[Sawfish] Patch to save memory and speed up StyleTab

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Patch for StyleTab. Changes:

Mirrored the "top frame buttons" with the "bottom frame buttons" and
the "left frame buttons" with the "right frame buttons" in theme.jl.
(this save memory and speed up StyleTab)

Remove many images in Styltab. Please replace Default, Glass, Reduce,
Smoothly, and WixDa with folders from here:


GPG Fingerprint: CA3B 8204 5B3E 6D48 6D53  C116 E5BC 70D5 B8D7 B2B0
diff -urNad themes/StyleTab.orgi/theme.jl themes/StyleTab/theme.jl
--- themes/StyleTab.orgi/theme.jl
+++ themes/StyleTab/theme.jl
@@ -783,12 +783,12 @@
 (define (do-make-get-image img)
-  (or
-   (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache img)
-   (let ((image
-          (make-image img)))
-     (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache img image)
-     image)))
+    (or
+     (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache img)
+     (let ((image
+            (make-image img)))
+       (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache img image)
+       image)))
 (define (base-tables-images w)
   (let ((focus (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
@@ -802,18 +802,18 @@
     (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache w)
     (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache w `((focused . ,focus) (inactive . ,inact)))))
-(define (tab-tables-images w)
-  (let ((focus (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
+(define (tab-tables-images x w)
+  (let ((focus (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-f.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-        (focus-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-f.png"))
+        (focus-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-marked-f.png"))
                              (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                    (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
                                  (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
-        (highl (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-h.png"))
+        (highl (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-h.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                 (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
                                                                    (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2) 0)
                                                                (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-        (highl-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-h.png"))
+        (highl-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-marked-h.png"))
                              (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t)
                                      (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color)
@@ -835,17 +835,17 @@
                                                                    (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
                                                                        (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2) 0)
                                                                    (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))))
-        (inact (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png"))
+        (inact (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-i.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-        (inact-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-i.png"))
+        (inact-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-marked-i.png"))
                              (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
                                (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                    (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
                                  (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
-        (in-hi (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-ih.png"))
+        (in-hi (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-ih.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                 (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@
                                                      (- (/ (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) 2) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
                                                    (- (nth 1 (proposals-colors))))
                                                  (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-        (in-hi-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-ih.png"))
+        (in-hi-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" x "-" w "-marked-ih.png"))
                              (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
                                  (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t)
                                      (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color)
@@ -869,32 +869,67 @@
                                                                    (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
                                                                        (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2) 0)
                                                                    (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))))
-    (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache w)
-    (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache w `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted .. ,highl) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi)))
-    (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat w "-m"))
-    (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache 
-               (concat w "-m") `((focused . ,focus-m) (highlighted . ,highl-m) (inactive . ,inact-m) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi-m)))))
-(define (base-button-tables-images w)
-  (let ((focus (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
+    (when (equal x '"top")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w) `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (inactive . ,inact) 
+                                                           (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi)))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" "-" w))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" "-" w) `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (inactive . ,inact) 
+                                                           (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi)))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w "-m"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w "-m") `((focused . ,focus-m) (highlighted . ,highl-m) (inactive . ,inact-m) 
+                                                           (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi-m)))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" "-" w "-m"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" "-" w "-m") `((focused . ,focus-m) (highlighted . ,highl-m) (inactive . ,inact-m) 
+                                                           (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi-m))))
+    (when (equal x '"left")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w) `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (inactive . ,inact) 
+                                                           (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi)))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" "-" w))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" "-" w) `((focused .. ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image focus))) 
+                                                                 (highlighted . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image highl)))
+                                                                 (inactive . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image inact)))
+                                                                 (inactive-highlighted . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image in-hi)))))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w "-m"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat x "-" w "-m") `((focused . ,focus-m) (highlighted . ,highl-m) (inactive . ,inact-m) 
