window-get w 'window-list-skip))))
            ((get)      (window-get w 'window-list-skip)))))

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR
    (lambda (w mode)
      (case mode
            ((init add) (window-put w 'task-list-skip t))
            ((remove)   (window-put w 'task-list-skip nil))
            ((toggle)   (window-put w 'task-list-skip
                                    (not (window-get w 'task-list-skip))))
            ((get)      (window-get w 'task-list-skip)))))

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN
    (lambda (w mode)
      (require 'sawfish.wm.state.maximize)
      (case mode
            ((init) (window-put w 'queued-fullscreen-maximize t))
            ((add remove) (maximize-window-fullscreen w (eq mode 'add)))
            ((toggle) (maximize-window-fullscreen-toggle w))
            ((get) (window-maximized-fullscreen-p w)))))

  (define (above-below-handler depth w mode)
    (require 'sawfish.wm.stacking)
    (case mode
           (window-put w 'depth depth))
          ((add remove)
           (set-window-depth w (if (eq mode 'add) depth 0)))
           (set-window-depth w (if (= (window-depth w) depth) 0 depth)))
           (= (window-depth w) depth))))

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW
    (lambda (w mode)
      (above-below-handler wm-spec-below-depth w mode)))

  (define-wm-spec-window-state '_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE
    (lambda (w mode)
      (above-below-handler wm-spec-above-depth w mode)))

;;; client messages

  (define (client-message-handler w type data)
    (let ((handled t))
      (case type
             (when (windowp w)
               (delete-window w)))

             (when (windowp w)
                 (update-frame-extents w)))

             (if (= (aref data 0) 1)

             (when (and (windowp w) (window-mapped-p w))
               (require 'sawfish.wm.commands.move-resize)
               (let ((mode (aref data 2)))
                 ;; don't want grabs failing, sigh
                 (x-server-timestamp t t)
                 (if (or (eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_MOVE)
                         (eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_MOVE_KEYBOARD))
                     (move-window-interactively w)
                   (let ((move-resize-moving-edges
                          (cond ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_TOPLEFT) '(top left))
                                ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_TOP) '(top))
                                ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_TOPRIGHT) '(top right))
                                ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_BOTTOMLEFT) '(bottom left))
                                ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_BOTTOM) '(bottom))
                                ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_BOTTOMRIGHT) '(bottom right))
                                ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_LEFT) '(left))
                                ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_RIGHT) '(right)))))
                     ;; XXX ignore CANCELs for now
                     ;; XXX see reports about GTK3 going into resize randomly
                     ;; XXX probably need to rework all this block
                     (if (not (eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_CANCEL))
                         (resize-window-interactively w)))))))

             (set-number-of-workspaces (aref data 0)))

             (set-number-of-viewports (aref data 0) (aref data 1)))

             (set-viewport (aref data 0) (aref data 1)))

                                        ; KDE spews _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP( -1) messages so often that it
                                        ; is best to just ignore out of bounds errors silently.
             (let ((ws (workspace-id-from-logical (aref data 0)))
                   (limits (workspace-limits)))
               (if (<= (car limits) ws (cdr limits))
                   (select-workspace ws))))

             ;; XXX this is kind of broken now we use workspace-names to
             ;; XXX define the minimum number of workspaces to display?
             (setq data (aref data 0))
             (let loop ((i 0)
                        (out '()))
                  (if (= i (length data))
                      (setq workspace-names (nreverse out))
                    (loop (1+ i) (cons (aref data i) out)))))

             (require 'sawfish.wm.util.display-window)
             (when (and (windowp w) (window-mapped-p w))
               (display-window w)))

             (when (windowp w)
               (let ((mode (cond ((eql (aref data 0) _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE) 'remove)
                                 ((eql (aref data 0) _NET_WM_STATE_ADD) 'add)
                                 ((eql (aref data 0) _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE) 'toggle)))
                     (atom1 (x-atom-name (aref data 1)))
                     (atom2 (x-atom-name (aref data 2))))
                 (when (or (and (eq atom1 '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT)
                                (eq atom2 '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ))
                           (and (eq atom2 '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT)
                                (eq atom1 '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ)))
                   (setq atom1 '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED)
                   (setq atom2 nil))
                 (when atom1
                   (call-state-fun w atom1 mode))
                 (when atom2
                   (call-state-fun w atom2 mode)))))

