Re: [Sawfish] how to force a full button set and borders onto transient windows

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I considered that before asking & it has too many side effects.

I may have assumed too much so after your suggestion I made a rule that matches all new windows; because many of these transient pop ups appear to have no name/class,  I asked for a name match on ".*" - when I do that all the other rules are ignored. 

I don't see a way to match transients only ; lots of applications seem to set only the "name", "class" and "host" entries/attributes - if "role" is supposed to be filled in for dialogs or transients it's not happening. 

On Mon, Sep 03, 2012 at 08:49:14AM +0200, Robert 'Bobby' Zenz wrote:
> You're looking for the window rules. You can pretty much change *everything* in 
> there (including to force a full frame and resizability onto all windows). It's 

Sawfish ML

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