+                                                           (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi-m)))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" "-" w "-m"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" "-" w "-m") `((focused . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image focus-m))) 
+                                                                 (highlighted . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image highl-m)))
+                                                                 (inactive . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image inact-m)))
+                                                                 (inactive-highlighted . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image in-hi-m))))))))
+(define (base-button-tables-images w x)
+  (let ((focus (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w x "-f.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-        (in-cl (do-recolor (do-make-get-image  (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-c.png"))
+        (in-cl (do-recolor (do-make-get-image  (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w x "-c.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-        (click (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-c.png"))
+        (click (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w x"-c.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
-        (inact (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png"))
+        (inact (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w x"-i.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
-    (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache w)
-    (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache w  `((focused . ,focus) (clicked . ,click) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl)))))
+    (when (equal w '"top")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat w x))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat w x)  `((focused . ,focus) (clicked . ,click) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl)))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" x))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" x)  `((focused . ,focus) (clicked . ,click) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl))))
+    (when (equal w '"left")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat w x))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat w x)  `((focused . ,focus) (clicked . ,click) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl)))
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" x))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" x) `((focused . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image focus))) 
+                                                             (clicked . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image click))) 
+                                                             (inactive . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image inact))) 
+                                                             (inactive-clicked . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image in-cl))))))))
 (define scale-w nil)
 (define scale-h nil)
 (define (button-tables-images w x color always)
@@ -938,20 +973,38 @@
                                                                 (if color color styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color))
                                           (get-recolor-bright (- (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
                                                               (if color color (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))) scale-w scale-h)))
-    (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache w)
-    (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat w "-frame-" x "-button") `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (clicked . ,click) (inactive . ,inact)
-                                                                         (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi) (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl)))))
+    (when (equal w '"top")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "top" "-frame-" x "-button"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "top" "-frame-" x "-button") `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (clicked . ,click) 
+                                                                               (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi) 
+                                                                               (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl))))
+    (when (equal w '"top")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" "-frame-" x "-button"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "bottom" "-frame-" x "-button") `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (clicked . ,click)
+                                                                                  (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi) 
+                                                                                  (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl))))
+    (when (equal w '"left")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "left" "-frame-" x "-button"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "left" "-frame-" x "-button") `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted . ,highl) (clicked . ,click) 
+                                                                               (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi) 
+                                                                               (inactive-clicked . ,in-cl))))
+    (when (equal w '"left")
+      (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" "-frame-" x "-button"))
+      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache (concat "right" "-frame-" x "-button") `((focused . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image focus))) 
+                                                                                 (highlighted . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image highl))) 
+                                                                                 (clicked . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image click))) 
+                                                                                 (inactive . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image inact))) 
+                                                                                 (inactive-highlighted . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image in-hi))) 
+                                                                                 (inactive-clicked . ,(flip-image-horizontally (copy-image in-cl))))))))
 ;; frames/tabbar
 (define top-frame-icon-title-images
   (make-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" "top-frame-icon-title-images-f.png")))
 (define (tabbar-horizontal-images)
   (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                                (tab-tables-images (concat x "-" w))) (list "top" "bottom"))) (list "frame-tab-left-icon" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-right")))
+                               (tab-tables-images x w)) (list "top"))) (list "frame-tab-left-icon" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-right")))
 (define (tabbar-vertical-images)
   (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                                (tab-tables-images (concat x "-" w))) (list "left" "right"))) (list "frame-tab-top" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
+                               (tab-tables-images x w)) (list "left"))) (list "frame-tab-top" "frame-tab" "frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
 (define (title-cursor-images)
   (mapcar (lambda (w) (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-title-cursor"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
 (define (title-nocursor-images)
@@ -985,55 +1038,63 @@
 ;; buttons
 (define (base-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (base-button-tables-images (concat w "-frame-button"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (base-button-tables-images  w "-frame-button")) (list "top" "left")))
 (define (space-button-images)
   (mapcar (lambda (w) (base-tables-images (concat w "-frame-title"))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
 (define (close-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images w "close" styletab-c:hightlight-close
