[qo-modules-dev] [39] docs and file cleanup

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Revision: 39
Author:   mjlecomte
Date:     2008-12-03 19:22:06 +0100 (Wed, 03 Dec 2008)

Log Message:
docs and file cleanup

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/controller.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/controller.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/controller.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
      * @cfg {Object} Platform load configuration
     platformConfig: {
-        url: 'modules-preload.js',
+        url: 'preload.js',
         params: 'foo'

Modified: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/desktop.html
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/desktop.html	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/desktop.html	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -6,12 +6,9 @@
     <!-- CSS -->
 	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./resources/css/desktop.css" />
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sample.css" />
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./system/modules/acc-win/acc-win.css" />
  	<!-- LIBS -->
  	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
@@ -20,11 +17,11 @@
     <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all-detail.js"></script>
  	<!-- OVERRIDES -->       <!-- Destroy context menus -->
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="override.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/overrides/override.js"></script>
     <!-- APPLICATION -->     <!-- These must be loaded immediately (logic to get modules, etc.) -->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/Module.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/RemoteLoader.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/data/RemoteLoader.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/Launch.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/App.js"></script>
@@ -37,14 +34,14 @@
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="controller.js"></script>
     <!-- VIEW RELATED -->    <!-- These files not needed until onReady -->
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/StartMenu.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/Appbar.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ActiveApps.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/TaskBar.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/TaskButton.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/menu/StartMenu.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/toolbar/Appbar.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/toolbar/ActiveApps.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/toolbar/TaskBar.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/button/TaskButton.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/View.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/Desktop.js"></script>
+	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/view/View.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/view/Desktop.js"></script>

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/ActiveApps.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/ActiveApps.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/ActiveApps.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- * @class Ext.ux.ActiveAppsPanel
- * @extends Ext.ux.Appbar
- */
-Ext.ux.ActiveAppsPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Appbar, {
-    activeButton: null,
-    enableScroll: true,
-    scrollIncrement: 0,
-    scrollRepeatInterval: 400,
-    scrollDuration: 0.35,
-    animScroll: true,
-    resizeButtons: true,
-    buttonWidth: 168,
-    minButtonWidth: 118,
-    buttonMargin: 2,//2,
-    buttonWidthSet: false,
-    toggleGroup: 'taskbuttons',
-    baseCls: 'ux-taskbuttons',
-    afterAdd: function (btn) {
-        if (!this.buttonWidthSet) {
-            this.lastButtonWidth = btn.container.getWidth();
-        }
-        this.setActiveButton(btn);
-    },
-    delegateUpdates: function () {
-        /*if(this.suspendUpdates){
-            return;
-        }*/
-        if (this.rendered && this.items) {
-            if (this.resizeButtons) {
-                //this.autoSize();
-            }
-            if (this.enableScroll) {
-                //this.autoScroll();
-            }
-        }       
-    },
-    createButton: function (win, el) {
-        var btn = new Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton(win, el);
-        return btn;
-    },
-    removeButton: function (btn) {
-        btn.destroy();
-        var s = [];
-        for (var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) {
-            if (this.items[i] !== btn) {
-                s.push(this.items[i]);
-            }
-        }
-        this.items = s;
-        this.delegateUpdates();
-    },
-    setActiveButton: function (btn) {
-        this.activeButton = btn;
-        this.delegateUpdates();
-    },
-    autoSize: function () {
-        var count, ow, aw, each, btns, btn, tw, iw;
-       // if (!this.items) return;
-        count = this.items.length;
-        ow = this.el.dom.offsetWidth;
-        aw = this.el.dom.clientWidth;
-        if (!this.resizeButtons || count < 1 || !aw) { // !aw for display:none
-            return;
-        }
-        each = Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor((aw - 4) / count) - this.buttonMargin, this.buttonWidth), this.minButtonWidth); // -4 for float errors in IE
-        btns = this.stripWrap.dom.getElementsByTagName('button');
-        this.lastButtonWidth = Ext.get(btns[0].id).findParent('li').offsetWidth;
-        for (var i = 0, len = btns.length; i < len; i++) {            
-            btn = btns[i];
-            tw = Ext.get(btns[i].id).findParent('li').offsetWidth;
-            iw = btn.offsetWidth;
-            btn.style.width = (each - (tw - iw)) + 'px';
-        }
-    },
-    autoScroll: function () {
-        var count, ow, tw, wrap, cw, pos, l;
-        count = this.items.length;
-        ow = this.el.dom.offsetWidth;
-        tw = this.el.dom.clientWidth;
-        wrap = this.stripWrap;
-        cw = wrap.dom.offsetWidth;
-        pos = this.getScrollPos();
-        l = this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + pos;
-        if (!this.enableScroll || count < 1 || cw < 20) { // 20 to prevent display:none issues
-            return;
-        }
-        wrap.setWidth(tw); // moved to here because of problem in Safari
-        if (l <= tw) {
-            wrap.dom.scrollLeft = 0;
-            //wrap.setWidth(tw); moved from here because of problem in Safari
-            if (this.scrolling) {
-                this.scrolling = false;
-                this.el.removeClass('x-taskbuttons-scrolling');
-                this.scrollLeft.hide();
-                this.scrollRight.hide();
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (!this.scrolling) {
-                this.el.addClass('x-taskbuttons-scrolling');
-            }
-            tw -= wrap.getMargins('lr');
-            wrap.setWidth(tw > 20 ? tw : 20);
-            if (!this.scrolling) {
-                if (!this.scrollLeft) {
-                    this.createScrollers();
-                } else {
-                    this.scrollLeft.show();
-                    this.scrollRight.show();
-                }
-            }
-            this.scrolling = true;
-            if (pos > (l - tw)) { // ensure it stays within bounds
-                wrap.dom.scrollLeft = l - tw;
-            } else { // otherwise, make sure the active button is still visible
-                this.scrollToButton(this.activeButton, true); // true to animate
-            }
-            this.updateScrollButtons();
-        }
-    },
-    createScrollers: function () {
-        var h, sl, sr;
-        h = this.el.dom.offsetHeight; //var h = this.stripWrap.dom.offsetHeight;
-        // left
-        sl = this.el.insertFirst({
-            cls: 'ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left'
-        });
-        sl.setHeight(h);
-        sl.addClassOnOver('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left-over');
-        this.leftRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(sl, {
-            interval: this.scrollRepeatInterval,
-            handler: this.onScrollLeft,
-            scope: this
-        });
-        this.scrollLeft = sl;
-        // right
-        sr = this.el.insertFirst({
-            cls: 'ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right'
-        });
-        sr.setHeight(h);
-        sr.addClassOnOver('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right-over');
-        this.rightRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(sr, {
-            interval: this.scrollRepeatInterval,
-            handler: this.onScrollRight,
-            scope: this
-        });
-        this.scrollRight = sr;
-    },
-    getScrollWidth: function () {
-        return this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + this.getScrollPos();
-    },
-    getScrollPos: function () {
-        return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.scrollLeft, 10) || 0;
-    },
-    getScrollArea: function () {
-        return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.clientWidth, 10) || 0;
-    },
-    getScrollAnim: function () {
-        return {
-            duration: this.scrollDuration,
-            callback: this.updateScrollButtons,
-            scope: this
-        };
-    },
-    getScrollIncrement: function () {
-        return (this.scrollIncrement || this.lastButtonWidth + 2);
-    },
-    /* getBtnEl : function(item){
-        return document.getElementById(item.id);
-    }, */
-    scrollToButton : function (item, animate) {
-        var el, pos, area, right, left;
-        item = item.el.dom.parentNode; // li
-        if (!item) {
-            return;
-        }
-        el = item; //this.getBtnEl(item);
-        pos = this.getScrollPos();
-        area = this.getScrollArea();
-        left = Ext.fly(el).getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + pos;
-        right = left + el.offsetWidth;
-        if (left < pos) {
-            this.scrollTo(left, animate);
-        } else if (right > (pos + area)) {
-            this.scrollTo(right - area, animate);
-        }
-    },
-    scrollTo: function (pos, animate) {
-        this.stripWrap.scrollTo('left', pos, animate ? this.getScrollAnim() : false);
-        if (!animate) {
-            this.updateScrollButtons();
-        }
-    },
-    onScrollRight: function () {
-        var sw, pos, s;
-        sw = this.getScrollWidth() - this.getScrollArea();
-        pos = this.getScrollPos();
-        s = Math.min(sw, pos + this.getScrollIncrement());
-        if (s !== pos) {
-            this.scrollTo(s, this.animScroll);
-        }        
-    },
-    onScrollLeft: function () {
-        var pos, s;
-        pos = this.getScrollPos();
-        s = Math.max(0, pos - this.getScrollIncrement());
-        if (s !== pos) {
-            this.scrollTo(s, this.animScroll);
-        }
-    },
-    updateScrollButtons: function () {
-        var pos = this.getScrollPos();
-        this.scrollLeft[pos === 0 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left-disabled');
-        this.scrollRight[pos >= (this.getScrollWidth() - this.getScrollArea()) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right-disabled');
-    }
-Ext.reg('activeAppsPanel', Ext.ux.ActiveAppsPanel);
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Appbar.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Appbar.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Appbar.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * A specialized Toolbar implementation for the Start Menu
- * @class Ext.ux.Appbar
- * @extends Ext.Toolbar
- */
-Ext.ux.Appbar = Ext.extend(Ext.Toolbar, {
-    //prevent a border from being applied
-    border: false,
-    /* @private */
-    constructor: function (config) {
-        this.app = Ext.app.controller;         
-        Ext.apply(this, config);
-        if (config.launchers) {
-            config.buttons = this.initButtons(config.launchers);
-        }
-        if (!this.items) this.autoEl = {};
-        Ext.ux.Appbar.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /**
-     * //Initialize any buttons 
-     * @param {String} l launch menu type
-     */
-    initButtons: function (l) {
-        var qItems = this.app.getLaunchers(l);        
-        if(qItems){
-            var btns = [];
-            var b = {};  
-            Ext.each(qItems, function(item, index, allItems){
-                b.iconCls = item.iconCls;
-                b.handler = item.handler;
-                // do not display text
-                btns.push(b);
-            })
-        }
-        return btns;
-    }
-Ext.reg('appbar', Ext.ux.Appbar);
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Desktop.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Desktop.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Desktop.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
- * <p>This GUI mimics a Windows OS desktop appliction.</p>
- * @class Ext.ux.gui.Desktop
- * @extends Ext.ux.View
- */
-Ext.ux.gui.Desktop = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.View, {
-    activeWindow: null,
-    xTickSize: 1,
-    yTickSize: 1,
-    initComponent: function () {
-        // window manager
-        this.windows = new Ext.WindowGroup();
-        this.desktopBody = new Ext.Panel({
-            region: 'center',
-            id: 'x-desktop',
-            //xtype: 'panel',
-            //TODO: this is going to an inner div, while the 'wallpaper'
-            //is being applied to the parent div. They should go to the same
-            //div so there isn't two active images.  The other wallpaper
-            //is set in View.js/setWallpaper().
-            bodyStyle: "background-image:url(wallpapers/eos.jpg) !important",
-            autoEl: {}
-        });
-        this.taskbar = new Ext.ux.TaskBar({
-            //xtype: 'taskbar',
-            //TODO: make region configurable north/south
-            //if make this north, need to change the origin of menus
-            //so they don't go off the page
-            region: 'south',
-            collapsible: true,
-            collapseMode: 'mini',
-            split: true,
-            listeners: {
-                // Set any styles if defined (background color, wallpaper, fontcolor, etc.)
-                // initStyles() uses desktop elements so they must be rendered already        
-                afterRender: this.initStyles,
-                scope: this
-            },
-            view: this
-        });
-        Ext.apply(this, {
-            id: 'app-viewport',
-            layout: 'border',
-//          bodyBorder: false
-            defaults: {
-                border: false,
-                cmargins: '0 0 0 0', // only used by border layout
-                margins: '0 0 0 0'
-            },
-            items: [this.desktopBody, this.taskbar]
-        });
-        Ext.ux.gui.Desktop.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
-    },
-    getManager: function () {
-        return this.windows;
-    },
-    getWindow: function (id) {
-        return this.windows.get(id);
-    },
-    setTickSize: function (xTickSize, yTickSize) {
-        this.xTickSize = xTickSize;
-        if (arguments.length === 1) {
-            this.yTickSize = xTickSize;
-        } else {
-            this.yTickSize = yTickSize;
-        }
-        this.windows.each(function (win) {
-            win.dd.xTickSize = this.xTickSize;
-            win.dd.yTickSize = this.yTickSize;
-            win.resizer.widthIncrement = this.xTickSize;
-            win.resizer.heightIncrement = this.yTickSize;
-        }, this);
-    },
-    cascade: function (btn, e) {
-        var x, y, xTick, yTick;
-        xTick = Math.max(this.xTickSize, 20);
-        yTick = Math.max(this.yTickSize, 20);
-        x = xTick;
-        y = yTick;
-        this.windows.each(function (win) {
-            if (win.isVisible() && !win.maximized) {
-                win.setPosition(x, y);
-                x += xTick;
-                y += yTick;
-            }
-        }, this);
-    },
-    tile: function (btn, e) {
-        var availWidth, nextY, w, x, y;
-        availWidth = this.getEl().getWidth(true);
-        x = this.xTickSize;
-        y = this.yTickSize;
-        nextY = y;
-        this.windows.each(function (win) {
-            if (win.isVisible() && !win.maximized) {
-                w = win.el.getWidth();
-                // Wrap to next row if we are not at the line start and this Window will go off the end
-                if ((x > this.xTickSize) && (x + w > availWidth)) {
-                    x = this.xTickSize;
-                    y = nextY;
-                }
-                win.setPosition(x, y);
-                x += w + this.xTickSize;
-                nextY = Math.max(nextY, y + win.el.getHeight() + this.yTickSize);
-            }
-        }, this);
-    },
-// below here not implemented
-    // Private
-    addContextMenuItem: function (item) {
-        var m = app.getModule(id);
-        if (m && !m.contextMenuItem) {
-            / * if (m.moduleType === 'menu') { // handle menu modules
-                var items = m.items;
-                for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
-                    m.launcher.menu.items.push(app.getModule(items[i]).launcher);
-                }
-            } * /
-            this.cmenu.add(m.launcher);
-        }
-        if (Ext.isArray(item)) {
-            for (var i = 0, len = item.length; i < len; i++) {
-                this.addContextMenuItem(item[i]);
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-        this.cmenu.add(item);
-    },
-    onContextmenu: function (e) {
-//      if (e.target.id === desktopEl.id) {
-        e.stopEvent();
-        if (!this.cmenu.el) {
-            this.cmenu.render();
-        }
-        var xy = e.getXY();
-        xy[1] -= this.cmenu.el.getHeight();
-        this.cmenu.showAt(xy);
-//      }
-//      this.fireEvent('contextmenu', this, e.target.id, e);
-    },
-    //TODO: the names here should be generalized to adding 'shortcuts' to any menu
-    //in case the GUI is not a "desktop"
-    addShortcut: function (id, updateConfig) {
-//        var m = this.app.getModule(id);
-        var c, m = Ext.getCmp(id);
-        if (m && !m.shortcut) {
-            c = m.launcher;
-            m.shortcut = this.shortcuts.addShortcut({
-                handler: c.handler,
-                iconCls: c.shortcutIconCls,
-                scope: c.scope,
-                text: c.text,
-                tooltip: c.tooltip || ''
-            });
-            if (updateConfig) {
-                this.app.launchers.shortcut.push(id);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    removeShortcut: function (id, updateConfig) {
-        var i, sc, m = this.app.getModule(id);
-        if (m && m.shortcut) {
-            this.shortcuts.removeShortcut(m.shortcut);
-            m.shortcut = null;
-            if (updateConfig) {
-                sc = this.app.launchers.shortcut;
-                i = 0;
-                while (i < sc.length) {
-                    if (sc[i] === id) {
-                        sc.splice(i, 1);
-                    } else {
-                        i++;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }    
-Ext.ux.View.GUIS['desktop'] = Ext.ux.gui.Desktop;
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Launch.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Launch.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Launch.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
      * @private
     var result = Ext.extend(Object, {
+        /**
+         * constructor
+         * @private
+         */
         constructor: function(config){
             Ext.apply(this, config);
             if (this.launchId || this.id) {

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/RemoteLoader.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/RemoteLoader.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/RemoteLoader.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * A specialized implemenations of Ext.data.Connection to load remote components dynamically.
