[Sawfish] Update StyleTab patch.

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I have add support for sticky viewport in StyleTab.
Now if you select a window to add as tab the tabbar is "hightlight"
with a custom color. I have add some links in StylTabs styles "Default, 
Glass, Reduce, Smoothly, WixDa" folders, without the new links the two
pachtes will crash sawfish. Download complete styles here:

Now my todo/buglist for sawfish is empty :).


GPG Fingerprint: CA3B 8204 5B3E 6D48 6D53  C116 E5BC 70D5 B8D7 B2B0
diff -urNad sawfish.orgi/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tab.jl sawfish/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tab.jl
--- sawfish.orgi/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tab.jl
+++ sawfish/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tab.jl
@@ -170,6 +170,9 @@
   (define-frame-class 'tabbar-vertical-bottom-edge
     `((bottom-edge . ,tab-bottom-edge)) t)
+  (define (emit-marked-hook w)
+    (call-window-hook 'window-state-change-hook w (list '(marked))))
   ;; This function is for interactive use. Use tab-group-window for lisp.
   (define (tab-add-to-group win)
     "Add a window to a tabgroup. Apply this command on a window, then
@@ -178,11 +181,17 @@
     (when (net-wm-window-type-normal-p win)
       (if marked-window
-            (mapcar (lambda (w) (tab-group-window w win)) marked-window)
+            (mapcar (lambda (w) 
+                      (window-put w 'marked nil)
+                      (emit-marked-hook w)
+                      (tab-group-window w win)) marked-window)
             (default-cursor select-cursor)
+            (window-put win 'marked nil)
             (setq marked-window nil))
+        (window-put win 'marked t)
         (default-cursor (get-cursor 'clock))
-        (setq marked-window (cons win)))))
+        (setq marked-window (cons win)))
+      (emit-marked-hook win)))
   (define-command 'tab-add-to-group tab-add-to-group #:spec "%W")
@@ -196,7 +205,10 @@
             (setq marked-window (tab-group-window-index (car marked-window)))
             (tab-add-to-group win))
         (default-cursor (get-cursor 'clock))
-        (setq marked-window (tab-group-window-index win)))))
+        (setq marked-window (tab-group-window-index win))
+        (mapcar (lambda (w) 
+                  (window-put w 'marked t)
+                  (emit-marked-hook w)) marked-window))))
   (define-command 'tabgroup-add-to-group tabgroup-add-to-group #:spec "%W")
--- sawfish.orgi/themes/StyleTab/theme.jl	2012-08-29 21:48:01.000000000 +0200
+++ sawfish/themes/StyleTab/theme.jl	2012-08-30 21:07:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -60,6 +60,18 @@
   :options (Default Reduce Glass WixDa Smoothly Brown Darkblue Blue Pink Green)
   :after-set (lambda () (color-changed)))
+(defcustom styletab-c:tabbar-marked t "Customize tabbar color if window marked to add as tab."
+  :group (appearance StyleTab:group)
+  :type boolean
+  :after-set (lambda () (botton-color-changed recolor-tab)))
+(defcustom styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color (get-color "#DF0000")
+  "Color of tabbar if window marked to add as tab."
+  :group (appearance StyleTab:group)
+  :type color
+  :depends styletab-c:tabbar-marked
+  :after-set (lambda () (botton-color-changed recolor-tab)))
 (defcustom styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar nil "Also hightlighted tabbars."
   :group (appearance StyleTab:group)
   :type boolean
@@ -777,7 +789,6 @@
      (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache img image)
 (define (base-tables-images w)
   (let ((focus (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
@@ -795,6 +806,12 @@
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark 0 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark 0 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+        (focus-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-f.png"))
+                             (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
+                                 styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color
+                               (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                   (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
+                                 (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
         (highl (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-h.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
@@ -804,10 +821,29 @@
                                                                (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
                                                                    (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2) 0)
                                                                (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+        (highl-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-h.png"))
+                             (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
+                                 (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t)
+                                     (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color)
+                                   styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color)
+                               (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                   (get-recolor-bright 
+                                    (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                        (/ (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 40) 2) 20)
+                                    styletab-c:focus-frame-color) (get-recolor-bright 
+                                                                   (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                                                       (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2) 0)
+                                                                   (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))))
         (inact (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-i.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
                                (get-recolor-dark (* styletab-c:inactive-dimout 20) styletab-c:unfocus-frame-color)
                              (get-recolor-dark (nth 1 (proposals-colors)) (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+        (inact-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-i.png"))
+                             (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
+                                 styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color
+                               (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                   (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:focus-frame-color)
+                                 (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
         (in-hi (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-ih.png"))
                            (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
@@ -818,9 +854,25 @@
                              (get-recolor-bright (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
                                                      (- (/ (nth 3 (proposals-colors)) 2) (nth 1 (proposals-colors)))
                                                    (- (nth 1 (proposals-colors))))
-                                                 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))
+                                                 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors)))))))
+        (in-hi-m (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-marked-ih.png"))
+                             (if (eq styletab-c:tabbar-marked t)
+                                 (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t)
+                                     (get-recolor-bright 20 styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color)
+                                   styletab-c:tabbar-marked-color)
+                               (if (eq styletab-c:custom-frame-colors t)
+                                   (get-recolor-bright 
+                                    (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                        (/ (* styletab-c:active-hightlight-brighten 40) 2) 20)
+                                    styletab-c:focus-frame-color) (get-recolor-bright 
+                                                                   (if (eq styletab-c:hightlight-tabbar t) 
+                                                                       (/ (nth 2 (proposals-colors)) 2) 0)
+                                                                   (get-recolor-bright 20 (get-color (nth 0 (proposals-colors))))))))))
     (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache w)