             (when (windowp w)
               (let ((desktop (aref data 0)))
                 (if (eql desktop #xffffffff)
                     ;; making window sticky
                     (make-window-sticky/workspace w)
                   ;; changing the desktop
                   (make-window-unsticky/workspace w)
                   (send-window-to-workspace-from-first w desktop nil)))))

            (t (setq handled nil)))

;;; property changes

  (define (property-change-handler w prop kind)
    (declare (unused kind))
    (case prop
           (let ((geom (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY)))
             (when geom
               (update-icon-geometry w (nth 2 geom)))))
           (update-strut w))))

;;; utilities

  (define (vector->list vec)
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
         (out '() (cons (aref vec i) out)))
        ((= i (length vec)) (nreverse out))))

  (define (update-on-configure-notify w)
    (when (eq w 'root)

;;; initialisation

  (define (init)
    (setq wm-spec-window-id (create-window 'root -200 -200 5 5))

    (set-x-property 'root '_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK
                    (vector wm-spec-window-id) 'WINDOW 32)
    (set-x-property wm-spec-window-id '_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK
                    (vector wm-spec-window-id) 'WINDOW 32)
    (set-x-property wm-spec-window-id '_NET_WM_NAME "Sawfish" 'UTF8_STRING 8)

    (set-x-property 'root '_NET_SUPPORTED supported-atoms 'ATOM 32)

    (let ((current-desktop (get-x-property 'root '_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP)))
      (when (and current-desktop
                 (eq (car current-desktop) 'CARDINAL)
                 (>= (length (caddr current-desktop)) 1))
        (add-hook 'after-initialization-hook
                  ;; Don't do this yet, it can screw things up
                  (lambda ()
                     (aref (caddr current-desktop) 0))))))


    (add-hook 'workspace-state-change-hook update-workspace-hints)
    (add-hook 'viewport-resized-hook update-workspace-hints)
    (add-hook 'viewport-moved-hook update-workspace-hints)
    (add-hook 'workarea-changed-hook update-workspace-hints)
    (add-hook 'configure-notify-hook update-on-configure-notify)

                                        ; Better not expose work in progress.  map-notify-hook gets
                                        ; called after this anyway.
                                        ;(add-hook 'add-window-hook update-client-list-hints)
    (add-hook 'destroy-notify-hook update-client-list-hints)
    (add-hook 'map-notify-hook update-client-list-hints)
    (add-hook 'unmap-notify-hook update-client-list-hints)
    (add-hook 'after-restacking-hook update-client-list-hints)

    (add-hook 'after-framing-hook update-frame-extents)
    (add-hook 'after-add-window-hook update-frame-extents)
    (add-hook 'reparent-notify-hook update-frame-extents)

    (add-hook 'before-add-window-hook honour-client-state)
    (add-hook 'add-window-hook update-client-state)
    (call-after-state-changed '(sticky shaded maximized stacking
                                       window-list-skip task-list-skip)
    (call-after-state-changed 'sticky update-window-workspace-hints)

    (add-hook 'focus-in-hook update-focus-state)
    (add-hook 'focus-out-hook update-focus-state)

    (add-hook 'client-message-hook client-message-handler)
    (add-hook 'property-notify-hook property-change-handler)

    (add-hook 'before-exit-hook exit)

    (map-windows update-client-state))

  (define (exit)
    (destroy-window wm-spec-window-id)
    (delete-x-property 'root '_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK)
    (delete-x-property 'root '_NET_PROTOCOLS)
    (delete-x-property 'root '_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY)
    (delete-x-property 'root '_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT))

  (unless (or wm-spec-window-id batch-mode)

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