- * Remotely loaded components should have an id so that Ext.ComponentMgr's onAvailable
- * function can be utilized to manipulate the components as they are added.
- * @class Ext.ux.RemoteLoader
- * @extends Ext.data.Connection
- * @singleton
- */
-Ext.ux.RemoteLoader = function () {
-    var cm = Ext.ComponentMgr, // TODO: not currently used
-    conn = new Ext.data.Connection(),
-    method = 'POST';
-    return {
-        /**
-         * Dynamically load components from a server resource
-         * config options include anything available in @link Ext.data.Connection#request
-         * @param {Object} config
-         */
-        load : function (config) {
-            this.root = config.root || this.root;
-            // append the connection configuration for later use
-            var cb = this.onLoad.createDelegate(this, [config], true);
-            var r = Ext.apply({}, config);
-            Ext.apply(r, {
-                method: method,
-                callback: cb
-            });	
-            // submit ajax request to server
-            // save id of the server transaction in case we want to cancel the request
-            this.transId = conn.request(r);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Callback method for the load request.
-         * @param {Object} opts
-         * @param {Object} success
-         * @param {Object} response
-         * @param {Object} c data connection config object
-         */
-        onLoad : function (opts, success, response, c) {			
-            try {
-                // use Ext.util.JSON.decode to decode the responseText
-                var o = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
-            }
-            catch (e) {
-                this.onFailure(opts, success, response, c);
-                return;
-            }
-            Ext.callback(c.callback, c.scope, [o, arguments]);
-        },
-        /* @private */
-        onFailure: function (opts, success, response, c) {
-            Ext.Msg.alert('Load failure.');
-        },
-        /**
-         * Requests the module's javascript code and loads it according to the
-         * configured onFileLoad method ('eval' or 'head').
-         * @param {Object} m
-         * @param {Object} cb
-         * @param {Object} scope
-         */
-        requestModule: function (m, scope) {
-            var cb, url = m.loader.url;
-            cb = this.onFileLoad.createDelegate(scope, [m, this], true);
-            if (this.onFileLoad === 'eval') {
-                this.loadLocalFile(url, m, cb, scope);
-            } else {
-                this.loadRemoteFile(url, m, cb, scope, 'js');
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * Use this method to load a file from your own site (same domain).
-         * This method uses AJAX ( responseText ) to retrieve JSON formated data
-         * or Javascript off your own site instead of dynamic <script> attachment.
-         * After retrieving the object via ajax, it is passed through the eval
-         * command (which is basically just the javascript compiler). After this
-         * is done the functions and variables will be available to use. 
-         * @param {Object} filename
-         * @param {Object} filetype
-         * @param {Object} cb
-         */
-        loadLocalFile: function (url, m, cb, scope) {
-            this.load({
-                url:    url,
-                callback: cb,
-                root:   null,
-                params: m.loader.params,
-                scope:  scope
-            });
-        },
-        /**
-         * This method makes it possible to load a remote file from another domain.
-         * Importing cross-domain javascript in this manner should be approached
-         * with caution in this fashion as you are cross-connecting these domains,
-         * which potentially gives the site you are connecting to control over your
-         * web page. Use caution!  
-         * @param {Object} filename name (and path) of resource to include)
-         * @param {Object} filetype type of file to load ('js', 'css')
-         * @param {Object} cb callback function
-         */
-        loadRemoteFile: function (filename, m, cb, scope, filetype) {
-            var fileref;
-            if (filetype === "js") { //if filename is a external JavaScript file
-                //create a new 'script' document element
-                fileref = document.createElement('script');
-                //assign the proper attributes
-                fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
-                fileref.setAttribute("src", filename);
-            }
-            if (filetype === "css") { //if filename is an external CSS file
-                fileref = document.createElement("link");
-                fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
-                fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
-                fileref.setAttribute("href", filename);
-            }
-            if (typeof fileref !== "undefined") {
-                //call the callback when it's loaded
-                //fileref.onload = cb;
-                fileref.onload = cb.createDelegate(this, [m, this], true);
-            }
-            //get a reference to the head element and append the new element to the very end of the HEAD section
-            document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref);
-        },
-        /* @private */
-        onFileLoad: function (opts, success, response, m, scope) {
-            if (this.processRemoteFile === 'eval') {
-                //eval() the response (safe for same domain ajax requests?)
-                try {
-                    eval(response.responseText);
-                }
-                catch (e) {
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            // module is now loaded
-            m.loaded = true;
-            this.onLoad(m);
-            this.createModule(m);
-        }
-    };
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/StartMenu.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/StartMenu.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/StartMenu.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
- * Creates a new StartMenu
- * @class Ext.ux.StartMenu
- * @extends Ext.menu.Menu
- */
-Ext.ux.StartMenu = Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Menu, {
-    /* @private */
-    constructor: function (config) {
-        Ext.apply(this, config);
-        // Start Menu
-        var defaults = {
-            iconCls: 'user',
-            id: 'TaskBarStartMenu',
-            height: 300,
-            shadow: true,
-            title: 'Start Menu',
-            width: 300
-        };
-        Ext.applyIf(config, defaults);
-        // config for start menu
-        this.startConfig = this.startConfig || this.getStartConfig();
-        this.startItemsConfig = this.startItemsConfig || this.getStartItemsConfig();
-        Ext.apply(config, this.startConfig, this.startItemsConfig);
-        Ext.ux.StartMenu.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
-        var tools = this.toolItems;
-        this.toolItems = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();
-        if (tools) {
-            this.addTool.apply(this, tools);
-        }
-        // Start Menu's logout button
-        if (this.logoutConfig) {
-            this.addTool(this.logoutConfig);
-        }
-    },
-    /* @private */
-    render: function () {
-        if (this.el) {
-            return;
-        }
-        var el, header, headerText, tl, tr, tc, ml, mc, bwrap, bc, br, bl, ul, toolsUl, ulListeners;
-        this.el = new Ext.Layer({
-            cls: "x-menu ux-start-menu", // this might affect item click
-            shadow: this.shadow,
-            constrain: false,
-            parentEl: this.parentEl || document.body,
-            zindex: 15000
-        });
-        el = this.el;
-        header = el.createChild({
-            tag: "div",
-            cls: "x-window-header x-unselectable x-panel-icon " + this.iconCls
-        });
-        this.header = header;
-        headerText = header.createChild({
-            tag: "span",
-            cls: "x-window-header-text"
-        });
-        tl = header.wrap({
-            cls: "ux-start-menu-tl"
-        });
-        tr = header.wrap({
-            cls: "ux-start-menu-tr"
-        });
-        tc = header.wrap({
-            cls: "ux-start-menu-tc"
-        });
-        this.menuBWrap = el.createChild({
-            tag: "div",
-            cls: "x-window-body x-border-layout-ct ux-start-menu-body"
-        });
-        ml = this.menuBWrap.wrap({
-            cls: "ux-start-menu-ml"
-        });
-        mc = this.menuBWrap.wrap({
-            cls: "x-window-mc ux-start-menu-bwrap"
-        });
-        this.menuPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({
-            tag: "div",
-            cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-apps-panel"
-        });
-        this.toolsPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({
-            tag: "div",
-            cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-tools-panel"
-        });
-        bwrap = ml.wrap({cls: "x-window-bwrap"});
-        bc = bwrap.createChild({
-            tag: "div",
-            cls: "ux-start-menu-bc"
-        });
-        bl = bc.wrap({
-            cls: "ux-start-menu-bl x-panel-nofooter"
-        });
-        br = bc.wrap({
-            cls: "ux-start-menu-br"
-        });
-        this.keyNav = new Ext.menu.MenuNav(this);
-        if (this.plain) {
-            el.addClass("x-menu-plain");
-        }
-        if (this.cls) {
-            el.addClass(this.cls);
-        }
-        // generic focus element
-        this.focusEl = el.createChild({
-            tag: "a",
-            cls: "x-menu-focus",
-            href: "#",
-            onclick: "return false;",
-            tabIndex: "-1"
-        });
-        ul = this.menuPanel.createChild({
-            tag: "ul",
-            cls: "x-menu-list"
-        });
-        toolsUl = this.toolsPanel.createChild({
-            tag: "ul",
-            cls: "x-menu-list"
-        });
-        ulListeners = {
-            "click": {
-                fn: this.onClick,
-                scope: this
-            },
-            "mouseover": {
-                fn: this.onMouseOver,
-                scope: this
-            },
-            "mouseout": {
-                fn: this.onMouseOut,
-                scope: this
-            }
-        };
-        ul.on(ulListeners);
-        this.items.each(
-            function (item) {
-                var li = document.createElement("li");
-                li.className = "x-menu-list-item";
-                ul.dom.appendChild(li);
-                item.render(li, this);
-            }, this);
-        this.ul = ul;
-        this.doAutoSize();//this.autoWidth();
-        toolsUl.on(ulListeners);
-        this.toolItems.each(
-            function (item) {
-                var li = document.createElement("li");
-                li.className = "x-menu-list-item";
-                toolsUl.dom.appendChild(li);
-                item.render(li, this);
-            }, this);
-        this.toolsUl = toolsUl;
-        this.doAutoSize();//this.autoWidth();
-        this.menuBWrap.setStyle('position', 'relative');  
-        this.menuBWrap.setHeight(this.height);
-        this.menuPanel.setStyle({
-            padding: '2px',
-            position: 'absolute',
-            overflow: 'auto'
-        });
-        this.toolsPanel.setStyle({
-            padding: '2px 4px 2px 2px',
-            position: 'absolute',
-            overflow: 'auto'
-        });
-        this.setTitle(this.title);
-    },
-    /* @private */
-    findTargetItem: function (e) {
-        var t = e.getTarget(".x-menu-list-item", this.ul,  true);
-        if (t && t.menuItemId) {
-            if (this.items.get(t.menuItemId)) {
-                return this.items.get(t.menuItemId);
-            } else {
-                return this.toolItems.get(t.menuItemId);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Displays this menu relative to another element
-     * @param {Mixed} element The element to align to
-     * @param {String} position (optional) The {@link Ext.Element#alignTo} anchor position to use in aligning to
-     * the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign)
-     * @param {Ext.ux.StartMenu} parentMenu (optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)
-     */
-    show: function (el, pos, parentMenu) {
-        var tPanelWidth, box;
-        this.parentMenu = parentMenu;
-        if (!this.el) {
-            this.render();
-        }
-        this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this);
-        this.showAt(this.el.getAlignToXY(el, pos || this.defaultAlign), parentMenu, false);
-        tPanelWidth = 100;      
-        box = this.menuBWrap.getBox();
-        this.menuPanel.setWidth(box.width - tPanelWidth);
-        this.menuPanel.setHeight(box.height);
-        this.toolsPanel.setWidth(tPanelWidth);
-        this.toolsPanel.setX(box.x + box.width - tPanelWidth);
-        this.toolsPanel.setHeight(box.height);
-    },
-    addTool: function () {
-        var a = arguments, l = a.length, item, el;
-        for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-            el = a[i];
-            if (el.render) { // some kind of Item
-                item = this.addToolItem(el);
-            } else if (typeof el === "string") { // string
-                if (el === "separator" || el === "-") {
-                    item = this.addToolSeparator();
-                } else {
-                    item = this.addText(el);
-                }
-            } else if (el.tagName || el.el) { // element
-                item = this.addElement(el);
-            } else if (typeof el === "object") { // must be menu item config?
-                item = this.addToolMenuItem(el);
-            }
-        }
-        return item;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Adds a separator bar to the Tools
-     * @return {Ext.menu.Item} The menu item that was added
-     */
-    addToolSeparator: function () {
-        return this.addToolItem(new Ext.menu.Separator({itemCls: 'ux-toolmenu-sep'}));
-    },
-    addToolItem: function (item) {
-        this.toolItems.add(item);
-        if (this.ul) {
-            var li = document.createElement("li");
-            li.className = "x-menu-list-item";
-            this.ul.dom.appendChild(li);
-            item.render(li, this);
-            this.delayAutoWidth();
-        }
-        return item;
-    },
-    addToolMenuItem: function (config) {
-        if (!(config instanceof Ext.menu.Item)) {
-            if (typeof config.checked === "boolean") { // must be check menu item config?