-    (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache w `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted .. ,highl) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi)))))
+    (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache w `((focused . ,focus) (highlighted .. ,highl) (inactive . ,inact) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi)))
+    (table-unset styletab-c-frame-cache (concat w "-m"))
+    (table-set styletab-c-frame-cache 
+               (concat w "-m") `((focused . ,focus-m) (highlighted . ,highl-m) (inactive . ,inact-m) (inactive-highlighted . ,in-hi-m)))))
 (define (base-button-tables-images w)
   (let ((focus (do-recolor (do-make-get-image (concat (symbol-name styletab-c:styles) "/" w "-f.png"))
@@ -1320,14 +1372,18 @@
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (- styletab-c:title-dimension 12)))
      (y-justify . ,(lambda (w) (+ (/ styletab-c:title-dimension 2) -7)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab"))))
      (foreground . ,title-colors-images)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (text . ,window-name))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-left-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-left-icon")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-left-icon-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-left-icon"))))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1335,7 +1391,9 @@
      (y-justify . 2)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (+ 3 (icon-edge w)))))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-right-edge)
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-right")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-right-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-tab-right"))))
      (width . ,tabbar-right-edge-width)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (top-edge . ,title-edge-s))
@@ -1356,14 +1414,18 @@
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (- styletab-c:title-dimension 12)))
      (y-justify . ,(lambda (w) (+ (/ styletab-c:title-dimension 2) -7)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab"))))
      (foreground . ,title-colors-images)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (text . ,window-name))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-left-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-left-icon")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-left-icon-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-left-icon"))))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1371,7 +1433,9 @@
      (y-justify . 2)
      (x-justify . ,(lambda (w) (+ 3 (icon-edge w)))))
     ((class . tabbar-horizontal-right-edge)
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-right")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-right-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-tab-right"))))
      (width . ,tabbar-right-edge-width)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (bottom-edge . ,title-edge-s))
@@ -1393,7 +1457,9 @@
      (width . 2))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-top-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-top")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-top-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-top"))))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (height . ,(lambda (w) (+ 2 (title-height-s w))))
      (width . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1403,12 +1469,16 @@
     ((class . tabbar-vertical)
      (x-justify . 12)
      (y-justify . center)
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab"))))
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-bottom-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-bottom-icon-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-tab-bottom-icon"))))
      (left-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1431,7 +1501,9 @@
      (width . 2))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-top-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-top")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-top-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-top"))))
      (cursor . hand2)
      (height . ,(lambda (w) (+ 2 (title-height-s w))))
      (width . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1441,12 +1513,16 @@
     ((class . tabbar-vertical)
      (x-justify . 12)
      (y-justify . center)
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab"))))
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s))
     ((class . tabbar-vertical-bottom-edge)
      (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (window-icon w)))
-     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-bottom-icon")))
+     (background . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'marked)
+                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-bottom-icon-m")
+                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-tab-bottom-icon"))))
      (right-edge . ,title-edge-s)
      (height . ,title-height-s)
      (width . ,title-height-s)
@@ -1658,7 +1734,8 @@
 (define top-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-get w 'sticky)
+                                       (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-unsticky-button") 
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1669,7 +1746,8 @@
 (define bottom-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-get w 'sticky) 
+                                       (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-unsticky-button") 
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1680,7 +1758,8 @@
 (define left-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-get w 'sticky) 
+                                       (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-unsticky-button") 
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1691,7 +1770,8 @@
 (define right-frame-sticky-button
   `((class . sticky-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (window-get w 'sticky) 
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-get w 'sticky) 
+                                       (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-unsticky-button") 
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-sticky-button"))))
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1730,7 +1810,7 @@
 (define top-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-prev-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1741,7 +1821,7 @@
 (define bottom-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-prev-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1752,7 +1832,7 @@
 (define left-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-prev-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1763,7 +1843,7 @@
 (define right-frame-prev-button
   `((class . previous-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-first-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-prev-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-prev-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1774,7 +1854,7 @@
 (define top-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-next-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"top-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1785,7 +1865,7 @@
 (define bottom-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-next-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"bottom-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1796,7 +1876,7 @@
 (define left-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-next-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"left-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -1807,7 +1887,7 @@
 (define right-frame-next-button
   `((class . next-workspace-button)
     (background . ,(lambda (w) (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-button")))
-    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky))
+    (foreground . ,(lambda (w) (if (or (window-in-workspace-p w (- (get-last-workspace) 1)) (window-get w 'sticky) (window-get w 'sticky-viewport))
                                    (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-next-last-button")   
                                  (table-ref styletab-c-frame-cache '"right-frame-next-button"))))    
     (cursor . hand2)
@@ -2505,6 +2585,10 @@
     (when (eq (window-get w 'current-frame-style) theme-name)
       (reframe-window w))))
+(define (reframe-marked w)
+  (when (eq (window-get w 'current-frame-style) theme-name)
+    (reframe-window w)))
 ;; reframe-with-style, resize bottons
 ;; reset icon cache
 (define (clear-icon-cache-reframe)
@@ -2571,6 +2655,7 @@
 (add-frame-style theme-name get-frame)
+(call-after-state-changed '(marked) reframe-marked)
 (call-after-state-changed '(maximized sticky fixed-position stacking) reframe-one)
 (add-hook 'remove-from-workspace-hook reframe-one)

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