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-close-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+  (button-tables-images "top" "close" styletab-c:hightlight-close (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-close-all t) t))
+  (button-tables-images "left" "close" styletab-c:hightlight-close (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-close-all t) t)))
 (define (menu-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images w "menu" styletab-c:hightlight-menu
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-menu-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+  (button-tables-images "top" "menu" styletab-c:hightlight-menu (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-menu-all t) t))
+  (button-tables-images "left" "menu" styletab-c:hightlight-menu (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-menu-all t) t)))
 (define (iconify-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images w "iconify" styletab-c:hightlight-iconify
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-iconify-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+  (button-tables-images "top" "iconify" styletab-c:hightlight-iconify (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-iconify-all t) t))
+  (button-tables-images "left" "iconify" styletab-c:hightlight-iconify (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-iconify-all t) t)))
 (define (move-resize-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images w "move-resize" styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+  (button-tables-images "top" "move-resize" styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize-all t) t))
+  (button-tables-images "left" "move-resize" styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-move-resize-all t) t)))
 (define (rename-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images w "rename" styletab-c:hightlight-rename
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-rename-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+  (button-tables-images "top" "rename" styletab-c:hightlight-rename (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-rename-all t) t))
+  (button-tables-images "left" "rename" styletab-c:hightlight-rename (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-rename-all t) t)))
 (define (frame-type-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images w "frame-type" styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type
-                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type-all t) t))) (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right")))
+  (button-tables-images "top" "frame-type" styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type-all t) t))
+  (button-tables-images "left" "frame-type" styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-frame-type-all t) t)))
 (define (maximize-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-maximize
-                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-maximize-all t) t)))
-                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "maximize" "unmaximize")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "top" w styletab-c:hightlight-maximize
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-maximize-all t) t))) (list "maximize" "unmaximize"))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "left" w styletab-c:hightlight-maximize
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-maximize-all t) t))) (list "maximize" "unmaximize")))
 (define (shade-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-shade
-                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-shade-all t) t)))
-                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "shade" "unshade")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "top" w styletab-c:hightlight-shade
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-shade-all t) t))) (list "shade" "unshade"))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "left" w styletab-c:hightlight-shade
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-shade-all t) t))) (list "shade" "unshade")))
 (define (sticky-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-sticky
-                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-sticky-all t) t)))
-                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "sticky" "unsticky")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "top" w styletab-c:hightlight-sticky
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-sticky-all t) t))) (list "sticky" "unsticky"))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "left" w styletab-c:hightlight-sticky
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-sticky-all t) t))) (list "sticky" "unsticky")))
 (define (lock-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-lock
-                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-lock-all t) t)))
-                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "lock" "unlock")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "top" w styletab-c:hightlight-lock
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-lock-all t) t))) (list "lock" "unlock"))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "left" w styletab-c:hightlight-lock
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-lock-all t) t))) (list "lock" "unlock")))
 (define (prev-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-prev
-                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-prev-all t) t)))
-                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "prev" "prev-last")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "top" w styletab-c:hightlight-prev
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-prev-all t) t))) (list "prev" "prev-last"))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "left" w styletab-c:hightlight-prev
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-prev-all t) t))) (list "prev" "prev-last")))
 (define (next-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-next
-                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-next-all t) t)))
-                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "next" "next-last")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "top" w styletab-c:hightlight-next
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-next-all t) t))) (list "next" "next-last"))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "left" w styletab-c:hightlight-next
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-next-all t) t))) (list "next" "next-last")))
 (define (raise-lower-button-images)
-  (mapcar (lambda (w) (mapcar (lambda (x) (button-tables-images x w styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower
-                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower-all t) t)))
-                              (list "top" "bottom" "left" "right"))) (list "raise-lower" "ontop" "unontop")))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "top" w styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower-all t) t))) (list "raise-lower" "ontop" "unontop"))
+  (mapcar (lambda (w) (button-tables-images "left" w styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower
+                                            (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-raise-lower-all t) t))) (list "raise-lower" "ontop" "unontop")))
 (define (recolor-base)
   (title-cursor-images) (title-nocursor-images) (top-border-images) (top-left-corner-images) (top-right-corner-images) (top-left-corner-shaped-images)
   (top-right-corner-shaped-images) (title-images) (left-border-images) (right-border-images) (bottom-left-corner-images) (bottom-border-images)
@@ -2487,7 +2548,7 @@
                          #:theme-left-margin-transient (adjustments-tabbar (check-sharped '"top-transient-buttons-left"))
                          #:theme-right-margin-transient (adjustments-tabbar (check-sharped '"top-transient-buttons-right")))
     (when (eq type 'normal-frame)
-      (setq frame (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-default-border-corner-group 
+      (setq frame (append top-frame-title-group top-frame-default-border-corner-group
                           (table-ref styletab-c-botton-cache (check-sharped '"top-normal-buttons-left"))
                           top-frame-border-group (table-ref styletab-c-botton-cache (check-sharped '"top-normal-buttons-right")))))
     (when (eq type 'transient-frame)

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