-                config = new Ext.menu.CheckItem(config);
-            } else {
-                config = new Ext.menu.Item(config);
-            }
-        }
-        return this.addToolItem(config);
-    },
-    setTitle: function (title, iconCls) {
-        this.title = title;
-        this.header.child('span').update(title);
-        return this;
-    },
-    //abstract method to be overridden if needed
-    getStartConfig: Ext.emptyFn,
-    /**
-     * Returns the Start Menu items and toolItems configs
-     * @param {array} ms An array of the modules.
-     */
-	getStartItemsConfig: function () {
-		var ms = this.startItems;
-		var sortFn = this.startMenuSortFn;
-		/**
-		 * Creates nested arrays that represent the Start Menu.
-		 * 
-		 * @param {array} pMenu The Start Menu
-		 * @param {array} texts The menu texts
-		 * @param {object} launcher The launcher config
-		 */
-		var simplify = function (pMenu, paths, launcher) {
-			var newMenu;
-			var foundMenu;
-			for (var i = 1, len = paths.length; i < len; i++) { // ignore the root (StartMenu, ToolMenu)
-				foundMenu = findMenu(pMenu.items, paths[i]); // text exists?
-				if (!foundMenu) {
-					newMenu = {
-						iconCls: 'ux-start-menu-submenu',
-						handler: function () {
-                            return false;
-                        },
-						menu: {
-                            items: []
-                        },
-						text: paths[i]
-					};
-					pMenu.items.push(newMenu);
-					pMenu = newMenu.menu;
-				} else {
-					pMenu = foundMenu;
-				}
-			}
-			pMenu.items.push(launcher);
-		};
-		/**
-		 * Returns the menu if found.
-		 * 
-		 * @param {array} pMenu The parent menu to search
-		 * @param {string} text
-		 */
-        var findMenu = function (pMenu, text) {
-            for (var j = 0, jlen = pMenu.length; j < jlen; j++) {
-                if (pMenu[j].text === text) {
-                    return pMenu[j].menu; // found the menu, return it
-                }
-            }
-            return null;
-        };
-        /**
-         * @param {array} menu The nested array to sort
-         */
-        var sort = function (menu) {
-            var items = menu.items;
-            for (var i = 0, ilen = items.length; i < ilen; i++) {
-                if (items[i].menu) {
-                    sort(items[i].menu); // use recursion to iterate nested arrays
-                }
-                bubbleSort(items, 0, items.length); // sort the menu items
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * @param {array} items Menu items to sort
-        * @param {integer} start The start index
-        * @param {integer} stop The stop index
-        */
-		var bubbleSort = function (items, start, stop) {
-			for (var i = stop - 1; i >= start;  i--) {
-				for (var j = start; j <= i; j++) {
-					if (items[j + 1] && items[j]) {
-						if (sortFn(items[j], items[j + 1])) {
-							var tempValue = items[j];
-							items[j] = items[j + 1];
-							items[j + 1] = tempValue;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return items;
-		};
-        if (ms) {
-            var paths, k = 0, root, sm, smi;
-            // initial config for the Start Menu
-            sm = { menu: { items: [] } }; // Start Menu
-            // shorthand for Start Menu items
-            smi = sm.menu.items;
-            // add the two primary menus to the Start Menu
-            smi.push({text: 'StartMenu', menu: { items: [] } });
-            smi.push({text: 'ToolMenu', menu: { items: [] } });
-            // loop through 
-            for (var i = 0, iLen = ms.length; i < iLen; i++) { // loop through modules
-                if (ms[i].path) {	
-                    paths = ms[i].path.split('/');
-                    root = paths[0];
-                    if (paths.length > 0) {
-                        if (root === 'tool') {
-                            k = 1;
-                        }
-                        simplify(smi[k].menu, paths, ms[i]);
-                        sort(smi[k].menu);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return {
-                items:     smi[0].menu.items,
-                toolItems: smi[1].menu.items
-            };
-        }
-        return null;
-	},    
-     /**
-      * Function that handles sorting of the Start Menu
-      * Return true to swap a and b
-      */
-    startMenuSortFn: function (a, b) {
-        // Sort in ASC alphabetical order
-        // if( b.text < a.text ){
-        //      return true;
-        // }
-        // Sort in ASC alphabetical order with menus at the bottom
-        // if( (b.text < a.text) && !b.menu ){
-        //      return true;
-        // }
-        // Sort in ASC alphabetical order with menus at the top
-        if (((b.menu && a.menu) && (b.text < a.text)) || (b.menu && !a.menu) || ((b.text < a.text) && !a.menu)) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskBar.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskBar.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskBar.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
- * @class Ext.ux.TaskBar
- * @extends Ext.Panel
- */
-Ext.ux.TaskBar = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
-    collapsible: true,
-    // start button width
-    sbWidth: 93,
-    //var width = Ext.get('ux-startbutton').getWidth()+10;
-    // system tray width
-    stWidth: 60,
-    // quick start width
-    qsWidth: 94,
-    qsWidthMin: 60,
-    style: 'z-index:23000',
-    constructor: function (config) {
-        Ext.apply(this, config);
-        this.app = Ext.app.controller;
-        // Quick Start Applications (TaskBarQuickStart)        
-        var tbQuickStart = new Ext.ux.Appbar({
-            launchers: 'quick',
-            id: 'ux-quickstart-panel',
-            minWidth: this.qsWidthMin,
-            region: 'west',
-            split: true,
-            width: this.qsWidth
-        });
-        // System Tray Panel        
-        var tbTray = new Ext.ux.Appbar({
-            launchers: 'tray',
-            id: 'ux-systemtray-panel',
-            minWidth: this.stWidth,
-            region: 'east',
-            split: true,
-            width: this.stWidth
-        });
-        // Task Bar Active Application Buttons        
-        var tbPanel = {
-            xtype: 'activeAppsPanel', // new Ext.ux.TaskButtonsPanel
-            autoEl: {},//create empty div
-            id: 'ux-taskbuttons-panel',
-            border: false,
-            region: 'center'
-        };
-        // Task Bar Applications        
-        var tbApps = {
-            xtype: 'container',
-            autoEl: {},//create empty div
-            id: 'ux-taskbar-panel-wrap',
-            border: false,
-            region: 'center',
-            layout: 'border',
-            items: [tbQuickStart, tbPanel]
-        };
-        // ------------------
-        // Start Button Panel
-        var startItems = this.app.getLaunchers('start');
-        // Start Menu
-        this.startMenu = new Ext.ux.StartMenu({
-            startConfig: this.view.startConfig,
-            logoutConfig: this.view.logoutConfig,
-            startItems: startItems
-        });
-        this.startBtn = new Ext.Button({
-            text: 'Start',
-            id: 'ux-startbutton',
-            iconCls: 'start',
-            menu: this.startMenu,
-            menuAlign: 'bl-tl',
-            clickEvent: 'mousedown',
-            template: new Ext.Template('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="x-btn-wrap"><tbody><tr>', '<td class="x-btn-left"><i>&#160;</i></td>', '<td class="x-btn-center">', '<em unselectable="on"><button class="x-btn-text" type="{1}" style="height:30px;">{0}</button></em></td>', '<td class="x-btn-right"><i>&#160;</i></td>', "</tr></tbody></table>")
-        });
-        var tbStart = {
-            xtype: 'container',
-            autoEl: {},//create empty div
-            id: 'ux-taskbar-start',
-            items: [this.startBtn],
-            border: false,
-            minWidth: this.sbWidth,
-            region: 'west',
-            split: false,
-            width: this.sbWidth
-        };
-        // ------------------
-        // Assemble the parts into the taskbar container
-        // Combined Taskbar
-        var taskbar = {
-            //xtype: 'panel',
-            id: this.id || 'ux-taskbar',
-            height: 90,
-            collapsible: true,
-            collapseMode: 'mini',
-            layout: 'border'
-        };
-        this.view.taskbar = this;
-        Ext.apply(this, taskbar);
-        this.items = [tbStart, tbApps, tbTray];
-        Ext.ux.TaskBar.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
-    },
-    initComponent: function () {
-        Ext.ux.TaskBar.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.on({
-            beforecollapse: {
-                fn: function () {
-                    //need to maintain a high z-index so the
-                    //taskbar remains visually on top (Ext resets
-                    //the z-index when it expands/collapses)
-                    this.el.applyStyles('z-index:23001');
-                },
-                scope: this
-            },
-            expand: {
-                fn: function () {
-                    this.el.applyStyles('z-index:23002');
-                },
-                scope: this
-            },
-            render: {
-                fn: function () {
-                    this.el.addClass("transparent");
-                },
-                scope: this
-            }
-        });
-        this.app.on({
-            activate: this.markActive
-        });
-    },
-    markActive: function () {
-        //console.info('markActive called');
-    },
-    addTaskButton: function (win) {
-        var btn = new Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton(win);
-        this.activeAppsPanel = Ext.getCmp('ux-taskbuttons-panel');
-        this.activeAppsPanel.addButton(btn);
-        this.activeAppsPanel.doLayout();
-        return btn;
-    },
-    removeTaskButton: function (btn) {
-        this.activeAppsPanel.removeButton(btn);
-    },
-    setActiveButton: function (btn) {
-        this.activeAppsPanel.setActiveButton(btn);
-    }
-Ext.reg('taskbar', Ext.ux.TaskBar);
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskButton.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskButton.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskButton.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * @class Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton
- * @extends Ext.Button
- */
-Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, {
-    constructor: function (win) {
-        this.win = win;
-        Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
-            iconCls: win.iconCls,
-            id: win.id + '_TaskBarTaskButton',
-            text: Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(win.title, 12),
-            handler : function () {
-                if (win.minimized || win.hidden) {
-                    win.show();
-                } else if (win === win.manager.getActive()) {
-                    win.minimize();
-                } else {
-                    win.toFront();
-                }
-            },
-            clickEvent: 'mousedown'
-        });
-    },
-    onRender: function (ct, position) {
-        Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
-        var view = this.win.app.view
-        // context menu to arrange windows
-        var arrange = {
-            items: [
-                // stick any markup in a menu
-                '<b class="menu-title">Choose an Arrangement</b>',
-                {
-                    text: 'Tile',
-                    handler: view.tile,
-                    scope: view
-                }, {
-                    text: 'Cascade',
-                    handler: view.cascade,
-                    scope: view
-                }, {
-                    //TODO: add checkbox menu for selecting which items will be included in the arrangement selected
-                    text: 'Items',
-                    scope: this
-                }
-            ]
-        };
-        this.cmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
-            items: [{
-                text: 'Restore',
-                handler: function () {
-                    if (!this.win.isVisible()) {
-                        this.win.show();
-                    } else {
-                        this.win.restore();
-                    }
-                },
-                scope: this
-            }, {
-                text: 'Minimize',
-                handler: this.win.minimize,
-                scope: this.win
-            }, {
-                text: 'Maximize',
-                handler: this.win.maximize,
-                scope: this.win
-            }, {
-                text: 'Arrange',
-                menu: arrange
-            }, '-', {
-                text: 'Close',
-                handler: this.closeWin.createDelegate(this, this.win, true),
-                scope: this.win
-            }]
-        });
-        this.cmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu();
-        this.cmenu.on('beforeshow', function () {
-            var w, items = this.cmenu.items.items;
-            w = this.win;
-            items[0].setDisabled(w.maximized !== true && w.hidden !== true);
-            items[1].setDisabled(w.minimized === true);
-            items[2].setDisabled(w.maximized === true || w.hidden === true);
-        }, this);
-        this.el.on('contextmenu', function (e) {
-            e.stopEvent();
-            if (!this.cmenu.el) {
-                this.cmenu.render();
-            }
-            var xy = e.getXY();
-            xy[1] -= this.cmenu.el.getHeight();
-            this.cmenu.showAt(xy);
-        }, this);
-    },
-    closeWin : function (cMenu, e, win) {
-        if (!win.isVisible()) {
-            win.show();
-        } else {
-            win.restore();
-        }
-        win.close();
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/View.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/View.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/View.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- * <p>The Ext.ux.View Class provides the basic foundation for all other view classes.
- * This class provides the base logic required for a View to function as a GUI.
- * This class is intended to be extended and should generally not need to be
- * created directly via the new keyword.</p> 
- * @class Ext.ux.View
- * @extends Ext.Viewport
- */
-Ext.ux.View = Ext.extend(Ext.Viewport, {
-    monitorResize: true,
-    /**
-     * @cfg {Object} styles Configuration object for custom styling.  Sample:
-     * <pre><code>
-	        styles: {
-	            "backgroundcolor": "575757",
-	            "fontcolor": "FFFFFF",
-	            "transparency": "100",
-	            "theme": {
-	                "id": "3",
-	                "name": "Vista Glass",
-	                "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/themes\/xtheme-vistaglass\/css\/xtheme-vistaglass.css"},
-	                "wallpaper": {
-	                    "id": "11",
-	                    "name": "Blue Psychedelic",
-	                    // href of the new stylesheet to include
-	                    "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/wallpapers\/blue-psychedelic.jpg"
-	                },
-	            "wallpaperposition":"tile"
-	        } // end of styles
-     * </code></pre>
-     */
-    /* @private */
-    constructor: function (config) {
-        Ext.apply(this, config);
-        Ext.ux.View.superclass.constructor.call(this);
-    },
-    /* @private */
-    initComponent : function () {
-        Ext.ux.View.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.on({
-            beforechange: this.onBeforeChange,
-            afterchange:  this.onAfterChange,
-            scope: this
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * Listener function for beforechange event. Return false to prevent
-     * the change. 
-     * @param {Object} o scope
-     * @param {String} f The feature being changed 
-     * @param {Object} cfg Config object for the feature being changed
-     */
-    onBeforeChange: function (o, f, cfg) {
-        var notifyWin = this.showNotification({
-            html: 'Loading wallpaper...'
