Re: [Sawfish] Window Rules - force a specific window size

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Those are the NET_WM_ things, eg: "Class" = _NET_WM_CLASS.

_NET_WM_CLASS is split in two CLASS/instance -- if you have GIMP in three-window-mode you will see the difference. You can simply choose the "Grab" button to get a windows specific value. For example windows that change their title are best matched against Class (Role, Host, Locale are rather pointless to me).

Am 2012-10-25 20:07, schrieb Daniel Fetchinson:
fixed-size means that window can't be resized.

I see, thanks. Once we are at it, what are the meanings of various Matchers:

Name, Class, Icon Name, Role, Host, Locale

and how is the stuff I enter interpreted? For instance fuchur had
^Evince/evince$ for Class how should I understand this?


Daniel Fetchinson <fetchinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> schrieb:

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