-            , title: 'Please wait'
-        });
-        return true;                
-    },
-    /**
-     * Listener function for afterchange event.  Possibly use this to
-     * display notification messages, etc. 
-     * @param {Object} o scope
-     * @param {String} f The feature being changed 
-     * @param {Object} cfg Config object for the feature being changed
-     */
-    onAfterChange: function (o, f, cfg) {
-        notifyWin.setIconClass('x-icon-done');
-        notifyWin.setTitle('Finished');
-        notifyWin.setMessage('Wallpaper loaded.');
-        this.hideNotification(notifyWin);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Initialize any custom styling (background color, wallpaper, fontcolor, etc.)
-     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample styles config object.
-     * @private
-     */
-    initStyles: function () {
-        if (!this.styles) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        this.setBackgroundColor();
-        this.setFontColor();
-        this.setTheme();
-        this.setTransparency();
-        this.setWallpaper();
-        this.setWallpaperPosition();
-        return true;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Set the background-color style for document.body
-     * @param {Object} v The hexadecimal color value.
-     */
-    setBackgroundColor: function (v) {
-        v = v || this.styles.backgroundcolor;
-        if (v) {
-            Ext.get(document.body).setStyle('background-color', '#' + v);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Set the font color for shortcut buttons text.
-     * @param {Object} v The hexadecimal color value.
-     */
-    setFontColor: function (v) {
-        v = v || this.styles.fontcolor;
-        if (v) {
-            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.ux-shortcut-btn-text', 'color', '#' + v);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Set the theme.
-     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample theme config object.
-     * This method swaps in a new stylesheet reference to replace an existing
-     * stylesheet with link of this form (note the id).
-     * <pre><code>
-     * <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="theme" href="whatever.css"/>
-     * </code></pre>
-     * @param {Object} o Theme config object.
-     */
-    setTheme: function (o) {
-        o = o || this.styles.theme;
-        if (o && o.id && o.name && o.pathtofile) {
-            Ext.util.CSS.swapStyleSheet('theme', o.pathtofile);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Set the transparency.
-     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample theme config object.
-     * This method updates the .transparent class for the value passed.
-     * @param {Integer} v Integer value (0-100) to set the transparency.
-     */
-    setTransparency: function (v) {
-        v = v || this.styles.transparency;
-        if (v >= 0 && v <= 100) {
-            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.transparent', 'opacity', v / 100);
-            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.transparent', '-moz-opacity', v / 100);
-            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.transparent', 'filter', 'alpha(opacity=' + v + ')');
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Set the background wallpaper.
-     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample wallpaper config object.
-     * This method updates the desktopBody element background-image.
-     * @param {Integer} o Wallpaper config object.
-     */
-    setWallpaper: function (o) {
-        var s = this.styles;
-        o = o || s.wallpaper;
-        if (o && o.id && o.name && o.pathtofile) {
-            if (this.fireEvent("beforechange", this, 'background', o) !== false) {
-                s.image = new Image();
-                s.task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.verify, this);
-                s.task.delay(200);
-            }
-        } else {
-            //console.warn('background configured wrong');
-        }
-    },
-    verify: function () {
-        var s = this.styles;
-        if (s.image.complete) {
-            s.task.cancel();
-            this.fireEvent("afterchange", this, 'background', s.wallpaper);
-//            document.body.background = s.wallpaper.pathtofile;
-            this.desktopBody.el.setStyle('background-image', 'url(' + s.wallpaper.pathtofile + ')');
-        } else {
-            //TODO: will this run forever if not found?
-            //need timeout or counter if so
-            s.task.delay(200);
-        }
-    },
-    setWallpaperPosition: function (pos) {
-        pos = pos || this.styles.wallpaperposition;
-        if (pos) {
-            //var b = Ext.get(document.body);
-            var b = this.desktopBody.el,
-            t = 'wallpaper-tile',
-            c = 'wallpaper-center';
-            if (pos === "tile") {
-                b.removeClass(c);
-                b.addClass(t);
-            } else {
-                b.removeClass(t);
-                b.addClass(c);
-            }			
-        }
-    }
-Ext.ux.View.GUIS = {};
-Ext.reg('view', Ext.ux.View);
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/button/TaskButton.js (from rev 36, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskButton.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/button/TaskButton.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/button/TaskButton.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * @class Ext.ux.button.TaskButton
+ * @extends Ext.Button
+ */
+Ext.ux.button.TaskButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, {
+    constructor: function (win) {
+        this.win = win;
+        Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
+            iconCls: win.iconCls,
+            id: win.id + '_TaskBarTaskButton',
+            text: Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(win.title, 12),
+            handler : function () {
+                if (win.minimized || win.hidden) {
+                    win.show();
+                } else if (win === win.manager.getActive()) {
+                    win.minimize();
+                } else {
+                    win.toFront();
+                }
+            },
+            clickEvent: 'mousedown'
+        });
+    },
+    onRender: function (ct, position) {
+        Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
+        var view = this.win.app.view
+        // context menu to arrange windows
+        var arrange = {
+            items: [
+                // stick any markup in a menu
+                '<b class="menu-title">Choose an Arrangement</b>',
+                {
+                    text: 'Tile',
+                    handler: view.tile,
+                    scope: view
+                }, {
+                    text: 'Cascade',
+                    handler: view.cascade,
+                    scope: view
+                }, {
+                    //TODO: add checkbox menu for selecting which items will be included in the arrangement selected
+                    text: 'Items',
+                    scope: this
+                }
+            ]
+        };
+        this.cmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
+            items: [{
+                text: 'Restore',
+                handler: function () {
+                    if (!this.win.isVisible()) {
+                        this.win.show();
+                    } else {
+                        this.win.restore();
+                    }
+                },
+                scope: this
+            }, {
+                text: 'Minimize',
+                handler: this.win.minimize,
+                scope: this.win
+            }, {
+                text: 'Maximize',
+                handler: this.win.maximize,
+                scope: this.win
+            }, {
+                text: 'Arrange',
+                menu: arrange
+            }, '-', {
+                text: 'Close',
+                handler: this.closeWin.createDelegate(this, this.win, true),
+                scope: this.win
+            }]
+        });
+        this.cmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu();
+        this.cmenu.on('beforeshow', function () {
+            var w, items = this.cmenu.items.items;
+            w = this.win;
+            items[0].setDisabled(w.maximized !== true && w.hidden !== true);
+            items[1].setDisabled(w.minimized === true);
+            items[2].setDisabled(w.maximized === true || w.hidden === true);
+        }, this);
+        this.el.on('contextmenu', function (e) {
+            e.stopEvent();
+            if (!this.cmenu.el) {
+                this.cmenu.render();
+            }
+            var xy = e.getXY();
+            xy[1] -= this.cmenu.el.getHeight();
+            this.cmenu.showAt(xy);
+        }, this);
+    },
+    closeWin : function (cMenu, e, win) {
+        if (!win.isVisible()) {
+            win.show();
+        } else {
+            win.restore();
+        }
+        win.close();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/button/TaskButton.js
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/data/RemoteLoader.js (from rev 36, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/RemoteLoader.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/data/RemoteLoader.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/data/RemoteLoader.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * A specialized implemenations of Ext.data.Connection to load remote components dynamically.
+ * Remotely loaded components should have an id so that Ext.ComponentMgr's onAvailable
+ * function can be utilized to manipulate the components as they are added.
+ * @class Ext.ux.RemoteLoader
+ * @extends Ext.data.Connection
+ * @singleton
+ */
+Ext.ux.RemoteLoader = function () {
+    var cm = Ext.ComponentMgr, // TODO: not currently used
+    conn = new Ext.data.Connection(),
+    method = 'POST';
+    return {
+        /**
+         * Dynamically load components from a server resource
+         * config options include anything available in @link Ext.data.Connection#request
+         * @param {Object} config
+         */
+        load : function (config) {
+            this.root = config.root || this.root;
+            // append the connection configuration for later use
+            var cb = this.onLoad.createDelegate(this, [config], true);
+            var r = Ext.apply({}, config);
+            Ext.apply(r, {
+                method: method,
+                callback: cb
+            });	
+            // submit ajax request to server
+            // save id of the server transaction in case we want to cancel the request
+            this.transId = conn.request(r);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Callback method for the load request.
+         * @param {Object} opts
+         * @param {Object} success
+         * @param {Object} response
+         * @param {Object} c data connection config object
+         */
+        onLoad : function (opts, success, response, c) {			
+            try {
+                // use Ext.util.JSON.decode to decode the responseText
+                var o = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
+            }
+            catch (e) {
+                this.onFailure(opts, success, response, c);
+                return;
+            }
+            Ext.callback(c.callback, c.scope, [o, arguments]);
+        },
+        /* @private */
+        onFailure: function (opts, success, response, c) {
+            Ext.Msg.alert('Load failure.');
+        },
+        /**
+         * Requests the module's javascript code and loads it according to the
+         * configured onFileLoad method ('eval' or 'head').
+         * @param {Object} m
+         * @param {Object} cb
+         * @param {Object} scope
+         */
+        requestModule: function (m, scope) {
+            var cb, url = m.loader.url;
+            cb = this.onFileLoad.createDelegate(scope, [m, this], true);
+            if (this.onFileLoad === 'eval') {
+                this.loadLocalFile(url, m, cb, scope);
+            } else {
+                this.loadRemoteFile(url, m, cb, scope, 'js');
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Use this method to load a file from your own site (same domain).
+         * This method uses AJAX ( responseText ) to retrieve JSON formated data
+         * or Javascript off your own site instead of dynamic <script> attachment.
+         * After retrieving the object via ajax, it is passed through the eval
+         * command (which is basically just the javascript compiler). After this
+         * is done the functions and variables will be available to use. 
+         * @param {Object} filename
+         * @param {Object} filetype
+         * @param {Object} cb
+         */
+        loadLocalFile: function (url, m, cb, scope) {
+            this.load({
+                url:    url,
+                callback: cb,
+                root:   null,
+                params: m.loader.params,
+                scope:  scope
+            });
+        },
+        /**
+         * This method makes it possible to load a remote file from another domain.
+         * Importing cross-domain javascript in this manner should be approached
+         * with caution in this fashion as you are cross-connecting these domains,
+         * which potentially gives the site you are connecting to control over your
+         * web page. Use caution!  
+         * @param {Object} filename name (and path) of resource to include)
+         * @param {Object} filetype type of file to load ('js', 'css')
+         * @param {Object} cb callback function
+         */
+        loadRemoteFile: function (filename, m, cb, scope, filetype) {
+            var fileref;
+            if (filetype === "js") { //if filename is a external JavaScript file
+                //create a new 'script' document element
+                fileref = document.createElement('script');
+                //assign the proper attributes
+                fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+                fileref.setAttribute("src", filename);
+            }
+            if (filetype === "css") { //if filename is an external CSS file
+                fileref = document.createElement("link");
+                fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
+                fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+                fileref.setAttribute("href", filename);
+            }
+            if (typeof fileref !== "undefined") {
+                //call the callback when it's loaded
+                //fileref.onload = cb;
+                fileref.onload = cb.createDelegate(this, [m, this], true);
+            }
+            //get a reference to the head element and append the new element to the very end of the HEAD section
+            document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref);
+        },
+        /* @private */
+        onFileLoad: function (opts, success, response, m, scope) {
+            if (this.processRemoteFile === 'eval') {
+                //eval() the response (safe for same domain ajax requests?)
+                try {
+                    eval(response.responseText);
+                }
+                catch (e) {
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            // module is now loaded
+            m.loaded = true;
+            this.onLoad(m);
+            this.createModule(m);
+        }
+    };
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/data/RemoteLoader.js
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/menu/StartMenu.js (from rev 36, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/StartMenu.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/menu/StartMenu.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/menu/StartMenu.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+ * Creates a new StartMenu
+ * @class Ext.ux.StartMenu
+ * @extends Ext.menu.Menu
+ */
+Ext.ux.StartMenu = Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Menu, {
+    /* @private */
+    constructor: function (config) {
+        Ext.apply(this, config);
+        // Start Menu
+        var defaults = {
+            iconCls: 'user',
+            id: 'TaskBarStartMenu',
+            height: 300,
+            shadow: true,
+            title: 'Start Menu',
+            width: 300
+        };
+        Ext.applyIf(config, defaults);
+        // config for start menu
+        this.startConfig = this.startConfig || this.getStartConfig();
+        this.startItemsConfig = this.startItemsConfig || this.getStartItemsConfig();
+        Ext.apply(config, this.startConfig, this.startItemsConfig);
+        Ext.ux.StartMenu.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+        var tools = this.toolItems;
+        this.toolItems = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();
+        if (tools) {
+            this.addTool.apply(this, tools);
+        }
+        // Start Menu's logout button
+        if (this.logoutConfig) {
+            this.addTool(this.logoutConfig);
+        }
+    },
+    /* @private */
+    render: function () {
+        if (this.el) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var el, header, headerText, tl, tr, tc, ml, mc, bwrap, bc, br, bl, ul, toolsUl, ulListeners;
+        this.el = new Ext.Layer({
+            cls: "x-menu ux-start-menu", // this might affect item click
+            shadow: this.shadow,
+            constrain: false,
+            parentEl: this.parentEl || document.body,
+            zindex: 15000
+        });
+        el = this.el;
+        header = el.createChild({
+            tag: "div",
+            cls: "x-window-header x-unselectable x-panel-icon " + this.iconCls
+        });
+        this.header = header;
+        headerText = header.createChild({
+            tag: "span",
+            cls: "x-window-header-text"
+        });
+        tl = header.wrap({
+            cls: "ux-start-menu-tl"
+        });
+        tr = header.wrap({
+            cls: "ux-start-menu-tr"
+        });
+        tc = header.wrap({
+            cls: "ux-start-menu-tc"
+        });
+        this.menuBWrap = el.createChild({
+            tag: "div",
+            cls: "x-window-body x-border-layout-ct ux-start-menu-body"
+        });
+        ml = this.menuBWrap.wrap({
+            cls: "ux-start-menu-ml"
+        });
+        mc = this.menuBWrap.wrap({
+            cls: "x-window-mc ux-start-menu-bwrap"
+        });
+        this.menuPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({
+            tag: "div",
+            cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-apps-panel"
+        });
+        this.toolsPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({
+            tag: "div",
+            cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-tools-panel"
+        });
+        bwrap = ml.wrap({cls: "x-window-bwrap"});
+        bc = bwrap.createChild({
+            tag: "div",
+            cls: "ux-start-menu-bc"
+        });
+        bl = bc.wrap({
+            cls: "ux-start-menu-bl x-panel-nofooter"
+        });
+        br = bc.wrap({
+            cls: "ux-start-menu-br"
+        });
+        this.keyNav = new Ext.menu.MenuNav(this);
+        if (this.plain) {
+            el.addClass("x-menu-plain");
+        }
+        if (this.cls) {
+            el.addClass(this.cls);
+        }
+        // generic focus element
+        this.focusEl = el.createChild({
+            tag: "a",
+            cls: "x-menu-focus",
+            href: "#",
+            onclick: "return false;",
+            tabIndex: "-1"
+        });
+        ul = this.menuPanel.createChild({
+            tag: "ul",
+            cls: "x-menu-list"
+        });
+        toolsUl = this.toolsPanel.createChild({
+            tag: "ul",
+            cls: "x-menu-list"
+        });
+        ulListeners = {
+            "click": {
+                fn: this.onClick,
+                scope: this
+            },
+            "mouseover": {
+                fn: this.onMouseOver,
+                scope: this
+            },
+            "mouseout": {
+                fn: this.onMouseOut,
+                scope: this
+            }
+        };
+        ul.on(ulListeners);
+        this.items.each(
+            function (item) {
+                var li = document.createElement("li");
+                li.className = "x-menu-list-item";
+                ul.dom.appendChild(li);
+                item.render(li, this);
+            }, this);
+        this.ul = ul;
+        this.doAutoSize();//this.autoWidth();
+        toolsUl.on(ulListeners);
+        this.toolItems.each(
+            function (item) {
+                var li = document.createElement("li");
+                li.className = "x-menu-list-item";
+                toolsUl.dom.appendChild(li);
+                item.render(li, this);
+            }, this);
+        this.toolsUl = toolsUl;
+        this.doAutoSize();//this.autoWidth();
+        this.menuBWrap.setStyle('position', 'relative');  
+        this.menuBWrap.setHeight(this.height);
+        this.menuPanel.setStyle({
+            padding: '2px',
+            position: 'absolute',
+            overflow: 'auto'
+        });
+        this.toolsPanel.setStyle({
+            padding: '2px 4px 2px 2px',
+            position: 'absolute',
+            overflow: 'auto'
+        });
+        this.setTitle(this.title);
+    },
+    /* @private */
+    findTargetItem: function (e) {
+        var t = e.getTarget(".x-menu-list-item", this.ul,  true);
+        if (t && t.menuItemId) {
+            if (this.items.get(t.menuItemId)) {
+                return this.items.get(t.menuItemId);
+            } else {
+                return this.toolItems.get(t.menuItemId);
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Displays this menu relative to another element
+     * @param {Mixed} element The element to align to
+     * @param {String} position (optional) The {@link Ext.Element#alignTo} anchor position to use in aligning to
+     * the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign)
+     * @param {Ext.ux.StartMenu} parentMenu (optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined)
+     */
+    show: function (el, pos, parentMenu) {
+        var tPanelWidth, box;
+        this.parentMenu = parentMenu;
+        if (!this.el) {
+            this.render();
+        }
+        this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this);
+        this.showAt(this.el.getAlignToXY(el, pos || this.defaultAlign), parentMenu, false);
+        tPanelWidth = 100;      
+        box = this.menuBWrap.getBox();
+        this.menuPanel.setWidth(box.width - tPanelWidth);
+        this.menuPanel.setHeight(box.height);
+        this.toolsPanel.setWidth(tPanelWidth);
+        this.toolsPanel.setX(box.x + box.width - tPanelWidth);
+        this.toolsPanel.setHeight(box.height);
+    },
+    addTool: function () {
+        var a = arguments, l = a.length, item, el;
+        for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+            el = a[i];
+            if (el.render) { // some kind of Item
+                item = this.addToolItem(el);
+            } else if (typeof el === "string") { // string
+                if (el === "separator" || el === "-") {
+                    item = this.addToolSeparator();
+                } else {
+                    item = this.addText(el);
+                }
+            } else if (el.tagName || el.el) { // element
+                item = this.addElement(el);
+            } else if (typeof el === "object") { // must be menu item config?
+                item = this.addToolMenuItem(el);
+            }
+        }
+        return item;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Adds a separator bar to the Tools
+     * @return {Ext.menu.Item} The menu item that was added
+     */
+    addToolSeparator: function () {
+        return this.addToolItem(new Ext.menu.Separator({itemCls: 'ux-toolmenu-sep'}));
+    },
+    addToolItem: function (item) {
+        this.toolItems.add(item);
+        if (this.ul) {
+            var li = document.createElement("li");
+            li.className = "x-menu-list-item";
+            this.ul.dom.appendChild(li);
+            item.render(li, this);
+            this.delayAutoWidth();
+        }
+        return item;
+    },
+    addToolMenuItem: function (config) {
+        if (!(config instanceof Ext.menu.Item)) {
+            if (typeof config.checked === "boolean") { // must be check menu item config?
+                config = new Ext.menu.CheckItem(config);
+            } else {
+                config = new Ext.menu.Item(config);
+            }
+        }
+        return this.addToolItem(config);
+    },
+    setTitle: function (title, iconCls) {
+        this.title = title;
+        this.header.child('span').update(title);
+        return this;
+    },
+    //abstract method to be overridden if needed
+    getStartConfig: Ext.emptyFn,
+    /**
+     * Returns the Start Menu items and toolItems configs
+     * @param {array} ms An array of the modules.
+     */
+	getStartItemsConfig: function () {
+		var ms = this.startItems;
+		var sortFn = this.startMenuSortFn;
+		/**
+		 * Creates nested arrays that represent the Start Menu.
+		 * 
+		 * @param {array} pMenu The Start Menu
+		 * @param {array} texts The menu texts
+		 * @param {object} launcher The launcher config
+		 */
+		var simplify = function (pMenu, paths, launcher) {
+			var newMenu;
+			var foundMenu;
+			for (var i = 1, len = paths.length; i < len; i++) { // ignore the root (StartMenu, ToolMenu)
+				foundMenu = findMenu(pMenu.items, paths[i]); // text exists?
+				if (!foundMenu) {
+					newMenu = {
+						iconCls: 'ux-start-menu-submenu',
+						handler: function () {
+                            return false;
+                        },
+						menu: {
+                            items: []
+                        },
+						text: paths[i]
+					};
+					pMenu.items.push(newMenu);
+					pMenu = newMenu.menu;
+				} else {
+					pMenu = foundMenu;
+				}
+			}
+			pMenu.items.push(launcher);
+		};
+		/**
+		 * Returns the menu if found.
+		 * 
+		 * @param {array} pMenu The parent menu to search
+		 * @param {string} text
+		 */
+        var findMenu = function (pMenu, text) {
+            for (var j = 0, jlen = pMenu.length; j < jlen; j++) {
+                if (pMenu[j].text === text) {
+                    return pMenu[j].menu; // found the menu, return it
+                }
+            }
+            return null;
+        };
+        /**
+         * @param {array} menu The nested array to sort
+         */
+        var sort = function (menu) {
+            var items = menu.items;
+            for (var i = 0, ilen = items.length; i < ilen; i++) {
+                if (items[i].menu) {
+                    sort(items[i].menu); // use recursion to iterate nested arrays
+                }
+                bubbleSort(items, 0, items.length); // sort the menu items
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+        * @param {array} items Menu items to sort
+        * @param {integer} start The start index
+        * @param {integer} stop The stop index
+        */
+		var bubbleSort = function (items, start, stop) {
+			for (var i = stop - 1; i >= start;  i--) {
+				for (var j = start; j <= i; j++) {
+					if (items[j + 1] && items[j]) {
+						if (sortFn(items[j], items[j + 1])) {
+							var tempValue = items[j];
+							items[j] = items[j + 1];
+							items[j + 1] = tempValue;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return items;
+		};
+        if (ms) {
+            var paths, k = 0, root, sm, smi;
+            // initial config for the Start Menu
+            sm = { menu: { items: [] } }; // Start Menu
+            // shorthand for Start Menu items
+            smi = sm.menu.items;
+            // add the two primary menus to the Start Menu
+            smi.push({text: 'StartMenu', menu: { items: [] } });
+            smi.push({text: 'ToolMenu', menu: { items: [] } });
+            // loop through 
+            for (var i = 0, iLen = ms.length; i < iLen; i++) { // loop through modules
+                if (ms[i].path) {	
+                    paths = ms[i].path.split('/');
+                    root = paths[0];
+                    if (paths.length > 0) {
+                        if (root === 'tool') {
+                            k = 1;
+                        }
+                        simplify(smi[k].menu, paths, ms[i]);
+                        sort(smi[k].menu);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return {
+                items:     smi[0].menu.items,
+                toolItems: smi[1].menu.items
+            };
+        }
+        return null;
+	},    
+     /**
+      * Function that handles sorting of the Start Menu
+      * Return true to swap a and b
+      */
+    startMenuSortFn: function (a, b) {
+        // Sort in ASC alphabetical order
+        // if( b.text < a.text ){
+        //      return true;
+        // }
+        // Sort in ASC alphabetical order with menus at the bottom
+        // if( (b.text < a.text) && !b.menu ){
+        //      return true;
+        // }
+        // Sort in ASC alphabetical order with menus at the top
+        if (((b.menu && a.menu) && (b.text < a.text)) || (b.menu && !a.menu) || ((b.text < a.text) && !a.menu)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/menu/StartMenu.js
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Added: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/modules/layoutwindow/layoutwindow.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/modules/layoutwindow/layoutwindow.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/modules/layoutwindow/layoutwindow.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * <p>This class creates a specialized Window for :</p>
+ * 
+ * @class Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow
+ * @extends Ext.ux.Module
+ * @author Michael LeComte (<a href="http://extjs.com/forum/member.php?u=6834";>mjlecomte</a>)
+ * @license <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html";>LGPL 3.0</a>
+ * @version 0.01
+ */
+Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Module, {
+    /**
+     * @cfg {Boolean} loaded
+     * Whether or not the module will be loaded when this code is applied
+     */
+    loaded: true,
+    /** @private */
+    constructor : function (config) {
+        Ext.apply(this, config);
+        // Panel for the west
+        var nav = new Ext.Panel({
+            title       : 'Navigation',
+            region      : 'west',
+            split       : true,
+            width       : 200,
+            collapsible : true,
+            margins     : '3 0 3 3',
+            cmargins    : '3 3 3 3'
+        }); 
+        var center = new Ext.Panel({
+            height: 400,
+            title       : 'Center',
+            region      : 'center',
+            split       : true,
+            width       : 200,
+            margins     : '3 0 3 3',
+            cmargins    : '3 3 3 3'
+        }); 
+        Ext.apply(this, {
+            title    : 'Layout Window',
+//            autoHeight: true,
+            height: 300,
+            autoEl: {},
+            plain    : true,
+            width: 600
+            ,
+            items: {
+                height: 200,
+                xtype: 'container',
+                autoEl: {},
+                layout   : 'border',
+                items    : [nav, center2]
+            }
+        });
+        Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow.superclass.constructor.call(this);
+    },
+    /** @private */
+    initComponent : function () {
+        //call parent
+        Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+    }
+//register the xtype
+Ext.reg('grid-win', Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/overrides/override.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/overrides/override.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/overrides/override.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Ext.override(Ext.Component, {
+    /**
+     * Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
+     * removing the component from its {@link Ext.Container} (if applicable) and unregistering it from
+     * {@link Ext.ComponentMgr}.  Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
+     * should usually not need to be called directly.
+     */
+    destroy : function(){
+        if(this.fireEvent("beforedestroy", this) !== false){
+            this.beforeDestroy();
+            if(this.rendered){
+                this.el.removeAllListeners();
+                this.el.remove();
+                if(this.actionMode == "container" || this.removeMode == "container"){
+                    this.container.remove();
+                }
+            }
+            this.onDestroy();
+            //destroy any context menu:
+            if (this.cmenu) {
+                Ext.destroy(this.cmenu);
+            }
+            Ext.ComponentMgr.unregister(this);
+            this.fireEvent("destroy", this);
+            this.purgeListeners();
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Returns the id of this component.
+     * @return {String}
+     */
+    getId : function(){
+//        return this.id || (this.id = "ext-comp-" + (++Ext.Component.AUTO_ID));
+        return this.id || (this.id = this.ctype + "-" + (++Ext.Component.AUTO_ID));
+    }

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/ActiveApps.js (from rev 36, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/ActiveApps.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/ActiveApps.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/ActiveApps.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * @class Ext.ux.ActiveAppsPanel
+ * @extends Ext.ux.Appbar
+ */
+Ext.ux.ActiveAppsPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Appbar, {
+    activeButton: null,
+    enableScroll: true,
+    scrollIncrement: 0,
+    scrollRepeatInterval: 400,
+    scrollDuration: 0.35,
+    animScroll: true,
+    resizeButtons: true,
+    buttonWidth: 168,
+    minButtonWidth: 118,
+    buttonMargin: 2,//2,
+    buttonWidthSet: false,
+    toggleGroup: 'taskbuttons',
+    baseCls: 'ux-taskbuttons',
+    afterAdd: function (btn) {
+        if (!this.buttonWidthSet) {
+            this.lastButtonWidth = btn.container.getWidth();
+        }
+        this.setActiveButton(btn);
+    },
+    delegateUpdates: function () {
+        /*if(this.suspendUpdates){
+            return;
+        }*/
+        if (this.rendered && this.items) {
+            if (this.resizeButtons) {
+                //this.autoSize();
+            }
+            if (this.enableScroll) {
+                //this.autoScroll();
+            }
+        }       
+    },
+    createButton: function (win, el) {
+        var btn = new Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton(win, el);
+        return btn;
+    },
+    removeButton: function (btn) {
+        btn.destroy();
+        var s = [];
+        for (var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) {
+            if (this.items[i] !== btn) {
+                s.push(this.items[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        this.items = s;
+        this.delegateUpdates();
+    },
+    setActiveButton: function (btn) {
+        this.activeButton = btn;
+        this.delegateUpdates();
+    },
+    autoSize: function () {
+        var count, ow, aw, each, btns, btn, tw, iw;
+       // if (!this.items) return;
+        count = this.items.length;
+        ow = this.el.dom.offsetWidth;
+        aw = this.el.dom.clientWidth;
+        if (!this.resizeButtons || count < 1 || !aw) { // !aw for display:none
+            return;
+        }
+        each = Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor((aw - 4) / count) - this.buttonMargin, this.buttonWidth), this.minButtonWidth); // -4 for float errors in IE
+        btns = this.stripWrap.dom.getElementsByTagName('button');
+        this.lastButtonWidth = Ext.get(btns[0].id).findParent('li').offsetWidth;
+        for (var i = 0, len = btns.length; i < len; i++) {            
+            btn = btns[i];
+            tw = Ext.get(btns[i].id).findParent('li').offsetWidth;
+            iw = btn.offsetWidth;
+            btn.style.width = (each - (tw - iw)) + 'px';
+        }
+    },
+    autoScroll: function () {
+        var count, ow, tw, wrap, cw, pos, l;
+        count = this.items.length;
+        ow = this.el.dom.offsetWidth;
+        tw = this.el.dom.clientWidth;
+        wrap = this.stripWrap;
+        cw = wrap.dom.offsetWidth;
+        pos = this.getScrollPos();
+        l = this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + pos;
+        if (!this.enableScroll || count < 1 || cw < 20) { // 20 to prevent display:none issues
+            return;
+        }
+        wrap.setWidth(tw); // moved to here because of problem in Safari
+        if (l <= tw) {
+            wrap.dom.scrollLeft = 0;
+            //wrap.setWidth(tw); moved from here because of problem in Safari
+            if (this.scrolling) {
+                this.scrolling = false;
+                this.el.removeClass('x-taskbuttons-scrolling');
+                this.scrollLeft.hide();
+                this.scrollRight.hide();
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (!this.scrolling) {
+                this.el.addClass('x-taskbuttons-scrolling');
+            }
+            tw -= wrap.getMargins('lr');
+            wrap.setWidth(tw > 20 ? tw : 20);
+            if (!this.scrolling) {
+                if (!this.scrollLeft) {
+                    this.createScrollers();
+                } else {
+                    this.scrollLeft.show();
+                    this.scrollRight.show();
+                }
+            }
+            this.scrolling = true;
+            if (pos > (l - tw)) { // ensure it stays within bounds
+                wrap.dom.scrollLeft = l - tw;
+            } else { // otherwise, make sure the active button is still visible
+                this.scrollToButton(this.activeButton, true); // true to animate
+            }
+            this.updateScrollButtons();
+        }
+    },
+    createScrollers: function () {
+        var h, sl, sr;
+        h = this.el.dom.offsetHeight; //var h = this.stripWrap.dom.offsetHeight;
+        // left
+        sl = this.el.insertFirst({
+            cls: 'ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left'
+        });
+        sl.setHeight(h);
+        sl.addClassOnOver('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left-over');
+        this.leftRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(sl, {
+            interval: this.scrollRepeatInterval,
+            handler: this.onScrollLeft,
+            scope: this
+        });
+        this.scrollLeft = sl;
+        // right
+        sr = this.el.insertFirst({
+            cls: 'ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right'
+        });
+        sr.setHeight(h);
+        sr.addClassOnOver('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right-over');
+        this.rightRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(sr, {
+            interval: this.scrollRepeatInterval,
+            handler: this.onScrollRight,
+            scope: this
+        });
+        this.scrollRight = sr;
+    },
+    getScrollWidth: function () {
+        return this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + this.getScrollPos();
+    },
+    getScrollPos: function () {
+        return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.scrollLeft, 10) || 0;
+    },
+    getScrollArea: function () {
+        return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.clientWidth, 10) || 0;
+    },
+    getScrollAnim: function () {
+        return {
+            duration: this.scrollDuration,
+            callback: this.updateScrollButtons,
+            scope: this
+        };
+    },
+    getScrollIncrement: function () {
+        return (this.scrollIncrement || this.lastButtonWidth + 2);
+    },
+    /* getBtnEl : function(item){
+        return document.getElementById(item.id);
+    }, */
+    scrollToButton : function (item, animate) {
+        var el, pos, area, right, left;
+        item = item.el.dom.parentNode; // li
+        if (!item) {
+            return;
+        }
+        el = item; //this.getBtnEl(item);
+        pos = this.getScrollPos();
+        area = this.getScrollArea();
+        left = Ext.fly(el).getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + pos;
+        right = left + el.offsetWidth;
+        if (left < pos) {
+            this.scrollTo(left, animate);
+        } else if (right > (pos + area)) {
+            this.scrollTo(right - area, animate);
+        }
+    },
+    scrollTo: function (pos, animate) {
+        this.stripWrap.scrollTo('left', pos, animate ? this.getScrollAnim() : false);
+        if (!animate) {
+            this.updateScrollButtons();
+        }
+    },
+    onScrollRight: function () {
+        var sw, pos, s;
+        sw = this.getScrollWidth() - this.getScrollArea();
+        pos = this.getScrollPos();
+        s = Math.min(sw, pos + this.getScrollIncrement());
+        if (s !== pos) {
+            this.scrollTo(s, this.animScroll);
+        }        
+    },
+    onScrollLeft: function () {
+        var pos, s;
+        pos = this.getScrollPos();
+        s = Math.max(0, pos - this.getScrollIncrement());
+        if (s !== pos) {
+            this.scrollTo(s, this.animScroll);
+        }
+    },
+    updateScrollButtons: function () {
+        var pos = this.getScrollPos();
+        this.scrollLeft[pos === 0 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left-disabled');
+        this.scrollRight[pos >= (this.getScrollWidth() - this.getScrollArea()) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right-disabled');
+    }
+Ext.reg('activeAppsPanel', Ext.ux.ActiveAppsPanel);
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/ActiveApps.js
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/Appbar.js (from rev 36, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Appbar.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/Appbar.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/Appbar.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * A specialized Toolbar implementation for the Start Menu
+ * @class Ext.ux.Appbar
+ * @extends Ext.Toolbar
+ */
+Ext.ux.Appbar = Ext.extend(Ext.Toolbar, {
+    //prevent a border from being applied
+    border: false,
+    /* @private */
+    constructor: function (config) {
+        this.app = Ext.app.controller;         
+        Ext.apply(this, config);
+        if (config.launchers) {
+            config.buttons = this.initButtons(config.launchers);
+        }
+        if (!this.items) this.autoEl = {};
+        Ext.ux.Appbar.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    /**
+     * //Initialize any buttons 
+     * @param {String} l launch menu type
+     */
+    initButtons: function (l) {
+        var qItems = this.app.getLaunchers(l);        
+        if(qItems){
+            var btns = [];
+            var b = {};  
+            Ext.each(qItems, function(item, index, allItems){
+                b.iconCls = item.iconCls;
+                b.handler = item.handler;
+                // do not display text
+                btns.push(b);
+            })
+        }
+        return btns;
+    }
+Ext.reg('appbar', Ext.ux.Appbar);
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/Appbar.js
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/TaskBar.js (from rev 38, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/TaskBar.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/TaskBar.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/TaskBar.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * @class Ext.ux.TaskBar
+ * @extends Ext.Panel
+ */
+Ext.ux.TaskBar = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
+    collapsible: true,
+    // start button width
+    sbWidth: 93,
+    //var width = Ext.get('ux-startbutton').getWidth()+10;
+    // system tray width
+    stWidth: 60,
+    // quick start width
+    qsWidth: 94,
+    qsWidthMin: 60,
+    style: 'z-index:23000',
+    constructor: function (config) {
+        Ext.apply(this, config);
+        this.app = Ext.app.controller;
+        // Quick Start Applications (TaskBarQuickStart)        
+        var tbQuickStart = new Ext.ux.Appbar({
+            launchers: 'quick',
+            id: 'ux-quickstart-panel',
+            minWidth: this.qsWidthMin,
+            region: 'west',
+            split: true,
+            width: this.qsWidth
+        });
+        // System Tray Panel        
+        var tbTray = new Ext.ux.Appbar({
+            launchers: 'tray',
+            id: 'ux-systemtray-panel',
+            minWidth: this.stWidth,
+            region: 'east',
+            split: true,
+            width: this.stWidth
+        });
+        // Task Bar Active Application Buttons        
+        var tbPanel = {
+            xtype: 'activeAppsPanel', // new Ext.ux.TaskButtonsPanel
+            autoEl: {},//create empty div
+            id: 'ux-taskbuttons-panel',
+            border: false,
+            region: 'center'
+        };
+        // Task Bar Applications        
+        var tbApps = {
+            xtype: 'container',
+            autoEl: {},//create empty div
+            id: 'ux-taskbar-panel-wrap',
+            border: false,
+            region: 'center',
+            layout: 'border',
+            items: [tbQuickStart, tbPanel]
+        };
+        // ------------------
+        // Start Button Panel
+        var startItems = this.app.getLaunchers('start');
+        // Start Menu
+        this.startMenu = new Ext.ux.StartMenu({
+            startConfig: this.view.startConfig,
+            logoutConfig: this.view.logoutConfig,
+            startItems: startItems
+        });
+        this.startBtn = new Ext.Button({
+            text: 'Start',
+            id: 'ux-startbutton',
+            iconCls: 'start',
+            menu: this.startMenu,
+            menuAlign: 'bl-tl',
+            clickEvent: 'mousedown',
+            template: new Ext.Template('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="x-btn-wrap"><tbody><tr>', '<td class="x-btn-left"><i>&#160;</i></td>', '<td class="x-btn-center">', '<em unselectable="on"><button class="x-btn-text" type="{1}" style="height:30px;">{0}</button></em></td>', '<td class="x-btn-right"><i>&#160;</i></td>', "</tr></tbody></table>")
+        });
+        var tbStart = {
+            xtype: 'container',
+            autoEl: {},//create empty div
+            id: 'ux-taskbar-start',
+            items: [this.startBtn],
+            border: false,
+            minWidth: this.sbWidth,
+            region: 'west',
+            split: false,
+            width: this.sbWidth
+        };
+        // ------------------
+        // Assemble the parts into the taskbar container
+        // Combined Taskbar
+        var taskbar = {
+            //xtype: 'panel',
+            id: this.id || 'ux-taskbar',
+            height: 90,
+            collapsible: true,
+            collapseMode: 'mini',
+            layout: 'border'
+        };
+        this.view.taskbar = this;
+        Ext.apply(this, taskbar);
+        this.items = [tbStart, tbApps, tbTray];
+        Ext.ux.TaskBar.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
+    },
+    initComponent: function () {
+        Ext.ux.TaskBar.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
+        this.on({
+            beforecollapse: {
+                fn: function () {
+                    //need to maintain a high z-index so the
+                    //taskbar remains visually on top (Ext resets
+                    //the z-index when it expands/collapses)
+                    this.el.applyStyles('z-index:23001');
+                },
+                scope: this
+            },
+            expand: {
+                fn: function () {
+                    this.el.applyStyles('z-index:23002');
+                },
+                scope: this
+            },
+            render: {
+                fn: function () {
+                    this.el.addClass("transparent");
+                },
+                scope: this
+            }
+        });
+        this.app.on({
+            activate: this.markActive
+        });
+    },
+    markActive: function () {
+        //console.info('markActive called');
+    },
+    addTaskButton: function (win) {
+        var btn = new Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton(win);
+        this.activeAppsPanel = Ext.getCmp('ux-taskbuttons-panel');
+        this.activeAppsPanel.addButton(btn);
+        this.activeAppsPanel.doLayout();
+        return btn;
+    },
+    removeTaskButton: function (btn) {
+        this.activeAppsPanel.removeButton(btn);
+    },
+    setActiveButton: function (btn) {
+        this.activeAppsPanel.setActiveButton(btn);
+    }
+Ext.reg('taskbar', Ext.ux.TaskBar);
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/toolbar/TaskBar.js
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/view/Desktop.js (from rev 38, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/Desktop.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/view/Desktop.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/view/Desktop.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * <p>This GUI mimics a Windows OS desktop appliction.</p>
+ * @class Ext.ux.gui.Desktop
+ * @extends Ext.ux.View
+ */
+Ext.ux.gui.Desktop = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.View, {
+    activeWindow: null,
+    xTickSize: 1,
+    yTickSize: 1,
+    initComponent: function () {
+        // window manager
+        this.windows = new Ext.WindowGroup();
+        this.desktopBody = new Ext.Panel({
+            region: 'center',
+            id: 'x-desktop',
+            //xtype: 'panel',
+            //TODO: this is going to an inner div, while the 'wallpaper'
+            //is being applied to the parent div. They should go to the same
+            //div so there isn't two active images.  The other wallpaper
+            //is set in View.js/setWallpaper().
+            bodyStyle: "background-image:url(wallpapers/eos.jpg) !important",
+            autoEl: {}
+        });
+        this.taskbar = new Ext.ux.TaskBar({
+            //xtype: 'taskbar',
+            //TODO: make region configurable north/south
+            //if make this north, need to change the origin of menus
+            //so they don't go off the page
+            region: 'south',
+            collapsible: true,
+            collapseMode: 'mini',
+            split: true,
+            listeners: {
+                // Set any styles if defined (background color, wallpaper, fontcolor, etc.)
+                // initStyles() uses desktop elements so they must be rendered already        
+                afterRender: this.initStyles,
+                scope: this
+            },
+            view: this
+        });
+        Ext.apply(this, {
+            id: 'app-viewport',
+            layout: 'border',
+//          bodyBorder: false
+            defaults: {
+                border: false,
+                cmargins: '0 0 0 0', // only used by border layout
+                margins: '0 0 0 0'
+            },
+            items: [this.desktopBody, this.taskbar]
+        });
+        Ext.ux.gui.Desktop.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+    },
+    getManager: function () {
+        return this.windows;
+    },
+    getWindow: function (id) {
+        return this.windows.get(id);
+    },
+    setTickSize: function (xTickSize, yTickSize) {
+        this.xTickSize = xTickSize;
+        if (arguments.length === 1) {
+            this.yTickSize = xTickSize;
+        } else {
+            this.yTickSize = yTickSize;
+        }
+        this.windows.each(function (win) {
+            win.dd.xTickSize = this.xTickSize;
+            win.dd.yTickSize = this.yTickSize;
+            win.resizer.widthIncrement = this.xTickSize;
+            win.resizer.heightIncrement = this.yTickSize;
+        }, this);
+    },
+    cascade: function (btn, e) {
+        var x, y, xTick, yTick;
+        xTick = Math.max(this.xTickSize, 20);
+        yTick = Math.max(this.yTickSize, 20);
+        x = xTick;
+        y = yTick;
+        this.windows.each(function (win) {
+            if (win.isVisible() && !win.maximized) {
+                win.setPosition(x, y);
+                x += xTick;
+                y += yTick;
+            }
+        }, this);
+    },
+    tile: function (btn, e) {
+        var availWidth, nextY, w, x, y;
+        availWidth = this.getEl().getWidth(true);
+        x = this.xTickSize;
+        y = this.yTickSize;
+        nextY = y;
+        this.windows.each(function (win) {
+            if (win.isVisible() && !win.maximized) {
+                w = win.el.getWidth();
+                // Wrap to next row if we are not at the line start and this Window will go off the end
+                if ((x > this.xTickSize) && (x + w > availWidth)) {
+                    x = this.xTickSize;
+                    y = nextY;
+                }
+                win.setPosition(x, y);
+                x += w + this.xTickSize;
+                nextY = Math.max(nextY, y + win.el.getHeight() + this.yTickSize);
+            }
+        }, this);
+    },
+// below here not implemented
+    // Private
+    addContextMenuItem: function (item) {
+        var m = app.getModule(id);
+        if (m && !m.contextMenuItem) {
+            / * if (m.moduleType === 'menu') { // handle menu modules
+                var items = m.items;
+                for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
+                    m.launcher.menu.items.push(app.getModule(items[i]).launcher);
+                }
+            } * /
+            this.cmenu.add(m.launcher);
+        }
+        if (Ext.isArray(item)) {
+            for (var i = 0, len = item.length; i < len; i++) {
+                this.addContextMenuItem(item[i]);
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        this.cmenu.add(item);
+    },
+    onContextmenu: function (e) {
+//      if (e.target.id === desktopEl.id) {
+        e.stopEvent();
+        if (!this.cmenu.el) {
+            this.cmenu.render();
+        }
+        var xy = e.getXY();
+        xy[1] -= this.cmenu.el.getHeight();
+        this.cmenu.showAt(xy);
+//      }
+//      this.fireEvent('contextmenu', this, e.target.id, e);
+    },
+    //TODO: the names here should be generalized to adding 'shortcuts' to any menu
+    //in case the GUI is not a "desktop"
+    addShortcut: function (id, updateConfig) {
+//        var m = this.app.getModule(id);
+        var c, m = Ext.getCmp(id);
+        if (m && !m.shortcut) {
+            c = m.launcher;
+            m.shortcut = this.shortcuts.addShortcut({
+                handler: c.handler,
+                iconCls: c.shortcutIconCls,
+                scope: c.scope,
+                text: c.text,
+                tooltip: c.tooltip || ''
+            });
+            if (updateConfig) {
+                this.app.launchers.shortcut.push(id);
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    removeShortcut: function (id, updateConfig) {
+        var i, sc, m = this.app.getModule(id);
+        if (m && m.shortcut) {
+            this.shortcuts.removeShortcut(m.shortcut);
+            m.shortcut = null;
+            if (updateConfig) {
+                sc = this.app.launchers.shortcut;
+                i = 0;
+                while (i < sc.length) {
+                    if (sc[i] === id) {
+                        sc.splice(i, 1);
+                    } else {
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }    
+Ext.ux.View.GUIS['desktop'] = Ext.ux.gui.Desktop;
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/view/Desktop.js
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Added: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/view/View.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/view/View.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/js/view/View.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ * <p>The Ext.ux.View Class provides the basic foundation for all other view classes.
+ * This class provides the base logic required for a View to function as a GUI.
+ * This class is intended to be extended and should generally not need to be
+ * created directly via the new keyword.</p> 
+ * @class Ext.ux.View
+ * @extends Ext.Viewport
+ */
+Ext.ux.View = Ext.extend(Ext.Viewport, {
+    monitorResize: true,
+    /**
+     * @cfg {Object} styles Configuration object for custom styling.  Sample:
+     * <pre><code>
+	        styles: {
+	            "backgroundcolor": "575757",
+	            "fontcolor": "FFFFFF",
+	            "transparency": "100",
+	            "theme": {
+	                "id": "3",
+	                "name": "Vista Glass",
+	                "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/themes\/xtheme-vistaglass\/css\/xtheme-vistaglass.css"},
+	                "wallpaper": {
+	                    "id": "11",
+	                    "name": "Blue Psychedelic",
+	                    // href of the new stylesheet to include
+	                    "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/wallpapers\/blue-psychedelic.jpg"
+	                },
+	            "wallpaperposition":"tile"
+	        } // end of styles
+     * </code></pre>
+     */
+    /* @private */
+    constructor: function (config) {
+        Ext.apply(this, config);
+        Ext.ux.View.superclass.constructor.call(this);
+    },
+    /* @private */
+    initComponent : function () {
+        Ext.ux.View.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
+        this.on({
+            beforechange: this.onBeforeChange,
+            afterchange:  this.onAfterChange,
+            scope: this
+        });
+    },
+    /**
+     * Listener function for beforechange event. Return false to prevent
+     * the change. 
+     * @param {Object} o scope
+     * @param {String} f The feature being changed 
+     * @param {Object} cfg Config object for the feature being changed
+     */
+    onBeforeChange: function (o, f, cfg) {
+        var notifyWin = this.showNotification({
+            html: 'Loading wallpaper...'
+            , title: 'Please wait'
+        });
+        return true;                
+    },
+    /**
+     * Listener function for afterchange event.  Possibly use this to
+     * display notification messages, etc. 
+     * @param {Object} o scope
+     * @param {String} f The feature being changed 
+     * @param {Object} cfg Config object for the feature being changed
+     */
+    onAfterChange: function (o, f, cfg) {
+        notifyWin.setIconClass('x-icon-done');
+        notifyWin.setTitle('Finished');
+        notifyWin.setMessage('Wallpaper loaded.');
+        this.hideNotification(notifyWin);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Initialize any custom styling (background color, wallpaper, fontcolor, etc.)
+     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample styles config object.
+     * @private
+     */
+    initStyles: function () {
+        if (!this.styles) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        this.setBackgroundColor();
+        this.setFontColor();
+        this.setTheme();
+        this.setTransparency();
+        this.setWallpaper();
+        this.setWallpaperPosition();
+        return true;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Set the background-color style for document.body
+     * @param {Object} v The hexadecimal color value.
+     */
+    setBackgroundColor: function (v) {
+        v = v || this.styles.backgroundcolor;
+        if (v) {
+            Ext.get(document.body).setStyle('background-color', '#' + v);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Set the font color for shortcut buttons text.
+     * @param {Object} v The hexadecimal color value.
+     */
+    setFontColor: function (v) {
+        v = v || this.styles.fontcolor;
+        if (v) {
+            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.ux-shortcut-btn-text', 'color', '#' + v);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Set the theme.
+     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample theme config object.
+     * This method swaps in a new stylesheet reference to replace an existing
+     * stylesheet with link of this form (note the id).
+     * <pre><code>
+     * <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="theme" href="whatever.css"/>
+     * </code></pre>
+     * @param {Object} o Theme config object.
+     */
+    setTheme: function (o) {
+        o = o || this.styles.theme;
+        if (o && o.id && o.name && o.pathtofile) {
+            Ext.util.CSS.swapStyleSheet('theme', o.pathtofile);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Set the transparency.
+     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample theme config object.
+     * This method updates the .transparent class for the value passed.
+     * @param {Integer} v Integer value (0-100) to set the transparency.
+     */
+    setTransparency: function (v) {
+        v = v || this.styles.transparency;
+        if (v >= 0 && v <= 100) {
+            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.transparent', 'opacity', v / 100);
+            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.transparent', '-moz-opacity', v / 100);
+            Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.transparent', 'filter', 'alpha(opacity=' + v + ')');
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Set the background wallpaper.
+     * See {@link #styles} config object for sample wallpaper config object.
+     * This method updates the desktopBody element background-image.
+     * @param {Integer} o Wallpaper config object.
+     */
+    setWallpaper: function (o) {
+        var s = this.styles;
+        o = o || s.wallpaper;
+        if (o && o.id && o.name && o.pathtofile) {
+            if (this.fireEvent("beforechange", this, 'background', o) !== false) {
+                s.image = new Image();
+                s.task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.verify, this);
+                s.task.delay(200);
+            }
+        } else {
+            //console.warn('background configured wrong');
+        }
+    },
+    verify: function () {
+        var s = this.styles;
+        if (s.image.complete) {
+            s.task.cancel();
+            this.fireEvent("afterchange", this, 'background', s.wallpaper);
+//            document.body.background = s.wallpaper.pathtofile;
+            this.desktopBody.el.setStyle('background-image', 'url(' + s.wallpaper.pathtofile + ')');
+        } else {
+            //TODO: will this run forever if not found?
+            //need timeout or counter if so
+            s.task.delay(200);
+        }
+    },
+    setWallpaperPosition: function (pos) {
+        pos = pos || this.styles.wallpaperposition;
+        if (pos) {
+            //var b = Ext.get(document.body);
+            var b = this.desktopBody.el,
+            t = 'wallpaper-tile',
+            c = 'wallpaper-center';
+            if (pos === "tile") {
+                b.removeClass(c);
+                b.addClass(t);
+            } else {
+                b.removeClass(t);
+                b.addClass(c);
+            }			
+        }
+    }
+Ext.ux.View.GUIS = {};
+Ext.reg('view', Ext.ux.View);
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/layoutwindow.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/layoutwindow.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/layoutwindow.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * <p>This class creates a specialized Window for :</p>
- * 
- * @class Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow
- * @extends Ext.ux.Module
- * @author Michael LeComte (<a href="http://extjs.com/forum/member.php?u=6834";>mjlecomte</a>)
- * @license <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html";>LGPL 3.0</a>
- * @version 0.01
- */
-Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Module, {
-    /**
-     * @cfg {Boolean} loaded
-     * Whether or not the module will be loaded when this code is applied
-     */
-    loaded: true,
-    /** @private */
-    constructor : function (config) {
-        Ext.apply(this, config);
-        // Panel for the west
-        var nav = new Ext.Panel({
-            title       : 'Navigation',
-            region      : 'west',
-            split       : true,
-            width       : 200,
-            collapsible : true,
-            margins     : '3 0 3 3',
-            cmargins    : '3 3 3 3'
-        }); 
-        var center = new Ext.Panel({
-            height: 400,
-            title       : 'Center',
-            region      : 'center',
-            split       : true,
-            width       : 200,
-            margins     : '3 0 3 3',
-            cmargins    : '3 3 3 3'
-        }); 
-        Ext.apply(this, {
-            title    : 'Layout Window',
-//            autoHeight: true,
-            height: 300,
-            autoEl: {},
-            plain    : true,
-            width: 600
-            ,
-            items: {
-                height: 200,
-                xtype: 'container',
-                autoEl: {},
-                layout   : 'border',
-                items    : [nav, center2]
-            }
-        });
-        Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow.superclass.constructor.call(this);
-    },
-    /** @private */
-    initComponent : function () {
-        //call parent
-        Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
-    }
-//register the xtype
-Ext.reg('grid-win', Ext.app.module.LayoutWindow);
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/modules-preload.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/modules-preload.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/modules-preload.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* Sample Application Configuration */
-	/* success */
-	// you must specify success: true
-	// the authentication class may reject the request and send back a message or something
-	// (not implemented yet)
-    success: true,
-	/* platform */
-	// root node for remote configuration of the application consisting of these properties:
-    //    +modules
-    //    +---launchers
-    //    +privileges
-    //    +viewConfig
-    //    +---startConfig
-    //    +---styles
-    //    +---logoutConfig
-    // TODO: rank when each of the above must be loaded in order, so that we can determine
-    //       how the loading might be streamed in to give perception of faster loaded application
-    platform: {
-		/* viewConfig */
-		// config for the View
-        viewConfig: {
-            gui: 'desktop',
-			/* startConfig */
-			// config for the start menu
-	        startConfig: {
-	            iconCls: 'user',
-	            title: 'Michael J', // get_cookie('memberName'),
-	            toolItems: [{
-	                text: 'Settings',
-	                iconCls: 'settings',
-	                scope: this
-	            },'-',{
-	                text: 'Word wrap needed for long items',
-	                iconCls: 'logout',
-	                scope: this
-	            }],
-	            toolPanelWidth: 115
-	        },
-			/* logoutConfig */
-	        //logoutConfig: { }, //included in controller.js already
-			/* styles */
-	        styles: {
-	            "backgroundcolor": "575757",
-	            "fontcolor": "FFFFFF",
-	            "transparency": "100",
-	            "theme": {
-	                "id": "3",
-	                "name": "Vista Glass",
-	                "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/themes\/xtheme-vistaglass\/css\/xtheme-vistaglass.css"},
-	                "wallpaper": {
-	                    "id": "11",
-	                    "name": "Blue Psychedelic",
-	                    "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/wallpapers\/blue-psychedelic.jpg"
-	                },
-	            "wallpaperposition":"tile"
-	        } // end of styles
-        }, // end of viewConfig
-		/* modules */
-        modules: [{
-		    //A typical module config object will have this minimum form if not preloaded:
-		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
-		    id: 'grid-win',
-		    xtype : 'grid-win',
-		    // To signify that no additional configuration should be retrieved from the server
-		    // just set the 'loaded' config property to true so that the component will not be
-		    // retrieved from the server again.  This property is optional, but the app will
-		    // attempt to load this module until this property is set to true.
-		    loaded : false,
-			// the number of instances of this module that may be run at one time
-			// all launchers except the active apps taskbar will check this before
-			// creating a new instance versus just showing the one instance.
-		    limit : 2,
-		    iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	    	// defaults will be applied to all launchers
-	        launchDefaults: {
-	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	            text: 'Accordion Window',
-	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	        },
-	        // launchers: an array of launcher config objects or just the name of the menu type
-	        // if the defaults are to be applied.  Possible launcher types for a desktop type
-	        // environment include:
-	        //    autorun    : equivalent to the 'Startup' folder for Windows OS
-	        //    context    : right click on the desktop body
-	        //    quick      : Quick Start Buttons just to the right of the main Start Button on the taskbar
-	        //    shortcut   : Desktop shortcuts or navigation menu for other GUI's
-	        //    start      : seen after clicking on the Start button
-	        //    tray       : Buttons for the system tray (far right of taskbar)
-		    launchers : [
-	            // just specify a string for the name, and any defaults will be applied:
-	            'autorun', 'context', 'quick', 'tray',
-	            // or specify a full config for finer control:
-	            {
-	                type: 'shortcut',
-	                // notice that these properties are the same as used in 'defaults' config
-	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	                text: 'Accordion Window',
-	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	            },
-		        // To add this module to the Start Menu, specify one of the following:
-		        // 1. the string name 'start' as a config item (see above) or
-		        // 2. a config object as shown below to customize the placement of the 
-		        //    module in the start menu further.
-				// Specify the path the module should be listed at in the start menu
-				// You can list a module in submenus by adding forward slashes to the path.
-				// for example:
-				//    path: 'start/Bogus Menu'
-	            {
-	                type: 'start',
-		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
-	            }
-	            // the handler to launch this module
-	            // typically you should not need to specify this as the default is this.show
-	            //handler : this.show,
-	            // typically you should not need to specify the scope for the handler (defaults to this module)
-	            //scope: this
-		    ],  // end launchers
-		    // additional optional properties
-		    // optionally specify a different load configuration:
-		    loader: {
-//		        url: 'loader.php', // so use loader.url || this.loader;
-		        url: 'layoutwindow.js', // so use loader.url || this.loader;
-		        params: {
-		            foo: 'bar'
-		        }
-		    },
-		    //As with any class or xtype, specify as much additional configuration as you want may be preconfigured
-		    foo : 'bar'
-        },{
-		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
-		    id: 'grid-win2',
-		    xtype : 'grid-win',
-		    loaded : false,
-		    limit : 2,
-		    iconCls: 'grid-icon',
-	        launchDefaults: {
-	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	            text: 'Accordion Window',
-	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	        },
-		    launchers : [
-	            'context', 'quick', 'tray',
-	            {
-	                type: 'shortcut',
-	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	                text: 'Accordion Window',
-	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	            },
-	            {
-	                type: 'start',
-		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
-	            }
-		    ],  // end launchers
-		    loader: {
-		        url: 'layoutwindow.js'
-		    }
-        },{
-		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
-		    id: 'grid-win3',
-		    xtype : 'grid-win',
-		    loaded : false,
-		    limit : 2,
-		    iconCls: 'grid-icon',
-	        launchDefaults: {
-	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	            text: 'Accordion Window',
-	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	        },
-		    launchers : [
-	            'quick', 'tray',
-	            {
-	                type: 'shortcut',
-	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	                text: 'Accordion Window',
-	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	            },
-	            {
-	                type: 'start',
-		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
-	            }
-		    ],  // end launchers
-		    loader: {
-		        url: 'layoutwindow.js'
-		    }
-        },{
-		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
-		    id: 'grid-win4',
-		    xtype : 'grid-win',
-		    loaded : false,
-		    limit : 2,
-		    iconCls: 'grid-icon',
-	        launchDefaults: {
-	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	            text: 'Accordion Window',
-	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	        },
-		    launchers : [
-	            'quick', 'tray',
-	            {
-	                type: 'shortcut',
-	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
-	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
-	                text: 'Accordion Window',
-	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
-	            },
-	            {
-	                type: 'start',
-		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
-	            }
-		    ],  // end launchers
-		    loader: {
-		        url: 'layoutwindow.js'
-		    }
-        }], // end of modules
-		/* privileges */
-		// TODO: may need to rework this, I haven't looked at what it is used for yet.
-        privileges: [{
-            className: 'QoDesk.QoPreferences',
-            moduleId: 'qo-preferences',
-            moduleType: 'system/preferences',
-            menuPath: 'ToolMenu',
-            launcher: {
-                iconCls: 'pref-icon',
-                shortcutIconCls: 'pref-shortcut-icon',
-                text: 'Preferences',
-                tooltip: '<b>Preferences</b><br />Allows you to modify your desktop'
-            },
-            loaded: false
-        }] // end of privileges       
-    } // end of platform
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/override.js
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/override.js	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/override.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Ext.override(Ext.Component, {
-    /**
-     * Destroys this component by purging any event listeners, removing the component's element from the DOM,
-     * removing the component from its {@link Ext.Container} (if applicable) and unregistering it from
-     * {@link Ext.ComponentMgr}.  Destruction is generally handled automatically by the framework and this method
-     * should usually not need to be called directly.
-     */
-    destroy : function(){
-        if(this.fireEvent("beforedestroy", this) !== false){
-            this.beforeDestroy();
-            if(this.rendered){
-                this.el.removeAllListeners();
-                this.el.remove();
-                if(this.actionMode == "container" || this.removeMode == "container"){
-                    this.container.remove();
-                }
-            }
-            this.onDestroy();
-            //destroy any context menu:
-            if (this.cmenu) {
-                Ext.destroy(this.cmenu);
-            }
-            Ext.ComponentMgr.unregister(this);
-            this.fireEvent("destroy", this);
-            this.purgeListeners();
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Returns the id of this component.
-     * @return {String}
-     */
-    getId : function(){
-//        return this.id || (this.id = "ext-comp-" + (++Ext.Component.AUTO_ID));
-        return this.id || (this.id = this.ctype + "-" + (++Ext.Component.AUTO_ID));
-    }

Copied: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/preload.js (from rev 38, mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/modules-preload.js)
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/preload.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/preload.js	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+/* Sample Application Configuration */
+	/* success */
+	// you must specify success: true
+	// the authentication class may reject the request and send back a message or something
+	// (not implemented yet)
+    success: true,
+	/* platform */
+	// root node for remote configuration of the application consisting of these properties:
+    //    +modules
+    //    +---launchers
+    //    +privileges
+    //    +viewConfig
+    //    +---startConfig
+    //    +---styles
+    //    +---logoutConfig
+    // TODO: rank when each of the above must be loaded in order, so that we can determine
+    //       how the loading might be streamed in to give perception of faster loaded application
+    platform: {
+		/* viewConfig */
+		// config for the View
+        viewConfig: {
+            gui: 'desktop',
+			/* startConfig */
+			// config for the start menu
+	        startConfig: {
+	            iconCls: 'user',
+	            title: 'Michael J', // get_cookie('memberName'),
+	            toolItems: [{
+	                text: 'Settings',
+	                iconCls: 'settings',
+	                scope: this
+	            },'-',{
+	                text: 'Word wrap needed for long items',
+	                iconCls: 'logout',
+	                scope: this
+	            }],
+	            toolPanelWidth: 115
+	        },
+			/* logoutConfig */
+	        //logoutConfig: { }, //included in controller.js already
+			/* styles */
+	        styles: {
+	            "backgroundcolor": "575757",
+	            "fontcolor": "FFFFFF",
+	            "transparency": "100",
+	            "theme": {
+	                "id": "3",
+	                "name": "Vista Glass",
+	                "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/themes\/xtheme-vistaglass\/css\/xtheme-vistaglass.css"},
+	                "wallpaper": {
+	                    "id": "11",
+	                    "name": "Blue Psychedelic",
+	                    "pathtofile": "..\/desktop\/resources\/wallpapers\/blue-psychedelic.jpg"
+	                },
+	            "wallpaperposition":"tile"
+	        } // end of styles
+        }, // end of viewConfig
+		/* modules */
+        modules: [{
+		    //A typical module config object will have this minimum form if not preloaded:
+		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
+		    id: 'grid-win',
+		    xtype : 'grid-win',
+		    // To signify that no additional configuration should be retrieved from the server
+		    // just set the 'loaded' config property to true so that the component will not be
+		    // retrieved from the server again.  This property is optional, but the app will
+		    // attempt to load this module until this property is set to true.
+		    loaded : false,
+			// the number of instances of this module that may be run at one time
+			// all launchers except the active apps taskbar will check this before
+			// creating a new instance versus just showing the one instance.
+		    limit : 2,
+		    iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	    	// defaults will be applied to all launchers
+	        launchDefaults: {
+	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	            text: 'Accordion Window',
+	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	        },
+	        // launchers: an array of launcher config objects or just the name of the menu type
+	        // if the defaults are to be applied.  Possible launcher types for a desktop type
+	        // environment include:
+	        //    autorun    : equivalent to the 'Startup' folder for Windows OS
+	        //    context    : right click on the desktop body
+	        //    quick      : Quick Start Buttons just to the right of the main Start Button on the taskbar
+	        //    shortcut   : Desktop shortcuts or navigation menu for other GUI's
+	        //    start      : seen after clicking on the Start button
+	        //    tray       : Buttons for the system tray (far right of taskbar)
+		    launchers : [
+	            // just specify a string for the name, and any defaults will be applied:
+	            'autorun', 'context', 'quick', 'tray',
+	            // or specify a full config for finer control:
+	            {
+	                type: 'shortcut',
+	                // notice that these properties are the same as used in 'defaults' config
+	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	                text: 'Accordion Window',
+	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	            },
+		        // To add this module to the Start Menu, specify one of the following:
+		        // 1. the string name 'start' as a config item (see above) or
+		        // 2. a config object as shown below to customize the placement of the 
+		        //    module in the start menu further.
+				// Specify the path the module should be listed at in the start menu
+				// You can list a module in submenus by adding forward slashes to the path.
+				// for example:
+				//    path: 'start/Bogus Menu'
+	            {
+	                type: 'start',
+		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
+	            }
+	            // the handler to launch this module
+	            // typically you should not need to specify this as the default is this.show
+	            //handler : this.show,
+	            // typically you should not need to specify the scope for the handler (defaults to this module)
+	            //scope: this
+		    ],  // end launchers
+		    // additional optional properties
+		    // optionally specify a different load configuration:
+		    loader: {
+                // Option 1: just map to a file
+		        url: 'js/modules/layoutwindow/layoutwindow.js',
+                // Option 2: map to backend controller and pass any params backend needs
+                //           so the backend knows what to deliver back to client
+//		        url: 'loader.php',
+		        params: {
+		            foo: 'bar'
+		        }
+		    },
+		    //As with any class or xtype, specify as much additional configuration as you want may be preconfigured
+		    foo : 'bar'
+        },{
+		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
+		    id: 'grid-win2',
+		    xtype : 'grid-win',
+		    loaded : false,
+		    limit : 2,
+		    iconCls: 'grid-icon',
+	        launchDefaults: {
+	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	            text: 'Accordion Window',
+	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	        },
+		    launchers : [
+	            'context', 'quick', 'tray',
+	            {
+	                type: 'shortcut',
+	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	                text: 'Accordion Window',
+	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	            },
+	            {
+	                type: 'start',
+		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
+	            }
+		    ],  // end launchers
+		    loader: {
+		        url: 'layoutwindow.js'
+		    }
+        },{
+		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
+		    id: 'grid-win3',
+		    xtype : 'grid-win',
+		    loaded : false,
+		    limit : 2,
+		    iconCls: 'grid-icon',
+	        launchDefaults: {
+	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	            text: 'Accordion Window',
+	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	        },
+		    launchers : [
+	            'quick', 'tray',
+	            {
+	                type: 'shortcut',
+	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	                text: 'Accordion Window',
+	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	            },
+	            {
+	                type: 'start',
+		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
+	            }
+		    ],  // end launchers
+		    loader: {
+		        url: 'layoutwindow.js'
+		    }
+        },{
+		    // id (required), must be unique for entire app
+		    id: 'grid-win4',
+		    xtype : 'grid-win',
+		    loaded : false,
+		    limit : 2,
+		    iconCls: 'grid-icon',
+	        launchDefaults: {
+	            iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	            shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	            text: 'Accordion Window',
+	            tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	        },
+		    launchers : [
+	            'quick', 'tray',
+	            {
+	                type: 'shortcut',
+	                iconCls: 'acc-icon',
+	                shortcutIconCls: 'demo-acc-shortcut',
+	                text: 'Accordion Window',
+	                tooltip: '<b>Accordion Window</b><br />A window with an accordion layout'
+	            },
+	            {
+	                type: 'start',
+		        	path: 'start'//'start', 'tool', 'start/Bogus Menu'
+	            }
+		    ],  // end launchers
+		    loader: {
+		        url: 'layoutwindow.js'
+		    }
+        }], // end of modules
+		/* privileges */
+		// TODO: may need to rework this, I haven't looked at what it is used for yet.
+        privileges: [{
+            className: 'QoDesk.QoPreferences',
+            moduleId: 'qo-preferences',
+            moduleType: 'system/preferences',
+            menuPath: 'ToolMenu',
+            launcher: {
+                iconCls: 'pref-icon',
+                shortcutIconCls: 'pref-shortcut-icon',
+                text: 'Preferences',
+                tooltip: '<b>Preferences</b><br />Allows you to modify your desktop'
+            },
+            loaded: false
+        }] // end of privileges       
+    } // end of platform
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/sample.css
--- mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/sample.css	2008-12-03 16:31:19 UTC (rev 38)
+++ mickael/trunk/ext/v3.0.0-a1/learn/desktop/sample.css	2008-12-03 18:22:06 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Ext JS Library 2.2
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.
- * licensing@xxxxxxxxx
- * 
- * http://extjs.com/license
- */
-html, body {
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\ No newline at end of file

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